2.0 Leo x Reader

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NO TON SPOILERS. I'M TOO SCARED TO FINISH READING IT! Also, if you haven't read TBM don't read this lol

What's the best way to propose to a demigod? Since life is never boring for half-bloods, it only seems appropriate that it will be anything but a simple process. The Supersized McShizzle seemed calm, but his heart was moving faster than Usain Bolt. 

You'd think he'd be less nervous. You've been together since the Triumvirate was defeated. He's literally died and come back to life. He's faced gods, giants, and innumerable amount of monsters. Why was it so hard to propose to the love of his life? You've seen him and his best and at his worse, yet he's still afraid to mess this up.

Leo needed someone to talk to. So, he went to his best friend in the whole wide world: Jason Grace. Normally, his friend would provide him with nice feedback, but things have changed. Despite it all, he still finds himself running back to his number one bro.

"Jason, I know I'm normally the voice of reason between the two of us, but I need your help." Leo nervously tinkers, eyes focused on his hands.

The memorial Leo built for Jason stared back at him in silence. Various images of The Seven, Thalia, and other Roman friends with Jason were scattered around the metallic letter "J" that was engraved with lightning bolts, Roman symbols, and of course a brick and a stapler.

Leo's eyes landed on the frame that held a photograph of him, Jason, and Piper. "I'm just saying, I shouldn't be this nervous right? It's not like I'm making a major life decision that she/he/they might so no to." He laughed nervously. "I don't know what to do!"

A small gust of wind ruffled through the once short, but now slightly taller, Latino young man. He sighed heavily. "This day is important. I don't know whether to be a goof like I always am or do something artificial like in the movies."

A strong wind blew and nearly knocked him over and down the entire hill. "Okay, okay! I get it. Y/n likes me for the slightly clumsy and corny goof I am, so that's the best way to propose. I hate it when you're right."

Leo stood up and dusted off his khaki shorts. Another small burst of wind travelled around Leo. He could've sworn it felt like someone had put their hands on either of his shoulders for a second. 


Leo Valdez was ready. There was no way he was going to mess this up. Not this time. You were in the kitchen of your apartment, preparing dinner for the night. Your beloved boyfriend waltz into your home, dressed in his fanciest pair of suspenders he owned. 

Smirking slightly, you pointed the wooden spoon you were using in his direction. "What's the special occasion that's got you all dressed up tonight? A clean pair of Khakis and nice suspenders?"

"Babe, I know. Your man looks good right?" He turned around in a circle to show off. "I went to visit everyone's favorite Roman today, so I figured I'd dress nicely for once."

You giggled and returned your attention back to your food. "I always knew you liked Jason more than me. There's no way to compete with Superman. I get it."

"While having a super hero best friend is nice, I do like you a little more than him though." Mentally, he faced palmed. Why the heck would he say that? Why didn't he say that he loved you like a normal person?

The only sound in Leo's mind was ???

Panicking, Leo got down on one knee in front of you. Your heart jumped for a second, but then you noticed his shoe lace was untied, so that was what he was probably doing. Taking your plate, you moved to the table, leaving poor Leo dumbfounded. He didn't even get a word out.

"Important question," you begin, "do you still use bunny ears when you tie your shoes or do you do the 'adult' tie?"

That's when he noticed his shoe predicament. No wonder you walked away! "I honestly still use bunny ears. Why fix something that isn't broken?"

Laughing, you rolled your eyes. "Coming from the guy who has a giant metal dragon that he turned into a huge boat! Can you give me an apple?"

"Okay, that's different. I upgraded Festus. I didn't fix him." He tossed you a (favorite apple) apple without a second thought.

In a teasing tone, you decided to say, "Did you just propose to me, Valdez?"

If you could perfectly replicate what a person looks like the moment they were hit by a bus, that would be Leo looked like in that moment. You knew he was trying to propose? He didn't even pull out the ring or say anything yet! Why was he so bad at this? "Heh, what do you mean?"

"You just threw some fruit at me. That's a form of proposal." You state.

He shrugged it off and tried again. Getting down on one knee beside you, he successfully pulled the ring out of his tool belt. "Y/n, I love you more than anything, even Superman. You've been the one thing in my life I can lean on and find stability and comfort in. I've been trying to figure out how to ask you to be mine forever all day. Will you do me the honor of being able to call you my wife/husband/spouse?"

You couldn't control the rapid beating of your heart and the rivers of tears flowing down your face. Tackling him, you enthusiastically said yes about a million times. A gentle breeze sneaked in through your open window and wrapped around both of your frames before escaping into the air again.

Question: Are you single? (@GuardianofHallway)
Answer: This is a very complicated question. This guy that was my friend is now kinda like my boyfriend but he hasn't asked me out but we know we like each other. I am confusion. I'm too scared to ask him out so I'm waiting on him skdkfkfkflf. Hopefully by Valentine's Day I'll have a boyfriend 🥲
UPDATE SINCE I WROTE THIS RESPONSE: I have a flipping boyfriend! Guys this is the only good thing that has happened to me in months! (This shows how long it's been since I updated)

Question 2: Do you know how amazing you are? (Deathstalker374)
A: Please, I am far from amazing. I'm a big dork and I'm soooo lame.

Question 3 (also Deathstalker374 ): What's your favorite breed of dog?
A: In memory of my late dog of 15 years, my fav breed would be my mutt. He was a German Shepherd Boxer mix.


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