The Sea of Monsters

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9K! Thank you all so much! I honestly can't believe it!

Thank you for reading and uNICOrn OUT!


I got to know everyone pretty well, and I think I've made a bromance for life with my bro Jason.

Just as I was looking at Jason, a brick fell from the roof, and hit his head, and suddenly, Jason was on the floor, passed out.

We rushed to him, thankfully he was breathing, and took him to Will2, but he was muttering some weird things on the way.

'No!... I can't choose... stason or brason... I love both... don't leave me!'

And with that he woke up, in the infirmary bed we placed him in, looking unsettled.

'So,' I started, 'Stason, or Brason?' We all burst out laughing, whilst Jason, funnily enough, turned brick red.

Annabeth2 P.O.V:

Percy has been recovering, and is good enough to join the meeting that we have hosted.

Me and Grover wanted to wait for him to tell everyone about our second quest, and so we did.

I helped Percy walk to the campfire, and so we started to recite our quest.

The camp flames burned yellow, and burned bright, due to everyone's excitement.

We talked about Grover's disappearance, their empathy link, Tantalus, and Percy made a comment on how he was 'soooo not tantalizing!' and about the chariot races, the quest which was given to Clarisse, at which the Ares cabin cheered: Their head counselor had gotten a quest.

We then continued, and talked about how we also went on a secret quest, and how Tyson, Percy's half brother, joined us.

At the mention of Tyson, a light suddenly shone in the pavilion, and out came Tyson, with his new Stick, the one Zeus had granted him for his work in the war.

Everyone screamed, and Clarisse ran towards Tyson with a sword, her spear broken by none other than Percy, and despite the massive healing cut in his side, Percy2 suddenly ran to her, and stood between them, Riptide out.

'STOP!' He said it with such authority, that Clarisse couldn't help but stop. 'CLARISSE! This is Tyson, my half-brother!'

Clarisse looked at him, and spluttered. 'Bu-Th-Cyc- He's a Cyclops! A monster!' I looked at Me, who seemed to be looking in horror at Tyson the Teddy Bear, her face mirroring Grover's.

'He is my brother, not a monster. If you hurt him, you will have to deal with me.' He said, glaring at Clarisse. Clarisse looked stunned, and then walked back to where she was standing, muttering something about Prissy.

Tyson looked confused throughout the whole thing, but when he saw Percy, he grinned, and shouted incredibly loudly: 'PERCYYYY!' Tyson took a massive step towards Percy, and hugged him, breaking a few spinal bones in the moment.

'Yuh, gmmph th shh oo buuh guuh.' Percy said, Tyson's stomach muffling his words.

He then looked in my direction, and ran towards me.
'ANNABETH!' He then gave me a bone-crushing hug, immobilising me.

I heard MiniMe shriek, and Tyson let go, looking to see who made that sound.

'Annabeth?' He said, confused. I patted him on the arm, and said 'Don't worry big guy, I'll explain.'

And with that, we carried on the story, about us going on the Princess Andromeda, freeing Blackjack, and escaping Luke.

People still flinched when I said Luke's name in a bad way, it was unnatural: He was the Leader of CHB, the person we all looked up to, including me.

It still hurts me when I talk about him, he was like my brother- no, he was my brother, he always looked out for me, and to see him stab himself-

'Annabeth? Shall I take over?' Percy looked at me, worried, holding my hand, and I couldn't help but smile.

I had the best boyfriend in the world.

'Sure.' I said, still staring at him with a pathetic smile on my face. He grinned back, and continued the story.

Once we had finished, everyone looked at us, and our younger selves, in awe.

MiniMe walked over to me, and whispered in my ear 'Why are we friends with that-that thing!' I looked at her horrified face.

'Tyson is a Cyclops, I know, but he is the nicest one you will ever meet. He's different. I was like you when I first saw him, but as I got to know him, I realised he isn't the Cyclops we encountered, is he? If you're not comfortable with him now, that's ok, but look at him with an open mind, what happened to Thalia wasn't his fault.'

She looks at me, and nods.

'Besides, you should've heard Percy going on about his 'new friend', he was so happy!'

She smiled at that.

'I have to go, I have something important to do.' I said bye, and walked over to Percy, who was talking animatedly to Tyson, and looked at him pointedly.

He got the message, and said bye to Tyson, then walked over to me, and together we set off to the Rec Room, where we would meet the other futures.

When we arrived, everyone was already sitting down, waiting for us to join.

We took our seats, and then Reyna stood up to talk.

'Hey everyone, so, as we know, we have been sent here by the Fates. All of us have a mini version of ourselves, except from Me, Frank, Hazel, and Thalia, who was a tree. You may have also noticed that the people who don't have a small version of themselves are also Roman. We all know there is nothing called a coincidence, which means the Fates are trying to tell us something. But what?'

Percy spoke up first. 'Reyna, Jason was also Roman, but he has a minihim too.'

I responded to Percy: 'Yes, but remember? Jason chose the Greek side over the Roman side, no offence, but that means he is sort of a Greek now. But yes, another problem is Jason, sorry Jason. Why was Jason already here, at CHB? What happened? The Gods knew he was Roman, yet he is here at Camp. Why?'

Everyone was silent for a second.

'Do you think it could be for us to trust them? So that once we found out he was Roman, we would realise he wasn't that bad?' Piper said.

'Hey! What do you mean "not that bad"?' Jason looked so sad. 'Bro, do you think I'm that bad?'

'Bro- you are the best thing that's happened to me, bro.' Percy replied.



I rolled my eyes, and looked at Piper, the same expression on her face.

'Ok, now, if you guys are done bonding, we have a problem to solve.' I said at last, looking at the pair of boys, bronding.

Then, Reyna spoke up.

'What if they didn't send the Roman children because they couldn't?'

'What if something is happening right now at Camp Jupiter, and so they can't send us?'

'We need to go to Chiron.'

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