The God's Gift

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I laid in bed wondering, "What am I going to do now?" I was pondering this question when a large flash of light appeared in the room. I closed my eye's from the pain that came from the light. When the light had faded away, I opened my eyes and saw Hermes standing in the middle of my room. "Hello. . .?" I asked hesitantly. "You are need on Olympus, like right now." Hermes was looking at me like he was really happy about something, and yet was scared about what happened. I nodded and let him flash me to Olympus. 

I opened my eyes after a bit and looked around. "Great," I thought, "the whole Olympian council is looking at me." As Apollo sat down Zeus boomed in a great and loud voice, "Perseus Jackson, we have come to a unanimous decision, we have decided, if you agree, to make you a Olympian!" I looked at them and say admiration and slight glances of anger, COUGH ATHENA COUGH ARES COUGH. Zeus carried on to say, "If you agree then you will become the thirteenth Olympian and you will be the god of music, the hunt, weaponry, loyalty, demigod's and sadness! Do you accept?" I thought about it for a couple of minutes before I said, "I accept!" My dad looked at me with a look that only could be described as pure happiness. The the council started chanting, "Εμείς οι θεοί του Ολύμπου, αποφασίζουμε εδώ ότι ο Περσέας Αχιλλέας Τζάκσον θα γίνει Ολυμπιονίκης μέχρι να εξαφανιστεί στο Χάος!" Then orbs suddenly appeared from each of the Olympians hands and they shot into me all at the same time. How to describe the pain, it was like being dipped in the River Styx like 10 times then being thrown into the sun at like millions of miles a minute. I almost passed out from the pain but I quickly shook it off. Finally the pain receded and I stood up. The god's looked at me as if I was a miracle. Zeus then proclaimed, "We shall feast tonight! To celebrate our new Olympian Perseus!" The Olympian responded quite well to that. 


I listened as Zeus announced the name of the new Olympian, "WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT FOR A LONG TIME, BUT FINALLY THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED, OUR NEW 13TH OLYMPIAN IS . . . PERSEUS ACHILLIES JACKSON!" I walked into the view of the demigod's surrounding the throne room. I looked at the shocked faces of the demigods as I walked in, especially Annabeth, who looked so shocked yet so thoughtful. A rumble shook the ground as my throne appeared out of the ground. "PERSEUS ACHILLIES JACKSON," Zeus rumbled, "YOU ARE THE NEW GOD OF MUSIC, THE HUNT, WEAPONRY, LOYALTY, DEMIGOD'S, AND SADNESS. YOUR SACRED ANIMALS ARE WOLVES, HAWKS, AND SEA SERPENTS, YOUR SYMBOL WILL BE A TWO SWORDS CROSSED WITH A BROKEN HEART IN THE MIDDLE! YOUR SACRED WEAPON WILL BE Ραγισμένη καρδιά WILL BE A MIX BETWEEN CHAOS SILVER, IMPERIAL GOLD, CELESTIAL BRONZE, AND STYGIAN IRON!" I rose to about 30 ft. tall and sat on my throne. The demigod's one-by-one left until the Olympians were the only ones left. That's when I knew I had to ask. "Lord Zeus my I request something?" Zeus looked at me funny and replied, "What is it fellow Olympian?" I looked him straight in the eyes when I quietly said. . .

I know that was really mean of me but its necessary by little readers. Please help me out I have too much homework needing to be done so I might not be posting chapters as often. I hope you have enjoyed these two chapters, otherwise my sacrifice working till 12:30 to finish this chapter will go to a underserved cause. 

Also what do you guys what? Pertemis, Perthena, or some other ship with a goddess? Please tell me your opinion, because I have no idea which one to do. Now I'm going to sleep since it's literally 12:34 and I have a lot of things I need to do tomorrow. GOODNIGHT MY LITTLE READERS!

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