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Annabeth and Percy are just best friends in this.

Percy looks up at the huge warship looming above New Rome. 'This is it,' He thinks, hope swelling in his chest, 'I'll finally see my friends again.'

Octavian franticly runs around, shrieking about the huge ship above the city. "This is not Roman of us! Letting G-Greeks into our territory! Greeks!"

"Oh shut it will you," Percy hears Reyna muttering under her breath, but then straightens her posture, going forward to meet the visitors. "Do not attack them!" She commands, her voice booming out across the plains. "We will be greeting them, they are our guests."

As the ship hovers above, the passengers climbing down the rope ladder, Percy's eyes lock with another pair. 

Beautiful sky blue eyes stare into his own sea green ones, his toga flapping in the wind. Tidy blonde hair flutters into his face, and Percy soon realizes he's gaping at him. He quickly shut his mouth, trying to hide the blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Percy?" A familiar voice says, and Percy's head whips towards his best friend (apart from Grover.)

"Annabeth!" They both rush forward, only for Percy to be judo-flipped and be lectured on being kidnapped by the distressed daughter of Athena.

As everyone settles down, with Reyna ordering instructions about eating, Percy whisper to Annabeth, "Who's the blonde boy?"

"That's Jason, Jupiter's child. He was the one Hera swapped you with," She says, matter of factly.

"Jason," Percy repeat, staring at the blue eyed boy, who was currently taking to the child of Aphrodite, Piper. "Huh..."


"Hey!" Percy whips his head around to see the son of Jupiter jogging towards him over the deck of the Argo II. What comes next happens so fast, Percy can't process it before he finds himself on the floor, Jason on top of him.

Annabeth is slyly smiling from behind them, her foot ever so slightly out as she trips Jason. Percy glares at her from the floor, then goes red at the fact he has Jason-Fricking-Grace is now on top of him.

"I'm so sorry!" Jason's eyes widen as he too, is still trying to process what happened. He quickly gets up, and since Percy is too busy hiding his tinted red cheeks, he doesn't catch the blush on the other boy's face.

"It's not your fault," Percy grumbles, shooting a look at a particular daughter of Athena. "Anyway, I'm assuming you don't just jog up to people to say hey?"

"Yeah, you're right, I don't. I just want to apologize for Leo, he usually doesn't fire on cities...well I don't know if he actually has..." Jason trails off, then quickly rights himself. "I mean, he wasn't in his right mind. "Leo didn't want to come up to you and say this, I think you kinda scared him, but he asked if we could have a bro night, to get to know each other, you know?"

Percy blanches, not expecting that. He leans on the railing of the ship, considering his options. A night with Jason, Frank and Leo, or a night by himself in his cabin as he struggles to sleep. "Um, sure. Where and when do you want to have it?"

"It will be in my cabin, say, tonight? I think we all need to settle down after the events tonight. I've already told Frank, so there's no need to worry about him." Jason tells Percy, who nods while staring at a point past his face, worried if Percy focuses on his face he'll start resembling a tomato.

"I'll be there," Percy confirms, making Jason grin. Gods, why did it feel like an achievement to make Jason smile? 'Stupid Grace. Stupid, stupid Jason and his perfect face.'


Percy stares into the woods, hoping that Leo would emerge, yelling about being a 'Bad boy supreme,' or that he is not a repair boy. Nothing.

"Percy..." A familiar voice says, full of tiredness and sorrow. "I think...I think he's really gone..."

Percy turns to the same blue eyed boy he fell in love with on the Argo II. He sniffs, wiping the tears cascading down his face, then collapses into Jason's arms. "Why? Why did it have to come with such a cost? Why did people have to die? Why did Leo-" Percy chokes up at his name, and settles for staying in the taller boy's embrace."

"I don't know Percy," Jason whispers softly, a tear making its way down his face. He kisses his boyfriend's forehead softly, hugging him slightly tighter, afraid that if he let go, Jason might lose Percy as well. "I don't know."


It happened all too fast.

"Help! Please, help!" A strangled cry rings out, and Percy and Jason, who are on border duty, look at each other, then run out into the forest at top speed.

"Where are you?" Shouts Percy, his eyes darting around as he scans the trees. All he can see is Jason above him, searching from a bird's eye view.

"Over here!" Jason shouts, diving down. Percy sprints over, and as he tumbles into the clearing, Jason lands behind him.

The sight is horrible.

Blood surrounds the child, bleeding out of the many cuts. The kid is probably around eleven. A small dagger is clutched in their hand, her eyes wide with fear. Her leg had blood pouring out, and she limps away from Percy and Jason.

"A-are you going to help me?" She asks in a timid voice, shying away.

Percy steps forward cautiously. "We're here to help, don't worry. I'm Percy, and that's my boyfriend, Jason. It's going to be okay, we'll take good care of you."

"T-they're coming!" She cries, looking around wildly. "It's here!"

Percy and Jason draw out their swords, glancing at each other, then into the woods. It's as quiet as it can be. Birds chirp, and insects rustle in the leaves.

"There's nothing," Jason declares, but still keeps his gladius out, ready to strike. "Percy, you take the kid back to camp, I'll be on watch for-"

Jason never finishes his sentence. A scream rings out in the silence, and Jason whips his head around so fast he that he thinks he'll get whiplash. There, Percy is, a hellhound on top of him, ripping at his armor.

"RUN!" Percy shouts, stabbing the monster into golden dust and jumping to his feet. Four more hellhounds come into view, growling and circling him. "I'll distract them, you get the kid back to camp!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Jason declares, knowing that if Jason left Percy here, he would die at the fury of the monsters.

"Just go!" Percy yells, and the hellhounds pounce. One goes for the girl, whom Jason scoops up in his arms, and sprints out of the clearing, towards camp borders. Trees rip at his clothes, but Jason keeps running, Percy in the back of his mind. 'He can fend himself against those hellhound, right? Right?'

Jason practically chuck the girl down into the border, yelling for help. Clarisse runs up the hill, and once Jason make sure that the kid is safe, he tears back into the forest, pushing his legs to run faster than he ever had than before.

Jason rushes into the clearing, only to see a bloodied person lying on the floor, golden dust littered the floor. Jason bends down at Percy's side, holding his hand as tears wells his eyes.

"Jason?" A weak whisper comes to his ears, filling Jason's heart with hope. A sob escapes Jason, and he softly kisses his Percy's lips, whispering how he's be okay and everything will be fine.

"Jason, I'm so sorry. We always knew that we won't live long." Percy raspes, going into a coughing fit as blood spills out from his mouth. Jason's tears drip onto Percy's disfigured body, and Percy speaks once more. "I-I love you Jason, I always will, but please, move on from my death. Promise me."

"I-I promise. I swear on the River Styx." Jason says between his tears. Percy sighs, closing his eyes, seeming at peace.

Jason leans over Percy's corpse, sobs racking his body.

His boyfriend is dead.

Perseus Jackson is dead.

Sorry this took so long NoahSaliah_belieber 😅 I had one idea, but I didn't like it. It's below this A/N in case ya'll want to read it.

Hope you guys liked it!


This scene happens before Percy and Jason gets together.

Leo's death brought the two boys closer. The four boys had been close, Leo, Percy, Jason and Frank would meet up in each other's cabins every few nights to vent about their feelings about the war. Then, Frank hung out more with Hazel, his new girlfriend, and even though Percy, Jason, and Leo missed him from their little bro group they had, they had to admit they did look cute. Then Leo, stupid Leo, went and got himself blown up, in his own personal fire.

And then there were two.

Jason and Percy would meet up every few days, but then that turned into every day, then soon, they were practically inseparable. Neither of the boys would admit it, but they both liked each other, romantically.

Annabeth and Piper have had enough.

The two girls meet up every day, coming up with a plan to get Percy and Jason together.

"Push them together like you did on the Argo II?" Piper suggests, as her girlfriend, Annabeth, paces back and forth next to the small campfire.

"No...Percy is an oblivious idiot and wouldn't admit his feelings just because of that." Annabeth says miserably, walking faster.

"Annabeth! Sit down! Honestly, I think you're going to wear a hole down into the underworld!" Piper exclaims, patting the seat next to her.

"Sorry," Annabeth apologizes, plopping down next to the daughter of Aphrodite. "I just can't stand seeing them being so oblivious and dense."

"I get what you mean," Piper agrees, wrapping her arm around Annabeth, "I can practically see the love coming off of them like waves."

The two girls sit there in silence, content.

"What if we..."


"Percy!" Annabeth quickly catches up to Percy, and slides into the seat next to him at breakfast. Percy raises an eyebrow at this, which Annabeth waves off. "It'll be fine, I'll be gone soon."

"What is it Annie?" Percy asks, digging into his pancakes.

"Firstly, don't call me Annie," She says threateningly, "And secondly, Piper and I are going to the camp store to stock up on supplies, wanna come? We're going to get water balloons and have a water fight after." The last bit got Percy over the edge.

"Fine, I'll come," He obliges, and Annabeth beats a hasty retreat when she sees Chiron getting up from his chair, eyeing her suspiciously.

What Percy doesn't know is that right across from him, on the other side of the pavilion, Piper is doing exactly the same thing as Annabeth, only telling a certain child of Jupiter.


Jason waits patiently for Annabeth and Piper to arrive, only fidgeting occasionally. He always found that his dyslexia and ADHD weren't as bad as the usual demigod's case. Jason guessed it was because Latin isn't as hard to read as Ancient Greek when you already know English. A loud shout breaks Jason out of his trance.

"Over here!" Piper frantically waves her hand, grinning widely. As Jason jogs over, he realizes that a fourth person has joined them, a particular son of Poseidon.

Jason's eyes widen as he spots Percy, his crush to put it bluntly, and whisper-shouts to Piper, "What is he doing here?!" He suspects that Piper's devilish smile has something to do with this.

"Well, since you are so oblivious and too embarrassed to make a move on Percy, we are going to help you!" She says sweetly, as Annabeth keeps Percy distracted while Piper helps Jason fix his love life.

"But- What-" Jason tries to start, but Piper shushes him. "Just go with it, and if our calculations are correct, you and Percy should be going out by the end of the day! You just need to ask him out."

"I don't really have a say in this, do I?" Jason grumbles.

"It was killing us! None of you were doing anything, and the tension between you two is so..." Piper ends her sentence by doing rapid hand movements, at loss for words. Frustrated, she resorts to pushing Jason inside the shop, Annabeth and Percy closely behind.

I never finished it, so this is all you get 😅

See ya!

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