Bianca x Non Binary!Reader

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The order/exact happenings may be different than what actually happened in the PJO books because I don't want to copy Uncle Rick's storyline. I'm going to keep it as accurate as possible!

You managed to meet Bianca in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. You wondered in there one day after being chased by a monster. Shortly after, you met Bianca and Nico. As the years flew by on the outside of the hotel, you and Bianca formed somewhat of a relationship. Young Nico approved of you secretly, but didn't like the fact that you were taking his sister's attention from him.

As you played one of the arcade games against Bianca, Nico huffed and crossed his arms. Bianca ruffled her younger brother's hair and returned to her game. You grinned to yourself. 

"Neeks," You began, "How about this: if you can beat me in air hockey, I'll let you spend the rest of the day with your sister, but if I win, I get to spend time with both of you. Sound fair?"

Ten year old Nico pondered on this idea for a minute. It wasn't until you had successfully beaten Bianca in Ms. Pac Man that he finally responded. "Deal! But when I win, you also have to get me a burger from the restaurant downstairs!"

You cracked a smirk. "You drive a hard bargain di Angelo, but it's a deal." You shook hands with the adorable boy and began to walk over to the game system in question.

Bianca nudged you. "So, what's your gameplan here? You going to let him win or what?"

Your grin never left your face. "Even though I would love to spend the rest of the day with you, I'm gonna let Neeks win. I'm competitive, not evil." You wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

She rest her head on your collarbone. "He's never going to let you live it down. You know that right, y/n?"

You shushed her, fully aware what you were getting yourself into. If you had to lose at a game of air hockey to remain on Nico's good side, you sure as Hera were going to do exactly that. So much time had passed since you began your stay at the Lotus Hotel that by the time you all finally exited, decades had passed. 

You decided to follow your girlfriend and her brother to Westover Hall, where you eventually met Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Grover Underwood. Turns out, you weren't hallucinating that monster that chased you down all those years ago. 

Grover explained to you the reasoning behind your monster attack and tried to convince you all to go back to Camp Half-Blood with the trio. You were skeptic about it, not completely believing what they were telling you. You barely even believed your own memory! Monsters don't exist... right? 

You stood protectively in front of Bianca and Nico, your main goal being to keep them safe. "So, you're telling me that my (mother/father) is a greek god(dess)? Why do I not believe that?" 

Percy sighed frustratedly. "The only way we can prove it to you is to show you. The easiest way to do that is to bring you with us... uh, what was your name again?"

You uncross your arms and let them hang at your side. "Y/n. My pronouns are are they/them, and yours?"

Percy blinked, clearly confused as to what was happening. This made you smile slightly. Annabeth reached out a hand to shake yours. "I go by she/her. Thank you for letting us know." She then moved closer to you and whispered something only for you to hear. "These two demigods are very powerful. We need to get you guys somewhere safe."

You looked back to the siblings. You could tell Bianca was eager to start this new adventure. Nico, on the other hand, showed signs of reluctance, just like you were. If what they were saying were true, now that you all have left the Lotus Hotel, there is only so long until a monster tries to attack you all. 

"Y/n," Bianca called out, "I think we should trust them. They clearly know something we don't." She grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly.

You sigh and look her in the eyes. "I know. I just have a bad feeling about all of this. There's a heavy feeling on my chest right now." You turned your gaze to a confused ten year old Nico behind you. You outstretched your free hand, pulling him into a hug. "But, the two of you mean the world to me. If this means you'll both be safe, I'm willing to make the journey."

Your girlfriend smiled brightly at you, swooping you up into a hug. She kissed your cheek excitedly before embracing her baby brother. You returned her gesture with a worried smile, a look Nico shared with you. 


A little while after you made it to Camp Half-Blood, you found yourself being the primary care giver for Nico. Despite your godly parent being (god/goddess), you spent more time with the young boy than your actual siblings. You worried for him. The negative feeling still sat uneasily in your stomach. 

Nico shoved one of his Mythomagic cards in your face, interrupting your thoughts. "This one was always Bianca's favorite. She loved Artemis! And now we're basically living the life we created through these cards!"

You took the small card from his hands and pulled him into your side. "Something tells me you're going to be way more powerful than the characters on these cards." You playfully poke his nose. "But don't tell the gods I said that. They might get offended."

Nico giggled and pretended to zip his lips shut. "I promise I won't say a word. It'll be really cool to have powers. Imagine raising the dead! That's the ultimate superpower in my opinion."

"Your opinion may be biased because of who your dad is, but I'll accept that." You grin at the dark haired child beside you.

Your laughter was cut short by your girlfriend entering the Hades Cabin. She practically ran inside and tackled you. "Y/n, you'll never believe this!"

You rolled your eyes playfully as you pushed her off of your body. "Please, tell me what has you so excited that it turned you into a linebacker, di Angelo."

She fangirled to herself. "I just met Artemis' hunters! They just showed up and Z wants me to join them."

It felt like your heart had just plummeted to your feet. Does Bianca not realize what may happen if she becomes a hunter. You instantly recognized this as the bad feeling you've been trying to decipher since you found out you were demigods.

"Woah, slow down, Bianca. Do you realize what you're trying to get yourself into?" Everything in you wanted to cry. "Artemis is a virgin goddess and she requires her followers to be single too."

She sighed. "I know, but this is what I've been waiting my entire life for! I love you, I really do, but what's more important here, having you as a significant other or finally being able to do something for me!"

Your heart shattered. You scrambled for a response, but Nico beat you to it. "But what about me? You're just going to leave me like that?" He wiped at a tear. "You're supposed to be my sister!"

Bianca smiled sadly at her baby brother. She ruffled his hair. "You'll understand when you're older, Neeks."

You shook your head in disbelief. "What is there to understand? You're leaving behind me and, most importantly, you're leaving behind Nico! You barely even know anything about this place and you're going to leave your brother in their care?"

"He has you, y/n. He doesn't need me."

"How can I not need my own sister?" Nico tried to fight back the swarm of tears cascading down his face. "How can you say that?"

You hold onto him tightly. Neither one of you could change her decision. She prepared herself to leave, once again telling you to take care of Nico. 

When the time came for the Hunters, Thalia, Grover, and Percy to leave, you gripped Nico's hand tightly. Bianca introduced to two of you to those who had not yet met you. "This is Y/n. They will be taking care of my brother Nico while I'm away."

You forced a smile. Not only did you just break up with Bianca, now she was leaving for who knows how long. You couldn't imagine things getting any worse.

Until the day Percy returned, and Bianca wasn't with him.

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