I'll be back

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Annabeth's PoV

"There's another quest."

I freeze. I turn to Percy, who's fidgeting with his hands, looking down. "What?"

"There's another quest," he repeats, "And I have to go."

"Who's sending you on the quest?" I ask.

"Half of the Olympian gods..." He mumbles.

"They can't do that!" I say, "Please tell me that this is some sick joke of theirs!"

"I'm sorry," Percy apologizes, "But it isn't. I don't know how long the quest will take me, but I'll be back. I swear on the River Styx."

Thunder booms, sealing the promise.

Tears well up in my eyes, I hug him. "And when you come back," I mumble, "I swear on the River Styx that I'll be waiting for you."

We stay like that, before Percy puts on his backpack, and walks out the door.

____Seven Years Later___

"Mommy? Can I have some more cookies!" My six-year-old son, Lukas looks up at me with his big eyes. I'd found out that I was pregnant with him a little while after Percy left. I chuckle, shaking my head.

"No, you need to go to bed soon," I tell him. As I tuck him into bed, he grabs my hand.

"Mommy...how come everyone else at preschool has either another daddy or mommy, but you don't?"

I look down, remembering his smile, his laugh, the way he ran towards blue cookies the same that Lukas did...

"Your daddy is on a very important business trip," I try to explain, "And he will be back some day."

"Okay..." He seems satisfied with that answer.

===Ṯïmê Škïp===

Lukas is sitting on the table, doing some coloring. He hums a song while he draws, it's kinda cute. There's a knock on the door, which confuses me. Piper and Jason are with Piper's dad, Hazel and Frank are at Camp Jupiter, Nico and Will are at Camp Half-Blood, and Leo and Calypso are at the Waystation.

Could it be...?

I rush to the door and fling it open.

"Special delivery ma'am," the mailman says, giving me a package. "Have a nice day."

I slump down, feeling defeated. Maybe he isn't coming back...no. Don't think like that. He is, he promised.

I open the package, finding a tape and an old movie hologram. Curious, I sit down next to Lukas and put the tape in. A picture of a person pops up.

"Day one of going on this quest." A raven-haired boy reports. "I don't like it at all."

My jaw drops. There, Percy is talking about his quest, but that's not all.

"The gods have turned me into a twelve-year-old, and transported me back in time," he grumbles. "All I have to do is protect this boy, Harry Potter, at Pig pimples, for as long as that stupid, evil, murderer wizard, Voldy, is alive. Yay me! More like why me..."

"Day fifteen, I'm at Hogwarts, but all I want to do is go home to Annabeth..."

"Day forty-two, I miss her..."

"Day sixty-seven, I just wanna go home to Wise Girl..."

"Day I-lost-count, I wish Annabeth was here..."

"I'm in my seventh year now," He sighs, his British accent much clearer after spending many years there. "One more year, then I can finally go home..."

Suddenly, there's a shout from outside, and he glances out of the frame. "Bloody hell! Death eaters!"

He jumps up, grabbing a stick from his pocket and heads outside. Then, the hologram stops.

"Mom?" Lukas asks, "Who's that?"

I hadn't realized that I was crying, so I quickly wiped the liquid from my eyes. "That was your dad," I croak.

"That was daddy?" He says in surprise, "How come he looks..." Lukas struggles for the word.

"Younger than me?" I finish off, "Well some of his relatives have these...powers. They turned him younger. But don't worry, he's usually my age."

"Okay...is he coming home soon?" He questions.

"I don't know," I answer truthfully, tears filling my eyes. I hug Lukas. "I don't know.

___TiMe SkIp - Lukas is twelve___

"Mom?! What was that?" Lukas fearfully asks as we drive away from the monsters, into the dead of night.

"Names have power," I say, "But because I really don't care, that was a hellhound."

"Where are we going?"


"What camp?!" He was getting sick of vague answers.

"You'll see."

We veer off the road, into the forest. I stop the car, telling Lukas to get out and run for the hill. There's a howl behind us, the hellhounds are catching up.

"Go go go!" I yell as we sprint up to Thalia's pine. I look back, and I know that neither of us are going to make it.

I unsheathe my dagger, standing my ground. "Mom! What are you doing? We need to go!" Lukas shouts.

"Keep going, I'll be fine!" I tell him.


"Just run! Please! I can't lose you like I lost..." I falter, the hellhounds nearly on top of us.


I slash at the first hound, stab the next, my brain is on autopilot. "Just stay alive," I think.

I'm not getting out of this, there are too many of them. A hellhound pins me down, it's about to go in for the kill...

'I'm sorry Percy', I think, and I brace myself.

"Get off of her you stupid dog!" A voice says, and the hellhound is ripped off of me and thrown away.

The rest of the pack immediately zone in on the new threat. The person looks up at them, a determined look on their face. I can barely make out their features, everything's blurry and the man wears a robe and a cloak, he has a hood obstructing his face from view.

"Come on! You want some? Come and get it!" The man has a clear British accent, I can tell that. He slices through the monsters; his fighting method is a mix between Greek and Roman.

As he finishes them off, he looks at himself. "Bloody hell..." He grumbles, "I just got these robes." He picks me up easily, carrying me to the top of the hill. Lukas is waiting there; he has gotten help. I can make out Clarisse and Chiron standing there ready to fight.

"Annabeth!" Chiron gallops to us. He does a medical check, then sighs in relief. "She's going to be fine," He tells the man and Lukas, "Just a bump, she'll be walking in no time. Now would you mind telling me who you are?" He asks the man.

"Wow Chiron, didn't think you wouldn't recognize me." He chuckles. "It's only been thirteen years."

"P-Percy?" I manage to get out. I reach up slowly, taking off his hood. His cloak falls to the ground, revealing those beautiful sea green eyes I missed so much.

"Hey Wise Girl," He says weakly, "I said I'd be back."

Idk why I wrote this. I had the idea to, so I did. Hope you guys liked it. 

Yeah. So...bye.

- Laurel

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