Stason or Brason?

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Hey guys. Sorry I'm not sorry for the cliffhanger! 5000 reads! Wow!


She shoved the flag into my hands, and I ran like Blackjack, all the way to the line that separated us all, and jumped over it, shouting and whooping 'I GOT THE FLAG!' Everyone cheered and screamed, and they all ran forward, and carried me up, all of us cheering. After I was let down, I heard Annabeth's voice in my ear. 'You did good today, Seaweed Brain.'
I felt a pair of lips kiss my cheek, and then she was gone, off to celebrate with the others.

I smiled, looking at the blue flag in my hands.

I did it.

And that was all I could think of when I felt a dagger pierce into my back, and a voice in my ear, whispering to me.

'She's mine, Jackson.'

And I blacked out.

Percy P.O.V:

Seeing myself like this in the infirmary was weird, but seeing Annabeth caring about me was weirder. Annabeth2 was feeding me ambrosia, checking my temp, and pretty much doing everything Will2 was meant to do.

Will2 had pretty much taken over the infirmary, teaching the Apollo kids things he had learnt.

Grover2 came in running, and almost crashed into me, his hooves skidding across the floor. He immediately rushed up to Annabeth, asking if she was ok, and she nodded, apparently unable to speak.

After Grover2 it was Thalia, hugging Annabeth, and sitting by her, looking at Me2 with a sad smile.

Then, it was Nico2, who nodded to Thalia and briefly hugged Annabeth, and stood there with the others, around my body.

After him it was Jason2, who patted Annabeth on the shoulder, and kneeled down beside Me2's body, saying something that sounded distinctly like Bro.

Soon, Piper2 came in, hugging Annabeth, and standing just behind her, comforting her.

Then Frank, Hazel, Leo2, The Stolls 2.0, Katie2, Miranda2, Chris2, and even Clarisse2. Soon, it felt like half the camp was in the infirmary, most of their younger self es standing around me, watching their older selves and talking.

I'm apparently a big deal.

I didn't look quite good either: I had a stab wound which just went the whole way through my body, and it wasn't looking too good; something was oozing out the wound, which looked painful.

Annabeth2 looked like she was about to cry.

Will2 entered the room, and suddenly looked really stern, and said 'Only 3 visitors allowed at a time.'
Everyone looked round at each other, discussing things, and turned to Annabeth for approval, and she nodded.

Everyone but Thalia and Grover left, Annabeth unmoving from her chair next to me2's head.

Me and the other kids left too, and decided we should get to know each other, so we went behind the Poseidon cabin, and sat in a circle.

Leo suddenly suggested we play Two truths and a Lie, and we all agreed.

'Ok,' Leo said, 'Let me start...:

1. I am so cool
2. I am incredibly hot
3. I am super mature

What do ya think?'

We all looked at each other, then Piper spoke up.

'Leo, I don't think you know how the game works, it's meant to be Two Truths and A Lie, not Three lies and no Truths!'

Everyone burst out laughing at this, and Leo just poured, looking annoyed. 'I don't like this game. What about Truth or Dare!'

Oh no.

Before I could say no, everyone else said yes, so I had to go along and agree.

Something's gonna go wrong.


3 hours later:


I can't help but laugh as I look round the circle.

Leo has a pink tutu on and some bright blue eye powder thingy on, paired with some very red lip painty stuff, and massive eyelashes, and his hair was in multiple pigtails, so all in all, he looked like a Latino elf who was given to a seven year old girl as a test subject for the horror known as makeup.

Piper was staining up one one leg, balancing a cup of water on her head, which was about to fall, and she looked very irritated.

Jason was laughing at her, or trying to, as he was hanging upside down in the air using his powers, his face going quite red.

Calypso was wearing a cap, and a thick gold chain round her neck, with black clothes and jeans, looking like a gangster, which was really funny.

Travis was wearing face paint to resemble his inner self, a killer clown, and had some balloons in his hand to complete the look.

Katie was wearing a dress made of leaves, and looked quite comfortable, until Travis smeared some face paint into her leaf dress, ruining the look.

Connor was wearing a piece of black cloth round his forehead tied back, to resemble a karate kid, and was doing some stupid moves which ended up in him face-planting every time.

Miranda was trying to resemble Chiron, with a weary expression on her face, and that teacherly look that told you you're in trouble.

Clarisse was in a dress, and had her hair and makeup done, which was all we could make her do without punching us, since she already looked fuming. She didn't look too bad, actually, she almost looked normal.

Chris was in a tuxedo, wearing a ring on his hand, since he had to 'marry' someone and chose himself, so yeah, and looked like he was going to a kids prom.

Annabeth was- well. A bit different. She had been dared to dress up as a cheerleader so she had her hair in two ponytails at each side of her head, and was wearing a red and white top, paired with a matching skirt, in trainers, with the whole pompom wavy thingy getup, and looked murderous.

I was floating inside a bubble of water eating a McDonalds happy meal, which Nico had been dared to buy, and give away, which he was not happy with, and glared at me every so often, which was replaced with a happy look as I gave him a chicken nugget every time.

My man Grover was just watching, so he could make fun of me and not the other way round.

I got to know everyone pretty well, and I think I've made a bromance for life with my bro Jason.

Just as I was looking at Jason, a brick fell from the roof, and hit his head, and suddenly, Jason was on the floor, passed out.

We rushed to him, thankfully he was breathing, and took him to Will2, but he was muttering some weird things on the way.

'No!... I can't choose... stason or brason... I love both... don't leave me!'

And with that he woke up, in the infirmary bed we placed him in, looking unsettled.

'So,' I started, 'Stason, or Brason?' We all burst out laughing, whilst Jason, funnily enough, turned brick red.

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