A Wedding Day Surprise

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A Wedding Day Surprise

"Can you believe it?" She asks him from her spot on his lap. "It's only two weeks until the wedding."

"Still can't believe there even is a wedding," he answers his eyes never leaving the TV in front of him.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'd thought you would have killed Percy by now."

Athena smiles and gives Poseidon a short kiss. "It was our children that brought us together," she reminds him. "I can't exactly repay him by smiting him can I?"

"You could try."

"I thought about it. But then things would only grow complicated between the two of us."

Poseidon chuckles. "I have a wife. You said you would never marry. On top of all that our children will be married in two weeks time. I don't think things can get more complicated."

"Once we tell everyone it will."

Silence falls between them. The only sound is the TV running in the background.

This is a conversation the two had often. How exactly to tell everyone else about their relationship.

Their relationship had started by secretly following their children as they went on dates. They would follow their children to a restaurant and sit slightly out of sight being the ultimate stalker parents. They would talk to occupy time and soon found themselves falling for the other.

"We'll tell them soon," Poseidon promises.

Athena nods. "Soon."


"This-This is a bad idea," Athena states catching her breath.

"Do you have to overthink everything?" Poseidon smiles.

Athena kisses him in response her arms wrapping around his neck pulling him closer.

The kiss deepens but neither stop.

"This cake isn't looking so good anymore," a voice comments.

The couple jump apart to see... their children.

Annabeth stands open mouthed and frozen. While Percy stands holding a half eaten piece of wedding cake and looking a little green.

"Annabeth..." Athena starts. Annabeth doesn't give her mother the chance and grabs her husband's arm dragging him out of the hall.

"That's not how I wanted to tell them," Poseidon says staring in the direction their children had gone.

"Your the one who dragged me out here to kiss me!"


Jason and Nico give each other a look. After a moment Jason asks the question. "Uh... Perce? What exactly are you doing?"

"Washing my eyes out with soap," Percy replies rubbing more water on his face.

"Okay..." Nico says slowly. "Why?"

"Because it can't be unseen!"

"Dude start making sense and stop making yourself go blind," Frank says pulling Percy away from the bathroom's sink.

"So what can't be unseen?" Leo asks. "Did you watch the Wrecking Ball music video or something?"

"No. Though I would've rather done that."

"What could be so bad?" Jason asks rolling his eyes.

"Annabeth and I went to go get some air. So when we went into the hall... we found my dad sucking faces with Athena!"

"What?" Ask the other four boys.

"Exactly! I- what!? I don't understand!"

"Okay let's not have a mental breakdown," Nico says trying to calm the older boy. "Regardless of how disturbing that is. It's still your wedding night. Go drink or something and find your bride."

Percy doesn't get to argue as he is pulled back into the party by the other boys.


"At my wedding! My wedding!" Annabeth shouts. "She can do what she wants but not on my day!"

Annabeth stalks back and forth in the bathroom. The other girls watch her unsure of how to comfort her.

"Annabeth your going to ruin your makeup," Piper tells her.

"Because that's the problem here! My make up!"

"It is a problem," says another girl entering.

"Get out Drew!" Annabeth shouts. "Nobody even likes you! Your only here because I felt bad about inviting all of camp and not you!"

Drew blinks at Annabeth's outburst and slowly walks out of the bathroom.

"Okay you need to take a breather," Hazel says.

"Why?" Clarisse asks laughing. "Did you see Drew's face!? I like this Annabeth!"

"Hey it's your wedding," Rachel says. "And you just said you don't want your mom ruining it. So why are we hiding out in a bathroom?"

Annabeth stops and nods before walking out.


"So you thought it would be a wonderful idea to scar our son on the night of his wedding?"

Poseidon slowly looks up to meet the angry eyes of Sally Blofis.

"I- uh- well- I'm sure he's-"

"Nico told me he was scrubbing his eyes with soap."


"Exactly. I don't care how you do it but, you are going to fix this."


"We're sorry we didn't tell you sooner," Athena tells the couple. It has been two days since the wedding and they are finally speaking to their children.

"I still can't wrap my head around this," Percy says sipping his coffee.

"What's there not to understand?" Poseidon asks confused.

"What happened to hating each other!?"

Athena and Poseidon exchange glances.

"Well?" Annabeth demands.

"We uh sorta..."

"We followed you on dates and started going on dates ourselves," Athena explains.

"You followed us?"

"Yes?" Poseidon answers but it comes out as a question.

Silence falls over the four.

"Well we have a honeymoon to pack for, bye mom, Poseidon," Annabeth says standing. The two gods say good bye and head to Athena's palace on Olympus.

"That didn't go horribly," Poseidon says sitting on the couch."

"But we didn't even tell them the last part," Athena says.

"They got a wedding day surprise. I think we can wait till after their honeymoon to tell them that they're going to have a sibling."

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