Divided (Part 4)

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Day Five:

Divided (Part 4)

Campers all stared as the Hunters of Artemis walked down the hill. All excited for the now upcoming game of Capture the Flag.

The Lieutenant of the Hunt was not happy. Artemis had just left them to attend a meeting on Olympus and she was yet to mention her dream to the goddess. Thalia sighed as she scanned for Chiron.

She found him in Big House speaking quickly with Annabeth, Nico, Percy and Clarisse.

"Thalia," the Centaur in a wheelchair greeted.

Thalia nodded. "Lady Artemis has gone to Olympus. The Hunt will remain here for the time being."

Chiron nodded and Thalia glanced at the papers on the table. She ran forward and snatched one from the table reading it.

"Camp Jupiter... Where is this place?" She demanded. "I'm going."

"How do you know what it is?" Nico asked her confused.

Thalia ignored his question. "Who? And where?"

"They are Roman demigods," Annabeth answered. "We believe they may declare war on us."

"I need to go there."

"Why?" Percy asked this time.

"I-I had a dream," she answered.

"What happened in it?" Chiron asked.

"It doesn't matter. I just know I need to get there. I don't care how. Just tell me."

"Please Thalia," Chiron said. "It could be vital to our cause."

Thalia bit her lip. "F-fine. There were a bunch of kids. And they all wore purple shirts. One... He-he was my brother who I thought was dead. Jason-"

"Jason?" Nico asked in disbelief. "Well, I guess that makes sense... Jason Grace son of Jupiter. Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus... Strange but not the craziest thing I've ever heard."

"You know him!" Thalia asked running over and grabbing the boy by the shoulders.

"Not personally but everyone knows him. He's one of the praetors," Nico responds squirming out of her grip.

"Praetor?" Thalia echoed confused.

Nico nodded. "Yeah he's basically the guy in charge."

Thalia looked stunned. "Then- then why did they drag him off?"

"Drag who off?" Percy asked.

"Jason. In my dream all the kids in the purple shirts grabbed him and dragged him away."

"Perhaps it's saying that we should stay separate," Annabeth suggested. "We stayed separate to avoid fighting and now we are on the brink of war. A second war."

Chiron nodded. "I am due to meet with the gods later and I'll be sure to bring this up. Dionysus and I shall hopefully be back by dinner."


"You have no right!" Zeus shouted. He glared at his older brother his master bolt crackling in his hand. "You were cast of Olympus therefore you have no right to call for a meeting!"

Hades only told his eyes. "Actually Dionysus called the meeting on my behalf so actually technically I did not call for this meeting."

Zeus is about to shout again when Poseidon steps in. "So, what is this meeting about anyway? What could be so important?"

Hades frowned. "The demigods. Both sides of demigods, are now aware of one another. My son had been going between though his was found out as a Greek when a child of Somnus searched his dreams."

Talking erupted though Zeus didn't speak he looked ready to explode.

"Your daughter is also aware of her brother's presence in Camp Jupiter, Lord Zeus," Chiron said with a bow. "She is quite determined on going there to bring him back." Things fall silent as the other gods wait for Zeus's response.

"A meeting then," Hermes proposed. "We send Camp Half-Blood to meet with Senate. Problem solved. Now, I have packages to deliver."

"Wait Hermes. We can't send all of them, if so attacks may start," Athena stated. "And perhaps they should meet on neutral territory."

"Who should go then?" Hephaestus asked.

Athena paused. "Obviously both of Zeus's children. And both of Hades's. Then the other praetor, and one centurion and the augur. Then we need three more from Camp Half-Blood. I volunteer my daughter Annabeth."

"My son shall go," Poseidon decided. "He is to par with the son of Jupiter."

"I'm not sure that is the best idea," Athena said.

"Why? Because I came up with it?"

"Partly," Athena admitted. "But because mainly we have a child of Zeus, Hades, Jupiter, and Pluto. It's balanced. Send along a child of Poseidon and it will tip the scale."

"Percy goes," Apollo said suddenly. "Send him but not another Greek in addition to the other three."

"Have you seen something?" Athena asked.

Apollo is oddly silent and doesn't reply at first. "I have seen pieces of multiple outcomes. Percy is in each. Not to mention he'd follow your daughter if you told him he couldn't go."

"So we have our Greeks picked," Dionysus said. "You sure you can't take more? Less I have to deal with."

"Which Roman centurion?" Aphrodite asked her form flickering slightly.

"Mars's child," Apollo answered. "Zhang. He needs to be there. Him... and then the other two come later..."

"Just what exactly have you seen?" Zeus asked suspicion in his voice.

Apollo shakes his head. "There's no prophecy but, from what I can see... It's jumbled. I know a few things for sure. First, I am awesome. Second, Frank Zhang and Percy Jackson have to go. Then two other Greek demigods will join later. I can't tell much about them though, things are oddly fuzzy. Third, we can't stop the war. We can-"

"ALRIGHT!" Ares shouted. "ANOTHER WAR!"

"What's the point of sending them then?" Hades asked.

"Least amount of casualties on both sides this way," Apollo replied.

"Then it's decided," Zeus nodded. "We now must just tell the children. Chiron?"

Chiron bows. "Of course I will tell them. Where shall I tell them to go?"

"Grand Canyon," Apollo replied. Chiron nodded.

"I shall alert Lupa," Jupiter stated his form flickering. "Dismissed."

Gods begin to leave and Apollo slides off his throne and walks out the doors of the Olympus. A hand suddenly rests on his shoulder.

"What is it you saw?" Artemis asked her twin concerned.

"Nothing I wanted to see," Apollo responded honestly. "I see things all the time. I've grown used to knowing how, why and when my children will die. But seeing them slaughter each other," he ran a hand through his blonde hair. "That's something entirely different."

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