Four Corners (READ THE A/N)

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Hey Guys!

So this is NOT PJO!!!!!

I know. I know disappointing. So if you don't like ignore this one. Little Merman 2 is next I'm just having trouble writing it. I'm indecisive about stuff.

Otherwise keep reading. This is a really weird thingy I came up with when I couldn't fall back to sleep around 4 am and later wrote down.

So... yeah... Oh, This has swears. Get over it.

See Ya Creeps!


The Four Corners:

The Fairytale That Never Was (For Good Reason) and the weirdest thing so have ever written.

Once upon a time in a land somewhat far away there lived a King and Queen. They ruled the rather large kingdom of Amill.

The two had three children. Triplets to be exact. One girl, Kenna and identical boys, Lancaster and Matthew. Despite being triplets all were very different in personalities.

When they were 14 is a good example...

Their father had sat upon his throne his three children sat on theirs facing the man to be sentenced. He had stolen a large sum of money from his employer.

The king watched the man and had then looked between his children. "Children? What do you think should be done with this man?"

Matthew was the first to speak. "I say we let him go. Maybe the money was to help someone. He should get the benefit of the doubt. Let him free father. Don't you-"

Lancaster interrupted his brother with a groan and an eye roll. "You're too soft brother. He was just being a greedy ass."


Lancaster ignores his brother. "I say we kill him. I just got my sword sharpened. Let's slit his throat!"



"That's enough boys," The King says. "Kenna?" He asks having some hope for his daughter.

"Ugh Dad! I'm try to read a scroll!" Kenna took the scroll from the servant standing there and reading with a chuckle before taking a piece of parchment. "L-O-L," she wrote says each letter before handing the letter back to the servant who ran off.

The King sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

Anyway you get the point. Matthew is kind, too kind, Lancaster is violent and Kenna doesn't care. That's just how they were.

Though life changed drastically one autumn day when the triplets were older. The King had heard news of a battle approaching and had rode of his horse. He never came back.

No one attacked and there was no word of the King. No one even knew if he was dead. The kingdom began to fall into disarray. The Queen mourned too often to be of service. Leaving the children.

Each were at this time 20 years of age but none could decide on a way to decide who became ruler. So they split the kingdom into four.

A section or corner for each of the children and one for the nobles and their mother. With the center where they all touched as neutral ground.

Though with three four separate cities in one kingdom things became confusing...

In Matthew's corner a crime would not leave a harsh punishment if one was even given. So his attracted many criminals. He tried to be nice to all commoners which eventually landed him a girlfriend, a commoner.

In Lancaster's things were okay at first. Though upon the sudden break up between him and his fiancé from a neighboring kingdom he snapped. No one was sure what happened between the two. Lancaster claimed he didn't know and the Princess Crystal refused to speak. Rumors spread... Some even said that he must be a closet gay-

"Hey! I am not! While there is nothing wrong with it! Who says that about me!? I'll slit your throat!"

(Uh um calm down your majesty... I am just reading what's here.) [Cue nervous laughter.] (Um if it pleases you... later you get to slit throats and even seek revenge!)

"I do?"

(Yup.) [Flipping pages...]

"'Lancaster had slit his throat...' okay sounds good continue your reading then."

(Yes, my lord I mean, your highness.... Please don't kill me...)

"Lancaster! Why are you talking to a wall!" Matthew calls worriedly.

"I'm not you idiot! Well... don't they call this thing the fourth wall?"

(Yes your highness.)

"There are always four walls," Kenna says. "But why are you staring at the wall and speaking to it?"

"I'm not. Do you not see the people staring at us?"

"What people?"

"Well there is one confused. That one there is falling asleep- WAKE UP!!! And that one is smiling."

"I think your sick brother, Kenna we must take him to the doctor at once."


"Hey I'm not crazy! I'm not a swear! Let me go! I'll slit your throat! Hey! Hey! Heyyyyyyyy!"

Anyway... now that's he's busy... Back to my story... Where was I?... Ah okay,

But if he was violent before no one was sure what he was now. He put on a smile but dare put a pinkie toe cross the line and you were dead mostly likely by having your throat slit (cause that's what the maniac preferred).

"What was that!?"


So people lived in fear but crime was at a minimum.

In Kenna's people ran wild at first. She didn't have a care in the world. Then food began to deplete. Many lives starving do to their ruler's neglect.

While in the Queen's, she and nobles lived as the all the upper class do.

Then there is the Center. A place of peace. The only remnant of how Amill once was.

This is how it was for two years. Then Matthew sent out a message to his two siblings asking them to meet him in the center.

"Ugh what did you drag us here for brother?" Kenna asks examining her nails.

"Mother's birthday is next week," Matthew reminds her. "We have to buy her a gift."

"Ooh, how about-"

"We are not buying her a sword Lancaster."

Lancaster groans. "Fine. But can we at least discuss this on the way k the blacksmith? My sword should be ready by now."

Seeing no point in arguing with him the other two followed their brother to the blacksmith.

Lancaster promptly flirted with the blacksmiths daughter gaining accesses to the back room where is sword waited.

"My father shall return soon," she promised.

"That's isn't fast enough," Lancaster sighed. "Would you kind getting him for me?" He asked looking away from his sword to give the girl a sweet smile. She swooned before nodding and running out. Kenna bit back a gag.

Lancaster took the sword and a random feather before placing the feather down and slicing. Watching as it cut the delicate feather with excellent precision. He hummed satsified. "Alright let's go."

"You're not going to pay?" Matthew asked horrified.

"And where is the point in your statement?"

Lancaster began to walk out and Kenna shrugged about to follow.

Matthew lurched forward and grabbed his brother's arm. "This is how they make their living! Your going to do this to them!?"

"Yes," Lancaster said slowly as if speaking to a child.

"Are you serious!? You're going to leave just like that!?"

"Wait your right," Lancaster said walking over to where the coals burn. "I can't leave without a new dagger." He picked it up with the end of his shirt careful of the heat, examining it.

Matthew had enough. He pushed his brother. Lancaster fell. Though as he did the sharp blade in his hand swung slicing at Matthew's arm cutting through.

Matthew screamed in pain though Lancaster didn't notice as he fell upon the work bench the hot metal burning and scarring his face.

Doctors did the best they could. Lancaster lost sight in his right eye and Matthew lost an arm. Their sister was alright physically but was certainly diatribes by the display. Both brother's grew hatred toward the other.

Lancaster the more violent of the two made the first move. He summoned Sayl as he was often called 'Slayer', an assassin for hire.

"Sayl," Lancaster greeted.

"Your highness," the assassin bows.

"I have grown fed up with my brother. I require your services."

"You would like me to kill him?" Sayl asked partly surprised.

"No... I want him to suffer. Kill the girl. The one that he loves. Slit her throat. That way he'll know it came from me."

Two nights later the order was carried out. And for two weeks Matthew mourned. Then he put on a disguise met with a man in a pub.



"I know my brother was behind it."

"That is what the criers say."

"I want him to pay. I need those close to him dealt with. And I want his name ruined."

"You? The 'Peaceful Prince?'"

"Did I stutter?"

Sayl stood. "It shall be done."

There were three weeks until most of Lancaster's castle was found dead. Rumors spread that he had gotten drunk and gone on a killing spree. While they had feared him before they had still lived somewhat happily. Now there was talk of a rebellion. Lancaster's name was now written in blood.

"I know of my brothers' quarreling," Kenna told him. "Lancaster plans to raise an army. Matthew will fight back. A kingdom at war with itself is not a kingdom. It will fall, but someone will rise from the rubble. I intend to be that person Slayer."

"What would you like me to do Princess?"

"Kill them. Make it look good. Like they had fought. Then from there I can take over from there... You will be paid nicely in reward."

Sayl nodded once. "Anything else?"

"Chop or their heads!" Maryl cried clapping.

Kenna shook her head at her best friend's antics. "No. Just no."

Time passed. War was beginning. But one person simply smiled and readied an army of their own. Princess Crystal desired the throne that was her mind rightfully hers.

When the war came the three siblings found themselves dueling in their mother's castle. Sayl laid off to the side. Lancaster had slit his throat.

It seemed to be a stale mate before Crystal appeared putting her sword to the back of Matthew's neck.

"Crystal my love!" Lancaster called. "Have you come to help run the dumbass through and marry me!?"

"Language," Matthew muttered.

"No," Crystal said simply. "I have come for the throne."

"Not happening," Lancaster said simply.

Crystal's eyes narrowed as removed her sword heading for the other brother. She swung and he countered albeit surprised.

The fight ensued once again.

"Enough!" A booming yet worried voice cried. Seven eyes turned to see the face of the King.

"Father," Kenna gasped dropping her sword. The two other siblings froze as well. Crystal's eyes narrowed as she held her sword straight out the man who descended the large stairs.

"There is a battle going on outside! And I will not have my children fight!" The King cried.

"Though you will let them marry won't you Father," Crystal spat.

"Father?" Asked the other three.

The King flinched. "You-"

"Mother told me on her death bed," Crystal deadpanned.

"I'm sorry but-"

"You weren't my father before. Do not try now."

The tension could be cut with a sword. Cries and screams rang from outside but no one inside seemed to notice as they started at each other. Lancaster broke the silence.

"Wait- so Crystal is my sister?"

The King nodded mutely.

"My sister. I was marrying... I sle- I'm gonna puke."

"Why did you leave?" Kenna asked.

"That's complicated.... Your mother was growing suspicious..." The King said backing up slowly.

"Wait," Matthew said suddenly. "All of this. Its all your fault. It you haven't left..."

"None of this would've happened," Crystal said.

"She wouldn't be dead."

"I could see properly," Lancaster said.

"The kingdom wouldn't be in shambles," Kenna stated.

In an unspoken agreement the four siblings grabbed their swords marching toward their father who slowly backed up the stairs.

"Now children, please-" The King didn't finish as a sword purveyed through his back and out his front. The sword was wrenched out and he fell. From behind him came the queen.

"I knew you were cheating on me Zeus."

"H-Hera," the King coughed choking up blood.

(Eh, why not?)

The end of the war was a strange one. Fighting ceased as word spread of the King's sudden appearance and murder.

The four children each split up the kingdom once more into four corners with their (step)mother at its center.

As time passed all married and lived happily-

"Daddy who's that?"

"I'm not sure. They've been here for years. Just staring."

"Strange. Let's chop off his head dear!"

"No Maryl. We must slit his throat."

"I'm with Nommy!"

"No Daddy!"

"Not if I get there first!"

(Hey- wait no! I'm sorry please don't kill me!!!!! AHHH!)

"They grow up so fast," Maryl sighed happily.

"Come on we can't let the kids have all the fun!"



.... Alright what do I have to do?

That last one was killed just finish.

Okay... I'm the new guy. So-

Just finish. They're coming this way.

Shit- And they all lived happily ever after... sorta.

They're here! Run!

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