Nico x Reader

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Love Lies

by Khalid and Normani

Nico wanted the day to go smoothly. He wasn't completely sure if he had fallen for you yet or not, which is why he planned to spend most of the day with you once all of your camp duties were finished. But when does anything ever go as planned for the demigods?

Nico saw you at breakfast and decided to (somewhat politely) interrupt your conversation with your sibling(s) from the (godly parent) table. When you noticed the pale black-haired boy slide into the space beside you, you quickly looked around the check for Chiron.

You leaned in closer to whisper to him. "Are you crazy? What if Chiron catches you at the wrong table?"

Nico smirks slightly. "He won't because he's on the other side of the pavilion. I'll only be a second."

You roll your eyes and lean away from the son of Hades with a grin. "Alright, what's up, Death-breath?"

Nico scoffed playfully. "I'm just checking to make sure we're still up for hanging out today. I'm not accepting 'no' for an answer."

You shake your head slightly while taking a bite of your (sandwich). "My last activity ends at three today, but don't you have archery until five?"

Nico smirked again and looked over to his best friend Will Solace. "Oh, don't worry. I have a doctor's note to get out of that."

Will awkwardly made finger guns at the two of you while balancing his tray on his arms. Austin nudged him, causing Will to fumble with his plate. You and Nico laugh at the two brothers.

Nico leans back and rests his elbows on the table. "So, pick you up from your cabin at 3:15?"

"Sure, di Angelo. Now get up before we both get in trouble." You shoo him away.


To say the least, Nico was nervous. He was fidgety in all of his camp assignments and classes. Leo even managed to take him down during their weapon combat training session. That's how he knew it was bad. He liked you, no doubt, or else he wouldn't be so anxious to take you out on a date... this was considered a date right?

Nico sat in his cabin organizing his Mythomagic cards over and over again until three o'clock hit. He opened his drawer and pulled out a shirt and a pair of pants. He examined the outfit once he changed.

"Yeah, my blacks don't match, but it's whatever." He laced up his shoes, grabbed his aviator jacket, and walked out of his cabin.

You, on the other hand, were trying to busy yourself during the day so you wouldn't overthink Nico taking you out. You and Nico were just friends. You didn't think he could ever like you in the same way that you like him. From what it seemed like, there were very few people in the world that Nico actually considered as a friend, and you were one of them. You didn't want to ruin that by telling him about your feelings.

You shook your thoughts away and scurried off to your cabin. You grabbed a pair of clothes that complimented your style and personality and discarded what you had on earlier. You looked at the clock. It was 3:15 and no Nico yet. Just as the thought crosses your mind and the minute hand landed on sixteen, a knock sounded from the cabin's door. You opened the door to find Nico twirling his skull-shaped ring on his finger absentmindedly.

"So, Nico di Angelo is fashionably late. Should I have expected that?" You teased as the two of you began walking.

Nico laughed nervously. What you didn't know was that he sat outside your cabin door for a whole minute so he didn't appear too eager to see you. "Hey, death comes knocking when it's ready, not when you are."

The two of you cracked up at his terrible pun-like comment. "So, where are you taking me, Mr. di Angelo?"

"Oh, you know, just to (favorite fast food place) and then to the park. Nothing major." He shrugged.

You gasped dramatically. "Nothing major? That's only my favorite place ever! Let's go!" You grabbed his hand and dragged him through the camp borders.


An empty bag of food sat in-between you and Nico. You were both sprawled out on the ground, stuffed to your hearts and stomachs' content. Nico sat with his eyes closed peacefully while he listened to you talk about your day.

You nudged him. "Are you listening to me?"

He opened his eyes and smirked slightly at you. "Yes, I'm listening. I'm also trying to figure out how you aren't traumatized after walking in on Percy and Annabeth locking lips. They can get pretty intense."

"You're telling me?" You laughed. "I definitely considered bleaching my eyeballs afterwards. Anyway, what did Chiron say about you skipping archery today?"

Nico grinned. "Oh, I definitely chickened out of telling him in person and just tapped the doctor's note to the door. Figured I'd save myself from a hoof to the face and utter embarrassment."

Just as Nico finished his sentence, the ground started to rumble around you. The two of you quickly stood and readied your weapons as the ground split opened in front of you. A darkly clothed figured emerged from the gaping hole.

"Dad?" Nico inquired.

"Yes, my son." Hades began. "It is I, your loving father. Now, who are you girl/boy/person?"

You blinked a few times. Did Hades really just crash your date? "I'm (y/n), daughter/son/child of (g/p)."

Hades waved his hand dismissively. "Yes, yes, I know that. I'm hear for- as you kids say- the tea. It seems like the teapot is shouting and wants to be spilled."

You surpassed a giggle as Nico facepalmed. "Dad, you're showing your age again. What 'tea' are you looking for?" He said with air quotes.

Hades smiled at his son. "I simply want to know when (y/n) here started liking you. It's all Aphrodite is talking about on DeityChat. That's like Snapchat, but for the gods."

You and Nico both blushed. You don't know what was worse, all of the gods knowing about your crush on Nico or picturing Hades with the dog filter on his face. Nico shook his head rapidly.

"No... I-uh... I like (y/n), she/he/they doesn't/don't like me." Nico said without looking at you.

"Wait, you like me?" You said in disbelief. You folded your arms and looked suspiciously at the two. "Is this some type of joke?"

Hades shook his head. "No, I'm the god of the underworld. I don't have time for jokes. They might be too deadly."

"I see where you get the terrible puns from, Nico." You grin. "I'm not sure if that was his way of saying this isn't a joke, but I will admit that I like you too, di Angelo."

Nico raised his eyebrows at you. "You like me? The guy you tease and make fun of everyday? The social outcast?"

You shrug. "First of all, you're not a social outcast. Second of all, yes I do like you."

Hades slowly descended back into the ground, excitedly talking about how Aphrodite needs to DrachmaApp him twenty bucks for being the one to get you two to admit your feelings.

You smirk. "Who knew your dad was a fanboy?"

Nico crosses his arms and shakes his head. "I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree."

I don't know about you guys, but I love the idea of Hades being a fanboy.

Rereading this chapter as I edited it literally has me screaming in laughter. Idk how you all deal with my terrible puns and jokes.

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