2.0 Alex x Reader

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by Ella Mai

Even though Alex didn't show it, s/he thought love was terrifying. Alex always pretended and acted nonchalant, as if s/he were fearless. And Alex truly felt that way, until you stumbled along and changed everything. That's when Alex realized how scary love truly was. Would you accept him/her for being gender fluid? Would you even ever like Alex back?

You made everything look so easy. It's one of the reasons why Alex (who will be going by she/her for the story) began to develop feelings for you in the first place. It wasn't your fighting skills that caught her attention. It wasn't your clumsy ways- even though Alex secretly found it amusing. No, the thing that caught her attention was your willingness to help others, your tender heart, and the way you could light up an entire room no matter what the situation was. Alex felt a connection the day she met you, she was just wondering if you felt the same way.

Everyone around her tells her to take a chance with you. Love is easy, they all say. But when Alex glances over at Halfborn and Mallory, it diminishes her risk-taker personality. What if you would grow to despise her? What if you didn't feel the same and it ruined your friendship? What if...

"Alex, you're overthinking it." Tj said, snapping her out of her rant. "I know love hasn't exactly been the easiest thing for you because of..." He trailed off when he saw Alex shoot him a glance. "whatever your reasons are, but trust me. S/he/they clearly like you back. What are you waiting for?"

Alex groaned and facepalmed. "I don't know if you've noticed Tj, but I'm not exactly the best at confessing my true feelings about things. Remember when I tried compliment his/her/their latest hairstyle?"

Tj tried to suppress his laughter at the memory. "Yeah, you told him/her/them that Kim Kardashian was going to steal the idea. Then you proceeded to tell y/n that his/her/their hair didn't look like a rat's nest anymore."

"Hardy har har. Laugh all you want. I'm telling you, there's no way I can win y/n over when I can't even compliment someone right! It's like whatever I'm thinking, my brain turns it into the most sarcastic comment possible."

"I think that's a personality trait."

Alex glared at dead soldier in front of her. A thousand comebacks swirled through her mind, but she kept them to herself. She slipped on her shades and leaned back in her chair, making her unreadable. Tj rolled his eyes at her stubbornness. Their conversation ended as the rest of their floor mates joined them at their lunch table.

Magnus fist bumped both of his friends in greeting and sat down. You greeted Tj with a bright smile. Hugging Alex around her neck from behind, you jokingly put her in a mini chokehold. "Someone looks grumpy today. You put your ignorance blockers on."

Alex grinned and blushed at your comment. You had given her sunglasses that nickname the night she told Magnus his ignorance was a bliss. He still hasn't forgiven her for that. Alex playfully pushed your face away until you sat down. Tj smirked knowingly at the two of you, but the gesture went unnoticed by you. Halfborn and Mallory, for once, weren't at each other's throats.

"I'm not grumpy. I'm just ignoring Tj's bull-Sif today." Alex commented, making a note to remember the puny curse word replacement she had come up with.

You looked to the boy across from you for a better explanation, but he shrugged it off. You decided to drop the conversation. Whatever it was about, they clearly weren't going to let you in on it any time soon. 

"So, what's the plan for tonight? We always do something on Wednesday nights." Mallory inquired. Halfborn grumbled something under his breath that only she could hear. She blushed and elbowed him in his side.

You, deciding that you'd rather not know what had just been said, spoke up. "I've been dying to have a karaoke night!"

"Good thing you're already dead." Alex responded without hesitation. Tj immediately kicked her in the leg. She sat up and corrected herself. "What gave you that idea?"

You looked at both of them suspiciously, but nevertheless continued. "Well, the other night I found out that Jack sings like all of the time. So, I thought, what would be funnier than Magnus singing a duet with his sword?"

Magnus grabbed at the pendant around his neck. "Please, stop. He's already getting riled up about the possibility."

"Well, I think that's a great idea, y/n." Tj smirked deviously for the first time in his life. "I've never actually had a real karaoke night, considering the time period I died in."

Alex folded her arms. "As long as you sing a song from the past century, I'll accept it."

You nudged her. "C'mon. Don't be such a buzzkill, Fierro." You wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I mean, what's cuter than serenading someone while you sing off-key in front of all of your friends?"

"Eating lunch." Alex replied, standing up to fetch some food.

Tj huffed and hurried after her. "What was that?"

"I got nervous! Was that flirting or did I just interpret that wrong? Does y/n want me to sing to him/her/them tonight?" She flailed her arms. "I'm not used to not knowing stuff!"

Tj put a hand on her shoulder. "Look, I have the perfect song for you to sing tonight. And yes, it's from this century! Y/n has been getting me hip with the latest bops."

Alex blinked at her friend. "Please never say those words again to me. They don't sound right coming from you."

"Anyway, I think it's a perfect way to explain how you feel about him/her/them. We have a few hours, so you should learn it."


As the clock ticked away to eight o'clock, Alex prepared herself for utter embarrassment. You grinned sweetly at her as you helped to set up the microphones and the giant projector screen. She returned the gesture, but it felt forced. 

You saw right through her. "You okay?"

She waved dismissively. "My stomach's already nauseous from Magnus' singing. Is that even possible?"

"I'm sure it won't be that bad." You laugh. "If anything, it'll probably be the highlight of the night."

Alex hoped you were wrong about that. If things went according to plan, the highlight of her night would be being able to call you her girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other. She just hoped Tj was right about you having the same feelings for her that she did for you.

As the night began, Magnus and Jack kicked it off by performing the duet you requested. You had to admit, it was kind of weird to see a sword singing into a microphone while being a disco ball all at the same time. However, it was truly an experience to hear and watch them perform "Dangerous Woman" by Ariana Grande. Magnus' lack of rhythm was showed up by a talking sword who somehow had better dance moves.

Tj went next, proving to everyone that he knew some recent songs. He sang his little heart out to "That's What I Like" by Bruno Mars. You got the feeling that he might have secretly been a fanboy, considering the way he mimicked the entire music video from memory.

As Alex saw the song she was to sing being searched on the screen, she tried to make a beeline straight for the exit. Tj hopped off of the stage and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. He forced the microphone into her hand and pushed her in front of the projector.

"You'll thank me later!" He promised.

Alex quickly replaced her nervousness with her laid back facade. She gripped the microphone and faced her group of friends confidently. She swayed as she dramatically sang to "Easy" by Ella Mai. As she got to the chorus she turned to face you.

"Love is easy, easy. So don't you make it hard." She slowly began walking towards you. "Can't you see me, see me, see me? Be easy with my heart."

You watched in awe as she sang to you. She reached out her hand and you took it without hesitation and stood. "All we got is here and now. Why don't you let your guard down? I'm just tryna show you how, love is easy so don't you make it hard."

She continued to dance slowly with you. Her eyes never left yours. A big smile formed on your face as your mind processed what was happening. 

"Take your time, no need for rushing things. Baby, don't you know that with me, you're safe?" She twirled you around. 

Continuing through the end of the song, she let go of your hand and returned back to the makeshift stage. "Love is easy, so don't you make it hard."

Alex returned the microphone to the stand and sat back down next to you as if nothing happened. Everyone's eyes watched you two carefully. You looked at Alex in disbelief. "Smooth, Fierro, smooth. But, I think you're forgetting something."

She turned her head towards you. "And that would be?"

You kissed her cheek. "To ask me out, duh. Or was that whole serenade a typically Alex performance?"

Alex grinned and took your hand in hers and placed the other one behind her head as she leaned back. "Well, would you like to go out with me?"

You copied her actions. "Of course, as long as you promise to sing for me again in the future."

"I think that can be arranged."

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