A Pet

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A Pet

Hazel sighed as walked. She had no real destination in mind. She just needed to get out for a while. Have some Hazel time.

As she walked she heard a noise like rattling. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound. She turned slowly to hear the noise again. It was followed by a whine like noise.

Against her better judgement she followed the sound into an alley. Upon entering she saw a small dog. It was digging through trash looking for food. Hazel frowned looking upon the poor thing. Hazel was not a dog expert and had no idea what kind of dog it was but she knew it shouldn't be out here like this.

She bent down cautiously and the dog saw her and hid behind a box.

"Hey it's okay," Hazel cooed. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The dog peered slightly around the box and it was shaking. It was a small black dog with nice brown eyes staring at her fearfully.

"My name is Hazel," she told the dog. "It's okay. Just come here I need to see your collar and get you home."

The dog took a tentative step toward her and Hazel realized it had no collar. "You're a stray?" She said sadly. "Well... You can come with me. I always wanted a pet."

She scooped the dog up and cuddled it close to find it was shaking. She quickly took off her jacket and wrapped it around the dog and held him close as she began to walk home. Oddly enough the dog seemed comfortable with her.


"Oh my gods."

"Please don't tell dad!"

Nico stared wide eyed at the furry ball on his sister's bed. Hazel herself was drenched.

"Where did it come from?" Nico asked peering at it.

"It's not an it. It's a he."

"You sure?"

"I gave him a bath so yes. And once I dried him he proofed up like that."

"Where'd you find it-him?"

"...An alley."

"Are you serious Hazel? It could have a disease or something."

"He's fine Nico. He was just cold and seemed kind of sick so I got him some food and bathed him and he's doing better. Please just don't tell dad."

Nico sighed. "Fine. But when he finds out I didn't know."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Hazel shouted grabbing her brother in a tight hug.


Hazel managed to keep the dog a secret. A week and a half later she was arguing with Nico.

"You're going to have to tell him eventually," Nico told her.

"I thought you weren't going to say anything?"

"Honestly I didn't think you would last this long."

Hazel hit his shoulder lightly as they walked to her room.

"Did you name it?"

Hazel opened her mouth to reply but she was too stunned by the sight in front of her.

An large Asian guy with a baby face and cropped black hair and large hoodie sat on her bed. He reminded Hazel of a koala bears with muscles. He just sat casually reading one of her books.

Hazel was too busy staring at him she barely noticed Nico walk in a baseball bat in hand as he approached the guy. He raised the bat just as the guy noticed him.

"Whoa, Nico!" The guy shouted springing up and backing away slowly.

"How do you know my name?" Nico growled holding the bat tighter. "Who are you and how did you get in here?"

"M-m-my name is uh... Uh... F-Frank," he stuttered.

Nico only glared at him.

Frank's eyes went to Hazel for help. She stared back at him surprised. His eyes seemed so familiar...

"You're..." She started but she couldn't say it. The idea was so crazy.

"I can explain!" Franks said quickly. Nico raised an eyebrow unimpressed. Frank gulped and bent over. Hazel blinked and a small familiar dog was standing in the boy's place.

Hazel steadied herself on the wall. Nico let the bat fall from his hand as they both stared at the dog-boy-thing.

A moment later Frank was back and the dog was gone.

"I'm a mutant," he mumbled. "A
Shapeshifter. I can become any animal."

He stood awkwardly staring at his feet. Only to duck quickly when he saw a bat swung.

"Nico!" Hazel shouted grabbing her brother's arm.

"He's a pervert Hazel! He's been in your room for over a week! That's creepy!" Nico then turned to Frank. "Why are you even here!? Why did you let her bring you home!?" He demanded.

"I swear I didn't mean too! I'm sorry," Frank said quickly. "I was sick and I couldn't change back.... So I was stuck as a dog..."

Silence falls over the three as Nico twists the bat in his hands.

"You can leave then," Nico says. "You're fine right? So go."

"He's a mutant," Hazel hisses. Nico sighed she had a point there. "Why were you on the streets?" She asked Frank.

He shifted his weight from foot to foot. "It's a long story..."

"Well if you need some where to stay you're welcome here. We understand mutants."

Frank's eyes widen. "Really? What can you guys-"

"Later," Nico cuts him off he gives Frank a glare looking him over before heading out the room.

"I'm sorry for lying to you," Frank tells Hazel.

"It's fine," she assured him. "This just isn't what I envisioned what I decided to take home a pet."

Frank smiled. "I'll make all of this up to you somehow."

"I know how you can," Hazel says in a heart beat. "I told my 'puppy' everything. So... Now it's your turn to talk."

Frank sighed. "I guess that's fair."

Hazel smiled. "Now come on. Sit boy. Right here on the bed."

"I'm not actually a dog..."

"Just come here and talk to me."

"Alright," he said giving in and sitting next to her. "Okay. Where to start...."

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