Lets go save ourselves, then

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The Prophecy:

The heroes of past and present must go,

to find  the kidnapped in the land beyond any throne,

The children of the moon will lead the way,

with Light and Dark battling the end of Day,

The team of many shall fight the shadowed hand,

The Camp they call home shall make their final stand,

The Brain and Brawn, The Dark curse to break,

The rule of the Gods decided by their fate.'

Will2 P.O.V:

I looked at Nico, worried : He was furious.

'They took my sister.' He looked ready to kill, his eyes black with fury. Nick was protective of Hazel, even if Frank was around, and to learn they took Hazel, not as a 17 year old but as an 11 year old, well, someone was probably going to get killed.

I took his hand, and turned him around to face me, looking me in the eye.

'Nico- Nico look at me-, we are going to get Hazel back, okay? And when we do,' I sighed, 'I will join you to kill those monsters who took her. But right now, I need you to know that we will get her, okay? And when we do, she is going to be okay.'

His gaze softened, and he nodded.

'Good.' I said, and turned to face to others, who looked equally outraged.

'They are not going to get away with taking Roman Children.' Reyna stated, looking scarily calm, don't let that fool you, you could see through her eyes the anger she held.

'Okay, well that means we have to hurry up, and luckily for you guys, I made some adjustments to the ship, so we can travel faster than you can say-'

'Bunch of munch crunchy carrots!' Percy blurted out, at the same time as M-Percy, both turning red as we all laughed at them, the mood lightening.

Leo took Reyna and Thalia to the deck, where he showed them the adjustments he had made, whilst we all stood up deck, forming a plan.

'So, when we reach Alaska, where do we go?' Annabeth asked, and Percy, Frank and Hazel shared a look.

'I think we know.' Frank grimaced.

We all nodded, recounting their quest to Alaska.

'This god/goddess/monster or whoever is doing this to spite us, but why the Roman Children?' Percy asked, raising a valid question.

'Well,' Annabeth answered, 'usually they would have a grudge or an anger, maybe even passion to fuel them, but I think we can rule passion out, so probably someone with a history with the Romans.'

'So, maybe a Greek God/ Goddess?'

'Or a shunted Roman one?'

'Or any monster to exist.'

Well, that narrowed things down.

'Let's figure that out when we get there, but first, let's go through the prophecy one more time-'

'The heroes of past and present must go,

to find the kidnapped in the land beyond any throne,

The children of the moon will lead the way,

with Light and Dark battling the end of Day,

The team of many shall fight the shadowed hand,

The Camp they call home shall make their final stand,

The Brain and Brawn, The Dark curse to break,

The rule of the Gods decided by their fate.' M-Annabeth recited perfectly, along with all the other MD's, and M-Grover.

We stared at them, impressed.

'What? We got bored.' Annabeth argued, making us laugh.

'She made me remember it, no fair.' M-Percy grumbled, making us laugh harder.

'Ok so, first line 'The heroes of past and present must go,' well, that means us.' Hazel started.

'And then the next line 'to find the kidnapped in the land beyond any throne,' we now know is all the Roman counterparts.' M-Annabeth interjected.

'The children of the moon will lead the way,' We know already that that's Thalia and Reyna.' Percy said.

'with Light and Dark battling the end of Day,' Could that
be Hemera? The goddess of the Day?' M-Katie asked.

'It could be... but I have a feeling it's not, because it says Light AND Dark, and Hemera and her counterpart, Nyx,  who could be dark, don't get in very well with each other.' Piper stated, making us nod in agreement.'

'Also, it says 'The end of Day' and Hemera probably isn't going to die anytime soon.' M-Percy said, making me chuckle.

'Nyx could be night.' Jason said, silencing the older demigods. Percy and Annabeth looked at each other, then at Nico, who looked paler.

I placed a hand on Nico's shoulder, my tan contrasting his pale white skin, the difference was almost laughable.
Except that it meant he was iron deficient, and was also underweight, due to all the stress and PTSD my Neeks had to go through. I'm not letting him face that again. Not alone.

'Nyx is a primordial, isn't she?' Travis said, looking worried.

'Yep.' Was all I could say, too worried about Nico to care. He was getting paler by the minute. Something was wrong.

'Nico look at me- NICO!' I shouted, lunging to catch Nico, who had suddenly passed out, his knees buckling underneath him.

His skin was ice cold, his face as white as a sheet, his eyes closed, face rested, looking like a fallen angel.

I lifted him up, and placed him in my arms, bridal style, and carried him to the medical wing, signalling Percy and Annabeth to come along, as I kicked the door open, and walked quickly to the hospital bed, placing him on it, so he would be comfortable.

Suddenly, he started to groan, and move, twisting and turning restlessly, and soon he started whimper, sounding scared, and I rushed over to him, looking worried.

It was clear he was having a nightmare, but a demigod one, probably, and it wasn't good. He looked like he was in agony, jerking in pain, crying out loud.

I had to help him.

'Percy, Annabeth, when you were in The Pit, what helped you get through it?' I quickly asked, checking Nico's pulse.

'Honestly, having Annabeth there, the one I love, made it bearable.' Percy said, Annabeth nodding.

'Nico needs someone who loves him next to him, to be there when he wakes up, because with all he's been through, alone, those nightmares he's having are going to be one hell of an experience.' Annabeth's aid, looking concerned for Nico.

Hazel. As much as I want to be here, he should probably have his sister, too many people would crowd him.

'Ok, so I should get Hazel-'

'No- No, Will, having you by his side will be enough. Trust me.' Percy said, looking at me to make sure I understood, and nodded towards me, then walked out the room with Annabeth, giving me some time with Nico.

I slowly hauled myself onto the bed, in a sitting position, and brought Nico up a little, almost cradling him, or hugging him, making sure he was ok.

I wasn't going to leave the room until he was.

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