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As soon as their hands touched both felt a soothing relief like they felt as if they were connected .

They had a lighted conversation about random things ,but they were soon interrupted by the bell .

A- uhh ,I'm really sorry .I should be in class now.

S- no ,It's totally fine .But may I ask you something?(he hesitated)

A- ofcourse.

S- shall I accompany you ,I mean I want to listen...

A- oh God,this is it?You are most welcome .

She stood up and moved to the class passing the ground and he was already admiring her .Like no one would believe that she is blind unless they were told .The way she carried herself was too simple and elegant with more confidence made him feel proud of her.

Soon the class started and she sat in the right corner of the room ,placing the violin's pegbox between her neck and shoulder with the bow in the other hand she started her work instructing the students through each and every step .And the person here ,who was witnessing her was smiling like maniac , but suddenly something striked him ....something ....after too many days .....something after lots of difficulties...."I had loved this tune I know her?she ...she is ,...no this isn't possible "he shrugged off.

Asking the students to continue,she came towards shivaay which actually surprised him .She knew that he would be present there ,but how did she know that he would be standing right there ?he thought .

S- annika ,how did you know that I'm right here?

He could clearly notice her reaction changing,her smile immediately faded and anger covered her face .

S- I'm sorry ,did I ask something wrong (he was concerned)

A- yes, you were wrong .(anger filled voice )

S- I ...

A- Next time don't treat me like ....like someone out of nature .I'm same as you even .Just because I'm blind ,I ain't abnormal .I am capable of everything (she was getting emotional through her each words and he sensed it soon )

S- hey ,hey annika .I'm sorry ,sorry .I really am .I promise ,I won't do this mistake again. I'm sorry(he felt sad for hurting her )

A- It's ok.

The class got over and since it was the last class of annika on that day ,she was ready to go home and shivaay also accompanied her till the stop.Through the way annika stopped listening to her friends voice .

Mayuri - annika mam ,

A- hi mayu ,how are you ?How was your vacations by the way ?

M- yeah annika ,I enjoyed!!! who is this ?(pointing shivaay )

A- he is Rahul ,he ...(interrupted)

M- Ohho annika ,I guess he is that ....aapka vo secret crush haina?(teasing )

Shivaay was confused ,annika has a secret crush ?He didn't feel good listening to that .

A- hey mayu stop it (pinching her slightly)he isn't the one.

M- ss (biting her tongue )sorry ,I think I must go now .(she went )

S- uhh ,about whom was she talking about ?I mean your secret crush.

A- it's nothing ,

S- if you don't want to tell me it's ok .

A- no ,aisa nahi hai .(pause)Fine ,it is true that I had a crush on someone. (She said with a smile)

S- had ?what about now ?(he was eager)

A- I'm opening this to you because our marriage isn't confirmed yet so I consider you just as a friend now .I'm sharing this with you as a friend,ok.

She asked showing thumbsup ,which made him chuckle .

S- ok.

A- (taking deep breath)I lost my eyesight in an accident before 2 years .I had a great impact in music and dance that time .So after college ,I pestered my parents and joined in an arts academy. That's where I met...no ,no saw him.(she had a pretty smile on her face which did no good to him)He was a dance student in our academy ,I could still remember and feel his eyes.The eyes which could capture anyone ,which could attract anyone .Two blue orbs ready to grab everyone's attention (she said dreamily )

Shivaay who was burning all this time ,suddenly froze listening to her last sentence ."Blue eyes?"

S- what was his name ?(he demanded an answer soon )

A - I don't know,(she pouted )I have never spoken with him ,Usually I would see him practising in his room ,the room number is twe.l....yeah twelve .I'm not sure ,if he had atleast seen me or not.I don't know why ,but my day would never start without him like I would first run to the second floor in his  block ,and after seeing him only ,my day moves .But my fate ,I then left to London for my treatment. Till the end ,I was not even aware of his name .There was something in him......And there comes an end to my crush story .

Shivaay's hands were chill as soon she finished .

S- uh...which ?academy ?(his voice shivered )

A- stage for talents .

Listening to this,his eyes went wide .He stood still without movement .

A- (feeling his silence)what happened?

S- no...nothing.

Shivaay reached the academy,he was inside the room number 12 in the second floor.His reluctant legs slowly took him towards the cornered wall in that room.He gently rubbed a particular place in that wall ,which soon revealed something .

It had an impression of" shivaay loves Ms.A "surrounded with an heart symbol around it.

Yes ,Ms.A was Ms .Annika ,and Mr.Blue eyed man of annika was shivaay .They both were the students from stage for talents .Before two years ,

Shivaay was a great lover of music,Every time during his practise he would hear a tune from the other block ,....a tune which would elope his heart from him .As days passed ,he was like addicted to that music of that particular person but unfortunately he didn't have the chance to meet the person anytime.

But somehow ,he got an information that it was a girl who played the tune.He even found the class but he wasn't able to find the girl as that section had nearly 30 girls .

With all this impossibilities on one side ,our shivaay tried every possibility to find the girl.But poor him ,he could only find that her first letter would be "A"as that particular section had only the girls whose names started with letter A.Watching shivaay's madness for the girl whom he didn't even knew,his friends used to call him insane ,but he didn't care about it.His only aim was to find that girl.The impression on the wall was also made by his pals .

But things didn't turn out the way he wanted as annika left to London .

Now he realized the reason for her sudden disappearance,she had left there for her treatment.


Leaning on the wall ,he was immersed in his thoughts. What is happening?how did this day turn out this way ?Coincidence is possible but to this extent ?!!He got ready this morning to accompany his friend Rahul ,but he had the least hope that he would find his long time angel .The only girl who caught his attention ,the only girl who buried the curiosity in him.Not only that ,even his angel was interested in him isn't it too objective to mention it as a coincidence?Why ?what is happening ?If it was meant that they both should be united ,it could have happened in a totally beautiful circumstance. Why should everything wind up into a coiled confusion?

What is destiny still possessing to give them?

(Shivaay is a choreographer by profession. )

The chapter ends here ,so how was it?

Sorry if it was a crap.

I didn't realize when I twisted the plot because while starting to type this chapter,I didn't knew it would end like this .

So whoever is reading do comment ,voting is secondary. Because I want to know if this plot is good or not so that I can do what is needed further .Negative comments are accepted.

jayasri7 chapter dedicated for you 💞

Atleast give 50 votes .

Plss vote and comment if you like my story 😊

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