Apollo/Lester x Sibling! Goddess!reader

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I was really sick when I started this chapter, so I apologize in advance if this chapter sucks. Sorry for the long wait.

Requested by Lil_Artemis (sorry this is so late. The original request got lost, but hopefully what I wrote is close to what you wanted)

Let's skip all the exposition shall we? You're technically a god(dess). You are a child of Zeus who was promoted to being a god a few decades ago after you died saving the world because the gods didn't want to fix their problems. So, basically the typical demigod, except you were actually recognized for your efforts.

You adored Chiron since your first day at Camp Half-Blood all those years ago. So, when you became immortal, you decided to remain there to hep the centaur. You have seen numerous demigods reach their potential and almost just as many fall short or die. You were dedicated to doing whatever you could for them, which is how you found yourself in the therapist role.

Chiron gave you your own room and desk to work from. The things you saw and heard never ceased to amaze you.

You heard your door close and footsteps approaching your work area. You placed the book you were looking at back onto the shelf and turned around. You shrieked upon seeing Paolo with both of his arms cut off. "Why the Hades are you in here instead of the infirmary?"

He grunted softly and stared at his arms that were wrapped in gauze and medical tape. A light pink tint began to seep into the seems.

"Oh, that's right. You only speak Portuguese. Uh, I'll see what I can do for you."

Another day, you heard the voices of two angry campers coming up to your door. "Y/n! Tell my dearest brother, Austin, that my archery skills are NOT getting worse!" A glimpse of red and green emerged through your door, quickly followed by a set of carefully braided cornrows.

"Y/n, please tell Kayla that I call it like I see it." Austin smirked, his fingers fidgeting at his side as if he were practicing another saxophone solo. "She missed three shots in a row."

"I only missed because-"

You raised your hands up and shushed the half siblings. "You guys argue just like Apollo and Artemis. Just take a second to calm down."

Once they finally stopped shouting at each other, you found out that the children of Hecate were playing a prank on them and Kayla had, in fact, not gotten worse at archery.

You should have known that you would see another person related to Apollo after that day. Or rather, you saw the Apollo after that. A new camper you had not recognized stumbled into your office one afternoon. The pimply face showed evidence of exhaustion.

"Y/n?" The new camper spoke, eyes wide as he took in your figure.

You nodded. You should have known then that the person in front of you was your half brother. You could feel it in his aura that he was different. "What can I help you with?"

"Well, for starters, you could contact Father and let him know his joke is no longer funny. What is it? Throw your son in the trash day?" The camper began a rant. 

You stared at him confusedly. The only male sibling you had from Zeus was Jason, and the guy in front of you certainly was not him. Unless... "Apollo?"

He scoffed. "Oh now she finally puts two and two together to make four. Are you gonna help me or what?"

You gifted him a look of disgust in return. "You need a favor from me. That's not the right way to ask for my help."

"This is kinda of urgent here." He deadpanned.

"Oh, yeah? I have had a kid with his arms cut off and not knowing how to speak English come in here and be more patient than you are." You shoot back at him. "You must remember brother, I don't have to help you. None of us here are your servants."

You shoo him away. His chair slowly started moving towards the door. "Wait! Wait! I'm s... I'm shoo... I'm sore-"

"Are you really struggling to apologize right now?" You shook your head in annoyance. "No wonder Zeus casted you down from Olympus. You need to learn a thing or two about being human."

"I'm sorry! There!"

You shook your head once again. "Come back after you've learned a thing or two and then maybe I'll help you."


Some time passed and Apollo finally returned to camp. His head was disheveled. His clothes slightly torn. His skin a little tanner. You could feel how heavy his heart was.

"Well, someone looks like he learned a few things the hard way." You comment as you sit beside him on a bench that sat on one of the hills.

"Watching people die because of your own selfishness and ego will do that to you." His shoulders sank as he leaned forward to place his elbows on his knees. He heaved a heavy sigh. "I understand it now. The remorse, the fear, the vulnerability. It's a heavy burden that the gods continue to place on mortals because we are too lazy to complete our own tasks."

"Who is this 'we' you speak of? I have never made a mortal do my biding." You remind him.

"You know what I mean." He ran a finger through his messy hair. "I'm going to fix this. I'm taking Python down myself. No more letting others fight my battles."

You hum softly. "Sounds like you have learned your lesson, big brother."

"Trust me. I have."

"Let me finish. Because you have learned your lesson, I will lend you some of my strength. I cannot do much since Father has ordered the gods not to interfere, but you will feel my aid the moment you need it most." You stood and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"And when will that be? While Python is snacking on one of my eyeballs or-"

You smile at his dark sense of humor. "You will know when it is there. Do not fail Apollo. The fate of the world rests in your bow. You have my blessing."

And with that, you walked away from your half brother. You could only hope that he actually had a plan to defeat Python, but knowing Apollo, he would probably just storm in without thinking. Let's just hope he's quick on his feet.

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