II. An Anonymous Offer

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Nathan POV
Well, as I now say: 'Another day, another cold, damp trip in the river'. I admit, I never could really get used to the cold water, but what can I say; it's New Orleans, the water runs all the way from the Mississippi - one of the coldest rivers that runs from the mountains. But today I only had a couple things to salvage today. One: a cargo ship from New York had crashed into the harbour and three of the storage containers dropped into the harbour that was filled with golden necklaces and wristwatches (thank god they were water-resistant or else I was gonna have to fill out A LOT paperwork). And two: a bronze-casted statue of a UFO for a festival in Roswell, New Mexico to celebrate the 'Roswell UFO Crash' in the 50's. Looking at it made me chuckle, everyone should know that the crash was a hoax... Then again, I did start watching Ancient Aliens... The paperwork and the diving took nearly ten hours out of my day, but at least work hours were from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., just in time to head home to have dinner with Elena (pasta night. Love Elena's cooking!)
I was currently finishing up my signature on one of the completed recoveries. I grabbed my APPROVED stamp to, well, stamp it. Just at that moment, a knock was heard on my office door. "Door's open, come in" I said out loud, stamping the sheet. Jameson came in, an exhausted look on his face came too. "Hey Nate" he greeted with a smile, "Hey James, I'm just about to finish up with this". I stamped the final APPROVED of the day, and I placed the last paper in the OUT box. lying backwards into my chair, I rubbed my eyes to get the exhaustion out  of my system. "Long day huh?" James asked. "You have no idea" I replied as I got out of my chair to grab my coat from the coat hanger in the corner of my office. James chuckled "So Nate", he said, "I know you're tired right now, and that you wanna go home. But if you're free tonight, me and the boys are gonna go to the bar at the end of town. You  wanna come?" Grabbing my coat and putting it on, I breathed a heavy sigh, and walked up to him. "Well I don't know, I wanna help out Elena at the house while she's working on her journal. But I might if I'm not busy."  "alright" he said, "Like I said, we'll be at that bar we usually go to. I'll save a spot for you." "If I come, don't get drunk until I get there", and we instantly broke into laughter at the thought of what happened last time - with Michael ending up shirtless in the middle of a playground where we accidentally left him there all night. I turned my office light off, and we walked out.

30 Minutes Later - 5:33 P.M.

So, after getting out of traffic, I parked the car in the driveway and entered the house. "hun, I'm home" I exclaimed while hanging my coat, "I'm in the dining room Nate" Elena replied. stepping out of my shoes, I walked into the Living Room/Kitchen to see Elena working on her laptop at the Kitchen table with a cup of coffee  next to her. "a cup of coffee at five o'clock?" Elena gave a sly smile as she looked up from the screen. "Nice to see you too grumpy pants. I'm almost done, but can you finish up the spaghetti?"

"Yeah, I'm on it."

Steam was radiating from both of the pots of spaghetti and sauce as the water was boiling hot, so I grabbed a strain to dump it in and drain the water out. a few minutes later, two plates of pasta were made with sauce and meatballs. I brought the plates to the table and passed the plate and fork to Elena as I sat with her. Setting her laptop aside, Elena bent her fingers and leaned back to get that feeling back. "jeez, I feel like I've been sitting on a pile of bricks all day" she spoke, picking up the fork and eating.  "all day?  what have you been writing about?" Elena put her fork down and turned the angle of her laptop to show me a picture of a Greek Temple - a Parthenon. And another was the Roman Coliseum, although I couldn't see what she wrote. "I'm starting to do a couple journals about Athens and Rome. Their likes, dislikes, mythology, history, stuff like that."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, I still gotta lot to work on. My grammar's probably wrong, a bunch of typos, too long, or bad punctuation. But, thanks to an editor, I don't have to worry about that." I've admit, Ancient Rome was one of my favourite topics to learn in the orphanage, since they talked about the 'Fall of Rome' and all that.
"So what're you talking about? O-on there, I mean."
"Well, it's a lot to go through, but right now I'm talking about the old delicacies  that the Ancient Greeks had, such as wine and fruits, fish, meat, bread. And their old form of entertainment, like open theatre before Shakespeare even came around like fifteen-hundred years later. Still a lot more to write about."
Being more interested in the mythology, I asked "what do you have about the Olympian gods, monsters, and all that?"
Elena gave a sly look. She probably knew I was gonna ask something like that, maybe because I sometimes never get tired of chasing myths and legends, mostly to do with treasures. But hey, I can't help it to read old books about them. "Well, I'm trying to look into the Book of Mythology from the library, and I'm trying to get everything I can about the gods. Like Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Hades, and all of them. It's a lot, and I mean A LOT. Who could've known they came up with a lot of stories about them? But I gotta ask you Nate, do you believe in Demigods?" I didn't think much about it, but I kinda did. I knew their stories - they were children with Devine blood of gods, and the normal blood of mortal humans. There were a lot of stories about them than I thought when I first heard about them; like Perseus defeating Medusa to prove his worth to Athena and save the Princess Andromeda, Hercules defeating the Hydra, stealing an Apple of Immortality, so on and so forth. Nodding, I answered "yeah, kinda. Why?" Elena took a bite of her spaghetti and swallowed. "Well I wanted to go and write in a theory I have. That maybe the Olympian gods are real and still alive, that maybe demigods might be real, and are walking among us." I though that was kinda crazy, the idea of being born part god or goddess; but I think she was right, maybe they do exist. But I'm not gonna go out and try to find them.
"Why do you think that?" I asked
"Hey, you discovered the cursed statue of El Dorado that turned people into demons. There was that time we found Shambhala, crawling with bulletproof guardians. And there was the lost city of Ubar where you said you and Sully saw a pot filled with evil spirits with your own eyes. So why can't Demigods exist too"
I gave a slight chuckle, "okay, good point. But do you think your boss would approve of a theory like that?"
"I talked with him about that, and he'll let me write it in, just as long as I don't sound like some crazy guy talking about 'Aliens coming down to steal our brains'." Elena put a hilarious accent in there, and stuck her arms out like a zombie. It absolutely made us both laugh out loud. Once our outright loud laughing stopped, I gave a warm smile to her. "It sounds like a great story" I said, "I'll be sure to buy a copy and read it."
"I'd like that" she replied. And thus, we continued to enjoy our dinner. My turn to do the dishes tonight.

45 Minutes Later - 6:18 P.M.

So, I asked Elena if she would be okay if I drank with the guys, and allowed me to go, although I wanted to help out first, besides, the dishes weren't gonna clean themselves (sauce isn't the easiest thing to clean out of cooking pots). Putting on a white t-shirt, denim casual shirt, jeans, and giving Elena a kiss goodbye as she continued her journal. I stopped at the guys' local bar - the Twelve Mile Limit. It was a slightly large bar, that on the outside it looks crappy and dull on the outside, but is a helluva great bar on the inside. They had good drinks and the best music performances. Me, James, and two of my co-worker friends - Michael and Jacob, sat in the corner at a square table, where Michael was explaining about a time he was trying to catch a squirrel that was living in his roof, while we were drinking down on our bottles of beer. "-So I try to reload my hunting rifle, then the thing jumped off from the wall, and it just goes crazy as it's hanging from my arm" he continued.
"So I did the logical thing and threw it off of me and it hit the wall, right close to the pile of cinderblocks. It tries to get away, so I did some crazy thinking FAST, and I pushed the cinderblock against it between the wall."
"Did you get it?" Jacob asked.
"Nah, there was a hole on the side that it squeezed through, and guess what? The thing was still alive! Next thing I know, it ran off, and I never saw the damn thing again".
"Why not just call for exterminators?" I asked.
"Hey, would you rather get rid of the problem yourself, or pay like, fifty bucks to get someone else for you?"
"Exactly" James exclaimed, "a wise man once said, 'Free, is ALWAYS good'." We broke out in sudden laughter. I wish that were true, otherwise the beer could've been on the house. "Hey Nate" James asked, "could you get me another beer please?" "Uh yeah" I said, getting up from my seat, "I needed another one anyways. Leaving my empty glass at the table, I walked to the bartender at the bartender, I asked "uh, two glasses of beer please".
"Make that three" an unexpected voice spoke. I turned, to see a man wearing a black overcoat, black turtleneck sweater, denim jeans, and black converse. Along with some fingerless gloves, a spiked leather bracelet on his wrist. His short dark brown  hair was in a brushed-back fashion. He had dark green eyes, simple cheekbones, crooked teeth, and a tan skin. One of the strangest things was a few scars on his tan skin on lip, over his nose, to his right cheek, and all over. It was maybe some sort of animal scratch, probably from a bear or wild cat. He raised his hand out to me, and said "you must be Nathan... Drake, right?" I raised a brow, thinking 'who is this asshole and how does he know me?'. I accepted his handshake, saying "uh, yeah. H-how did you know? Who are you, by the way?" We released hands, and he gave an emotionless look. "I'm afraid I cannot reveal my name to you, as I was given an assignment to make a deal with you." Chuckling, I asked "a deal?" He gave a zombie-like nod, with no sign of smiling... Or blinking. "Yes, by my loyal contact. I'm afraid cannot reveal their name either. But, I am sure he would like to make an interesting offer for you. One in your talent." Wait, so some random guy, who wants to remain anonymous, and for some reason knows me, wants to strike a deal. "Alright, so... You want something salvaged right? Something important?" For once, he gave a sly, mischievous smile. "You could say that. But... Nothing in the ocean of a sort." It only took a few seconds to realize what he meant. "Oh, no no no. I-I'm done with that."
"That's quite unusual" he said. "I could've sworn you would've wanted an offer like this Mr. Drake. My boss would've paid you... A great fortune." Just who does this guy think he is. Can't he take no for an answer? "Listen pal, I'm not doing that kind of work anymore. I'm done, and I don't care about fortune anymore. I have a wife, I have a full time job now, I live in a nice house now in the suburbs. I think that counts my life for something now. So, sorry pal. The answer is no."
The bartender placed the three beers on the countertop. So I grabbed one, and handed another to the guy. We both took a sip of them, and he said "what a shame. My boss would've been pleased to meet you, he says it could've been the 'find of the century'. Listen..." He reached into his jacket pocket with his free hand, and pulled out an envelope, one with a red wax sealant with a symbol of the Greek Omega symbol on. "...take this, in case you change your mind."
Without a second thought, I took the letter, only to look at it in a few seconds. Why did this guy, this 'boss' want me to have this if he probably already knew I was gonna say no. "Listen, please. I just don't wa-" I looked back up to hand it back to him. Only to discover the guy, along with his beer. "What the...". Where the hell was he?
"Hey Nate!" James called from the table, "do you have the beers yet?" I gave to letter one final look, before tucking it away in my shirt. I grabbed the beers, and brought them back to the table. "Jeez Nate, what were to doing back there?" Jacob asked. A puzzled look crossed me. "You didn't see that guy I was talking to?" They were all now confused as I was. "What guy? Nate we saw you looking like you were talking to yourself. Or a ghost." The guys all laughed, excluding me. "Nate, you look like you really might've seen a ghost." I looked behind myself, hoping to see that guy again. I didn't. "Yeah" I said. "I probably did."
A/N: DUN DUN DUN!!! Who was the unusual man who came across Nathan at the bar? What is the 'find of the century'? And will Nathan REALLY be out of the treasure hunting life? Find out all of this and more, on Dragonball Z!!! Nah, LOL JK, I just really wanted to say that. But what do you guys think about this chapter? But I still need to choose what ancient treasure must be found in this story. So if you guys can put your suggestion in the comments for any Greek or Roman treasure for our worthy heroes to discover, I'll be sure to check them out. Be sure to vote, comment, follow, and...

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