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Thanks again for reading, and thank you for all the comments, bc I couldn't stop laughing in the car, and I am really excited to write this! Also Perry is Percy2, just saying...So let's see how it goes...


When my future boyfriend turned around, I got a good look at him, and gasped.

It was Percy.

He had the same sea green eyes, the same messy hair, the same perfect smile- no- the same smile. Just a smile.

But it was him nonetheless.

All of it made sense now: them laughing at Percy's appearance, the 'more than friends', and that stupid thing Percabeth. I was already wondering why the Aphrodite cabin hadn't shouted it yet, when I realised that it was because not everyone knew.

Namely, the black haired idiot next to me.

I looked at future us in shock, and then Percy2 looked at me, and I guess he isn't so stupid anymore, because he figured out why I was shocked.

'So, you finally found out. I know that you liked me since you were 12-'

'Shush!' I said, wanting to shut the idiot up.

He chuckled.

'Leave her alone.' Me2 said, and I nodded too.

Percy2 started walking around, chatting to the futures, and their mini selves, and we were all good, until he looked up, and froze, his face and posture completely changing, and snarled one word.


Perry P.O.V:

Luke. The peice of schist had the guts to come back, and right now, he's on Kronos' side.

The side that killed Silena, Charlie, Michael.

I won't let him go.


Luke P.O.V:

Oh my Gods.

The God in front of me is the skinny dude next to me?!

Wow. Focus Luke! He will take your Annie away from
you, after all, age is just a number. She will love me like I love her. But first, the Jackson kid has to get out the way.

I'll have to fight him. Sword to Sword.

A demigods duel.

Percy P.O.V:

No! Perry has his sword out, and I think he's going to try and duel Luke.

He'll die.

I can only do one thing.


Annabeth P.O.V:

I just saw Percy shout Perry to himself.

What. Is. Happening.

Does he think- no he can't be that dumb- unless-

Does he think that the guy's called Perry, and not Percy.

Which means that he still doesn't know that the guy in front of him is himself.

What. An. Idiot.

'Perry's' P.O.V:

I'm just about to take out Riptide, when someone shouts at me 'PERRY WAIT!'

And I turn around, to find the guy who called me Perry, and turns out it's my past self.

What's with the whole Perry thing? Does he actually think that that's my name?

Dude. Was I really that much of an idiot?

Just before I could get ready, Luke takes out his sword, and takes a swing at me.

And, yes, in hindsight that maybe was a stupid thing to do, but oh well.

I caught the blade in one hand, and opened Riptide with the other, then I let go, turned, and jabbed my sword at Luke, who defended it, and parried back to me. We started properly duelling, my hand bloody due to holding Luke's sword, a massive gash in the middle of it, but I carried on.

Luke's face turned from laughter to concern in a matter of seconds; he realised that he'd have to put in more effort to defeat me, and so I started to attack harder then before, and soon I had him in the floor, my sword pointed to his throat, his sword in my other hand.

He looked quite scared, which was absolute schist,
and so I chucked his sword, and put the lid on Riptide, shoving him back into my pocket.

I walked over to where Annabeth was, and showed her my cut.

She rolled her eyes, and gave me a piece of ambrosia to heal it, and I ate it, welcomed by the familiar taste of my mom's blue cookies.

I turned back to the crowd, who were silent, and walked up to myself, and knelt down, to talk to him.

'Hey. I've got a question for you. What's my name?'

And he really answered 'Perry.'

I looked at him in disbelief, and said 'You know, my mom's cookies are the best.'

He looked defiant, and then so confused. Ha.

'They're blue, and really nice, and guess what her name is?' I said, giving him enough hints.

He just looked stunned for a second, then it processed, then his face was shocked.

'What-That-He- We- Huh?! Yo-You're me?!'

And then it registered.


Percy P.O.V:

'Hey. I've got a question for you. What's my name?' He asked, looking at me.

'Perry.' I said, isn't that what Annabeth called him?

He looked at me in disbelief, and said 'You know, my mom's cookies are the best.'

No way. My mom's cookies are the best. Wait- what?

'They're blue, and really nice, and guess what her name is?' He said.

Hold up. What- My mom is the only one who makes blue cookies- I could really use one right now, actually- wait.


'What-That-He- We- Huh?! Yo-You're me?!'

And then it registered.

'I'M ANNABETH'S BOYFRIEND?!' I said, shocked.

Then, an earsplitting shriek echoed through the pavilion, and more joined them.


Oh my gods- hey, specsavers? I might need a pair of hearing aids.

Percy2 P.O.V:

Huh. So the Aphrodite table found out. How couldn't they?

I looked up to see that that rat Luke had disappeared, and Annabeth and Me were looking up to My Annabeth and me, in shock.

I took Annabeth's hand, and spun her around, pulling her in close, and then kissed her.

The Aphrodite cabin cheered, and then everyone joined in, and soon, the only people not smiling were mini us-es, who were staring at us, shocked. Both were blushing, though.


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