Percabeth Wedding

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"Gods! I'm so nervous," I said as I ran my hands through my thick black hair.

"Percy, you going to be okay," Grover comforted me. "You saved the world two times, how hard can getting through this day be?"

I laughed nervously, "That was different Grover."

"Oh, it is now, is it?"

"Yes, it is!" I cried. "Annabeth scares the Tartarus out of me. She's my whole world and today I'm going to make the choice to stay with her forever. What if she says no?"

"Percy, trust me when I say this, Annabeth loves you as much as you love her, she would never say no."

"You sure G-man?"

He nodded. "I'm sure."

I let out a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing get a black tux with a gray tie and my hair was all messed up from me running my hands through it as I panicked. I saw Grover's reflection next to mine and relaxed when I saw my best friend was completely relaxed and was laughing at me. I playfully shoved him, "Hey don't laugh at me."

Grover bent over laughing, "Well Annabeth's not here to do it, so someone else should, and that someone else being me!"

I shoved at him again and he fell to the floor, but not before grabbing on to me, bringing me down with him. We stayed like that laughing on the floor of my dressing room until Tyson came in.

"What is going on? Why are you on the floor?"

I jumped up and pulled him into a hug, "Tyson! I'm so glad you made it!"

Tyson looked confused, "Why would I miss my big brother's wedding?"

"I was just worried because you hadn't shown up yet."

"Sorry, Ella toke long time to get ready. Had to find the right book to bring."

I laughed, "What are we going to do with her?"

"Marry her," Tyson said matter of factly.

I toke a step back, looking at him in bewilderment. "What?!"

"Ella and I engaged three days ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I wanted to tell you in person."

"Tyson, that's amazing!" Grover exclaimed. Over the years, they had gotten over their fear of each other and they were now the best of friends.

"Thanks. Congrats to Juniper and you." Grover and Juniper had been married for a couple of years and now Juniper was three months pregnant with their first child. Thanks to our empathy link, I knew Grover was horrified at the idea of being a father, but way more excited to do it. He already had a ton of baby stuff picked out for when it came.

"Well isn't it the time for happy couples," a voice said behind me and I jumped.

"Nico!" I yelled.

Nico laughed and I got a good look at him. He had grown out if scrawny body a year ago and now he was buff, his dark hair was shaggy, but not out of control scrawny. His olive skin now fit his profile perfectly, instead of it making him looking deathly pale. He and Will Solace were finishing up their senior year of college together and were both going to go to med school next spring.

"How's it been Death Boy?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Same old, same old I guess. Finals are coming up so Will and I have been busy studying."

I wiped my brow mockingly, "Phew, I'm glad I don't have to deal with finals anymore." Nico laughed. "But seriously Nico, I'm glad you're happy, it's what Bianca would have wanted."

Nico looked down at his feet blushing, "Yeah."

Just then the conch horn blew and I looked out the window at Camp Half-Blood where everybody was assembled for mine and Annabeth's wedding. I toke a deep breath and looked at everybody in the room, "You ready?" They nodded, so I pushed open the door and stepped out into the fresh air. Off in the distance, I could see where everybody was assembled and started walking in that direction. When I reached the end of the isle I was supposed to walk up, o froze when I saw how many people were actually gathered. There were hundreds of people gathered, family, friends, and campers alike. When I had stopped, my entire wedding precision had run into me, and Nico grumbled as he pushed me forward. And of course, me being me, I tripped right as everybody looked towards us. As I rightened myself, I heard a familiar snicker and glared in Clarisse's direction and the snickering slightly faded but not completely. I looked down at my feet as I walked forward, but as I got closer to the stand I looked up and saw my mom. She was holding my baby sister in her arms with Paul Blofis by her side. Behind Paul Blofis, I saw my dad Poseidon standing behind him smiling like he had no care in the world. And I was glad he was there, I don't know what I would have done if he didn't show because his presence meant a lot to me here at my wedding. And behind him was a three-year-old boy, who was my other half brother. Without the great prophecy hanging over his head, my dad had been busy, and I was happy to have a new half brother, but I was sad that now I wasn't as special as I used to be. And I knew my mom felt the same way because every once in a while she would glance in his direction with sadness in her eyes. To my right, I heard arguing and saw Annabeth's mortal family was sitting in the pews and her two brothers were arguing over who knows what, while their mother tried to shush them. Behind them was Magnus, Annabeth's dead cousin (a long and complicated story), and he was smiling at me, but his eyes told a different story. They said to take care of my cousin or I will come and personally kill him. Beside him was his date Alex, although I couldn't tell if Alex was a he or she at the moment. Finally, I say Athena, and she gave a long, cold started before she nodded. All the tension left my shoulders and I didn't realize until then how much Athena's approval meant to me. Finally, I reached the stand, and I turned to watch the rest of the wedding procession walk in. First were my groom's men, and then came the bride's maids. First was Thalia wearing an all black dress with her silver circlet in her hair, and then Juniper wearing a tight green dress that showed her belly. Finally, came Rachel Elizabeth Dare, wearing a simple white dress with her hair braided into some intricate hairstyle. When she reached the stage, everybody went silent, stood up, and turned to face the entrance. The music started up, and when Annabeth stepped out, my heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful! Her white dress was embroidered with blue thread, her hair was curled into perfect waves, and the only thing the bothered me was the veil. All l wanted to do was see her face and kiss her right there and then. I wanted to walk down the aisle, rip the veil off her face, and kiss her before Chiron said kiss the bride, but Grover must have sensed what I was feeling and grabbed my elbow to keep me in place until she reached the podium. Her father gave me a stern look as he gave me Annabeth's hand. "You'll take care of her, right?"

"With everything I have sir," I responded and he let go of Annabeth's hand and left the stage but not before he lifted the veil and kissed her one last time as his baby girl.

Annabeth blushed, but when she looked up. I could barely control myself; she looked so beautiful and I could tell she was having just as hard if a time as I was at restraining herself. She smiled teasingly and then faces Chiron. I placed my hand in hers and then faced Chiron too.

The ceremony toke forever! I thought Chiron was just making things up to torture us and when he said you may kiss the bride, Annabeth pulled me over and placed a very passionate kiss on my lips and I returned the favor. As we kissed, whistle and claps were heard as everybody celebrated but right now I didn't care about anything but kissing Annabeth.

Finally, Annabeth pulled away beaming and looked towards to the celebrating crowd. "Well, I guess we better join them."

"I guess," I sighed. She laughed as she pulled me into the crowd.

The next two hours were a blur. There were so many people who came over to say congratulations, and the tiny food snacks never stopped coming when I needed them, and we barely toke time to stop from dancing.

I could barely believe it was time to cut the cake when he did. Annabeth and I shared a piece of chocolate cake with blue and gray swirled frosting. Halfway through the cake eating, a food fight started up and near the end of the night, everybody was covered with frosting. Finally, as it was getting later, people said their goodbyes, and when it was curfew and the campers went to their respective cabins, Annabeth pulled me away from everybody else to the pegasi stables.

"Why are we going this way?" I asked.

"You'll see," she laughed.

When we got to the stables, I found Blackjack all ready to go and he greeted me by saying, "Hey Boss, how'd the wedding go?"

"It went well Blackjack."

"That's cool."

"Yes, yes it is," I said as I stared at my beautiful wife. Annabeth saw me staring at her and blushed. "So what did you really bring me here for? I assume I wasn't just to tell Blackjack that I'm married now."

"Well," Annabeth started.

"Well, what?"

Annabeth sent daggers my way. "Just let me finish."

"Okay, okay," I said with my hands up in surrender.

Annabeth toke a deep breath, and then blurted out, "I'm pregnant!"

"What?!" I stared at her shocked.

"I. Am. Pregnant."

I let that sink in for a minute and then swept Annabeth into my arms. "That's wonderful! How far along are you?"

"I just found out this morning," she smiled.

"Wow." She nodded. "Does anybody else know?"

"Just Juniper. She was there when I toke the test."

"Oh gods, we have to tell everybody."

"Yeah, but not tonight."

"Oh yeah. I guess I let my excitement get ahead of me."

"It's okay. We'll tell them soon," she said as she scooched closer to me.

I smiled, "So what do you want to so in the meantime?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe have some us time."

I smiled, "I think that sounds good," and I scooped her up and placed her on Blackjack and got behind her. "How about we go see the world?"

She smiled, "I think that sounds marvelous."

I kissed her right then and there, as Blackjack started off. "Tonight we're starting the rest of our live together, and we're going to start that with seeing all the things we missed early on in out lives."

"That sounds like a great start," Annabeth said as she kissed me again and we flew into the night leaving our worries behind us. 

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