Chapter 2: Betrayal Part 2

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Percy's POV
I was walking through camp alone, trying to be invisible when "Jason" popped out of nowhere and punched himself and shouted "OW PERCY WHY DID YOU DO THAT!"
I simply replied with a " Why did you do that to yourself. But, I think it makes your face look better!"
By now, a crowd had gathered. The Stoll's, who were still on my side, shouted things like "DAM!" and "BURN!"
By now, "Jason" was fuming. He retaliated with a stupid dad joke that went something like "Hey does your face hurt?" Until I stopped him with "No but your face does, and that's because you punched yourself." The Stolls again replied with " Shots fired!" and
" we need a fire extinguisher here, because Jason just got BURNED!
The crowd yelled, while Jason defiantly tried to gain back his attention yet failing. Then, Chiron came out and stamped his hoof. "This is over!" he boomed. He called me to the big house. I quickly explained everything, from the evil non- Superman, to the fake fight. He rubbed his chin, staring intently. After a while he spoke, "My boy, since you have been betrayed, and we have sent the Hunters after Annabeth, I think you should go somewhere different, somewhere safe.
"I'll take it from here Chiron." A woman's voice powerfully inscribed in my brain. Chiron bowed and replied with "Lady Hectate, I shall take my leave" as he backed out if the room.
I dropped to my knees and bowed to her. She laughed slightly and said "Rise, young hero, for I have come to help you. You see the gods are split. Some want you dead, while others, including me, want you to live. Alas, I am not on the Olympian council, so I cannot help in the matter. The gods and goddesses for you living are Poseidon, Apollo, Hermes, Hestia, Hades, and Aretimis." I was in shock that 1/2 of the Olympian council wanted me alive, although Drama King will never change.
Hectate woke me up from my daydreaming by shouting my name. She then proceeded to tell me about Hogwarts, witches and wizards, and possibly more dramatic the Zeus, Moldy Warts. She then explained the predicament of Harry Potter and the Golden Trio. She finished up by saying "This is where I want you to go and be safe. I will bless you, as will the Olympians on your side. But, I have paid them a visit earlier in the year, and they have read your life's story, and they remember the Greek gods. Chiron will be there as the new Headmaster. Good luck my hero, and don't forget your hood!"
She snapped her fingers and I felt myself getting dizzy, when everything turned black, falling unbeknownst into oblivion.

Song: The Fighter by Gym Class Heroes

Hey guys! I updated the story! I would like to thank lydiapotter375
for adding this story to her Percy Jackson book collection! I would also like to thank TyeDyeRainbow for the cover! Thank you guys for all your support and I will see you all next chapter! By the way, Fred is alive, and Dumbledore may or may not be alive...
- Bianca

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