ΞΞΞ Nico Di Angelo ΞΞΞ The Curse of Bellona ΞΞΞ

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ΞΞΞ Nico Di Angelo ΞΞΞ The Curse of Bellona ΞΞΞ

Γ (H/c) hair color, (H/l) hair length (H/s) hair style Γ

Nico shadow traveled Hazel to Camp Juipter for a meeting with Reyna. The good thing was that he didn't end up in China, the bad thing is he ended up in a sparring match. He was pulled back by Hazel because he was exhausted from shadow traveling across the states, but also stunned by the match. The girl Reyna was sparring with had (H/c) (H/l) hair in a (H/s). She looked a little like Reyna. She has the same piecing black eyes and skins tone as Reyna, but from her clothing she looks a little more laid back. He stood a safe distance away from the two girls as they sparred, Reyna using her usual weapon, her spear/sword while the girl used her (weapon). But that's not what surprised him. Every time the girl touched Reyna she would look like she grew tired, while the other girl looked rejuvenated. Soon, the girl had pinned down Reyna with a blade at her throat.

"Yield." He could barely hear her whisper into Reyna's ear.

"I yield." Reyna got out.

The girl got off of her and slid the blade away as Reyna got up.

"Hello preator Reyna, I hope you don't mind us observing your training session." Said Hazel formally.

"We do not mind. Nico, Hazel, this is (Y/n)" she introduces them. Nico puts his hand out for her to shake but she nods to the two of us and walks away and starts hacking at training dummies.

"Might I ask why she wouldn't shake his hand?" Hazel asks.

"She does not like to touch people unless it is training or battle."

The two girls walk off talking as Nico stands there looking at (Y/n) he summons the courage to talk to her and walks up. He coughs into his hand and (Y/n) hacks off the head of the dummy and turns around.

"Nico, a pleasure to see you again." You greets as you go to sit down. He decides to mirror your formal tone.

"Might I ask who your godly parent is?" He says and sits down next to you.

"Bellona. Might I ask yours?"

"Hades. Also, Reyna said this was not her place to answer, but why did you not shake my hand?"

Immediately he sees that he entered rough waters.

"Go ahead, touch me. I dare you." You say to him coldly, dropping the formal tone. He reaches a hand out and touches your shoulder and he instantly feels drained. He pulls back his hand before he looses more power.

"I'm sorry." He says, eyeing you.

You chuckle. "It is wise of you to be weary, this power is the reverse of Reyna's Empowerment, although I can't turn it off. I only use it for training and battles. It is my curse."

"The Curse of Bellona."


"Nico, you need to go!" You say as you throw a hellhound off your back and stab it with your (weapon)

"No! I'm not going without you!" He says and slices a deep cut on a hellhound and it evaporates into gold dust.

"Nico, just go!" You say before you get tackled by a hellhound. He kills off the last one that was attacking him and summons warriors to take care of the rest as he slams his body into the hound and finishing it off with a stab. He races back to your side and looks at you bleeding out. He could feel your life source drifting away.

"Please, Nico, you know I'm not going to live." You say faintly.

"But i will be to weak to go on without you." He says back.

"Then let me lend you my strength." You say and place your hand on his cheek and give him a peck on the lips. You rest your other hand on his shoulder and he feels your life source slipping away faster as he feels stronger.

"Mother said with my last dying breath I will save the life of another with my curse lifted. I guess you were my other." You say as your hands fall away from him as Thantos claims you. He wants to check for a pulse but he knows your gone. He starts weeping and remembering the words you said to him. 'I guess you were my other.' He always had a crush on you, and now he will never get to tell you.

He stands up wiping the tears away and he picks up your body and takes it back to Camp Jupiter, telling Reyna of the events of the quest.

He turns away as he sees your shroud being burnt. "The Curse of Bellona was lifted." He mutters.

For AngeltheSeaweedBrain hope u like!

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