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Okay, I'm from Boston and I admit when I get really tired or bored I slip into a Boston accent. And then there are the words I just can't say properly. So I couldn't stop wondering what Magnus Chase would be like with a Boston Accent and Annabeth trying to decipher it. So enjoy the two of them just hanging out.

Oh and if you don't know what that sounds like, Rs change sound when they are toward the end of a word.

So ar/er becomes ah/eah. Examples:

Car turns into Cah
Poker turns into pokah (I can't say poker properly without lots of thought)
Here turns into heah
Air turns into aieah

Simple. Now that you understand that. Enjoy!


P.S. I'm now gonna be writing one of the one shots for the PJO Magazine!



"Magnus we gotta go to library!"

I rolled my eyes at Annabeth but nodded nonetheless. As my guest I guess I gotta keep her happy. "We can either be take the Green Line over tnpo Copley or we can walk ovah theah. It's like a ten- fifteen minute walk."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow and stared at me. "Repeat that?"

"We can take the train or walk."

She nodded. "Walking's fine."

With a shrug I lead the way out of the commons and toward the Public Gardens. We past the fields and crossed the street coming to the footbridge. When we headed down the steps I couldn't help but glance underneath the bridge.

It's range really, when people think of Boston Commons/The Public Garden they usually think about the pretty area, the swan boats, places to hang out the historic stuff for those super annoying tourists, and the business people just think of it as a cut through to get to work or the underground parking garage where they left their car. Most people don't think about large amount of homeless people who live here.

When I was little I remember walking with my mom through the commons and I had pointed at the people sleeping confused. My mother had simply said that they had no where else to go.

So when she told with her last breaths to run, I did. And soon enough I realized I had no where else to go. Just like all those people I had seen before. Sooner or later I found myself living amongst them. I claimed the underside of Public Garden Footbridge as my own. Most people would just walk by me assuming I was invisible, but I can't blame them. I would've walked by me too.

But now, after death and becoming exposed to the crazy world I used to know nothing of, I can't just walk by anymore. Despite the fact I walk through the Commons with a purpose now, those whom I used to live amongst give me strange and surprised looks as to how I pulled myself up and out of their situation.

People walked by me and people laughed coming from the swan boats beside me. But unlike all of them I noticed the girl in her twenties. She sat underneath the bridge glaring at the hole in her sleeping bag. It wasn't bad, but it wouldn't last long with the upcoming unpredictable weather (gotta love New England). I wanted to say something to her but I had no clue what to say.


I blinked surprised and turned my attention away from the girl and back to Annabeth.

"You okay?" She asked me her gray eyes full of concern.

I nodded and began walking again. "I'm fine. This way." We walked silently through the garden and paused at the cross walk. I glanced both ways before hurrying out and walking quickly across.

"Hey!" I heard Annabeth shout as she sprinted after me and a car honked its horn behind us.

"What?" I asked her confused when we reached the other side.

"What do you mean 'what?' You just ran out into traffic!"

I shook my head and chuckled. "Boston Rule Number 1. You won't cross the street at all if you wait."

"So you just want to be hit by a car?"

"I haven't been hit yet," I pointed out starting down the street. "Plus if you're gonna be hit at all it's gonna be by a taxi. Those guys don't care."

Annabeth rolled her eyes but followed me down the street nonetheless. We made small talk as we went, she told me about her dad and younger brothers before she stopped suddenly staring across the street. "Look at that guy."

I glanced over to see a man cursing and kicking his car angrily.

"I wonder what his problem is."

I shrugged. "They guy probably lost his cah keys."

"His khakis?" Annabeth repeated.

"Yup. Now come on, the magnificent library awaits."

When we finally reached he library Annabeth's eyes lit up.

I rolled my eyes. Great. She acts just like a tourist. "It's just a library," I told her.

"No it's not," Annabeth said matter-of-factly. "It's the oldest library in the country!"


"Come on. I wanna look around inside," she walked forward to the door between the statues (which I eyed warily) before I grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"Therah's the otheah entrance. This one will have us cut through all this stuff of we can just go around the cornah.

Annabeth stared at me blankly before nodding. I led her around the corner before heading for the main entrance. I glanced at Annabeth from the corner of my eye, her face held a big smile and she hurried toward a set of stairs. I rolled my eyes. I didn't really see what was so amazing besides the fact they have a bathroom anyone can use. With a sigh I followed my energetic cousin to some section where she pulled out a book and began to flip through it.

"Just a warning, I don't have a library cahd," I told her.

Annabeth stared at me blankly once again. "You don't have a library... card?" She asked confused.

I shrugged. "Nope. I lost it and I'm pretty sure it would've expired by now. Either way that means you have to read whateveah heah but it's getting close to lunch so I doubt we'll be heah long."

Annabeth didn't respond and turned her gaze back toward the book.

We spent over two hours in the library. Thankfully while she was reading I was able to head to teen room and use the video games there with some random guys in the meantime. Finally I had had enough and went looking for Annabeth. She hadn't really moved from where I had left her. She sat on the floor looking through a book about architecture- judging from the other books on the floor around her. She squinted at the words as if she couldn't quite understand what they were saying.

"Ready to go?" I asked her.

She jolted surprised dropping the book while one of her hands went to her hip as she looked up at me. She calmed at the sight of me. "Sorry what?"

"I asked if you ah ready to go. It's been two houahs."

She paused before nodding and grabbing the books and carefully putting them away. When she was done we headed for the exit.

"What do you want to eat? Theah's a ton of stuff around heah. Oah we could head to the Pru- wait no. They closed the food couraht... Oah we can head back the way we came and thereahs morah. Therah's little places and a food couraht. Thereah's also-"

"Alright! I can't take it anymore!" Annabeth shouted suddenly as we exited the library. People looked our way confused but kept walking but it was obvious they were staring out the corner of their eyes.

"You can't take what anymorah?" I asked her confused.

Annabeth let out a groan of frustration. "That! Your accent! I can't understand half of what you're saying!"

I raised an eyebrow but then couldn't stop myself from bursting into laughter. She stared at me confused and after clearing myself I cleared my throat and spoke. "That's why you've been looking at me like I'm speaking Spanish all day? You could've just told me. I can speak normally but when I get lazy I slip into an accent."

Annabeth let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry, I was trying to avoid being rude earlier but it got to be to much. Now what were you saying?"

I chucked again. "I was asking what you wanted to eat. There's a lot of stuff here. Or we can head back the way we came and there's more. There's little places and a food court."

Annabeth nodded. "Let's stay around here. What's over here?"

I paused thinking. "First things that come to mind ah- are sorry- pizza and burritos."

"Which is closer?" She questioned.


"Burritos it is."

"Hope your paying," I told her starting down Boylston Street once more.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Fine."

I smiled. "Oh and Annabeth did you know that in some places a guy can get his haiah cut by a babah for only a dollah and a quartah?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

"Then the babah takes a picturah-"

"Stop it. Please."

"Then he hangs the picturah on the corneah wall of his babah shop for everyone to see?"

"Stop it. I get it. The whole 'park your car at Harvard yard' thing. Now please stop."

"Also did you know that ya can't pahk yah cah at Harvahd yahd? You'll get yah cah towed?"

"You're paying for your own burrito."

"It was worth it. It costs less than ten dollahs."

Annabeth groaned.

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