Hades's and Hermes's Halloween House of Horrors

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Hey Guys!

I wanted to let you all know about something. So, my library was advertising this thing I'm gonna do. NaNoWriMo.

National November Writing Month. (Or something like that)

I'm gonna try to going and do this thing. They challenge you to write 50,000 words in November alone. I plan to try for 30,000 which is still a lot. And I still got school and such.

But I plan to give it a go.

So if I can't guarantee updates as often (despite I've slowed down on them in general). I swear I have like three half way done I just can't decide how to end them.

But that's what I plan to do. Join me in it if you want!

See Ya Eventually Creeps!
And Happy Halloween! 🕷👻 (what are you gonna be? I'm a grim reaper.)



Hades's and Hermes's Halloween House of Horrors

One Week Ago

"I just don't understand why mortals love this 'Halloween' so much," Zeus states.

"What's not to love?" Apollo asks. "Dressing up. Free candy. Scary stuff."

"Costumes!" Aphrodite adds. "I'm gonna be a witch!"

"You don't need the costume for that," Artemis mutters.

"The wonderful parties," Dionysus sighs. "I plan to hit at least seven."

"And the pranks," Hermes puts in. "The haunted houses!"

"I have an idea!" Apollo shouts. "We have a giant Halloween party! We can have a haunted house! A costume competition, pumpkins carving competition! And a ton of candy!"

"That's not actually a terrible idea," Athena admits. "We could invite the demigods too."

"Not the brats," Dionysus groans.

"We can Hades to help with the haunted house naturally," Hermes mused. "Hades's and Hermes's House of Halloween Horrors... I like it."

"I'll have a costume booth right at the front!" Aphrodite smiles.

"I'm in charge of pumpkins!" Demeter says.

"I'll run the music, we need an epic dance floor," Apollo decides. "Hephaestus-"

"Yes I'll do whatever is needed," Hephaestus says.

"We'll need a non biased judge," Athena adds.

"I'll do it," Hestia offers from her spot by the hearth. "I'll make the food too."

"We're gonna need people to make sure the kids stay in line. Chiron and Lupa can't control them all," Athena reasons.

"Discipline? On Halloween? Leave it to me," Ares smiles.

"I'll tag along to make sure you don't kill them," Poseidon decides.

"And I'll organize," Athena says. "Well, we have a week. Let's get going."

Most of the gods flash out.

Zeus looks at Hera. "When did I say they could have a party?"

"It seems we were out voted," Hera says.



"Welcome children!" Aphrodite dressed in a witch's costume says the group of entering demigods. "Don't have a costume? Want a new one? Step right in to my costume shop! I'll dress you up and make you look hot hot hot!"

"I'm regretting this already," Nico murmurs.

They are whisked off inside where they stand in the center of the room. Aphrodite walks to Piper first. "I know what's just perfect for you!" She snaps and pink smoke surrounds Piper.

When Piper stops gagging on the smoke long enough she finds herself dressed as Wonder Woman. She smiles not as bad as she expected. "Thanks mom."

Aphrodite head to Rachel next. A moment later Rachel is dressed as a gypsyish psychic.

Soon all have their costumes. Jason is Thor. Frank is soon a werewolf. Hazel is witch. Leo is dressed in a steampunk inspired suit, complete with a cool Hephaestus made cane. Calypso is a female Green arrow. Nico has his hair slicked back and is dressed as Loki. Will finds himself as a the 11th Doctor. Percy as Finnick from the Hunger Games (Catching Fire specifically). Annabeth finds herself as Alice from Alice and Wonderland.  Reyna is dressed as Cleopatra.

Thalia didn't say a word as she glared at the goddess from her Cinderella dress. Aphrodite sighed "Fine." She snapped and Thalia was dressed as if she was pulled straight from the walking dead.

Once done they walk until they come to a fork in the road. A sign points in different directions.

Hades's and Hermes's House of Halloween Horrors

Demeter's Pumpkin Carving!

The Awesomest
Dance Floor To Be Created
In History

Candy and Food!

"Where to?" Annabeth asks.

"I wanna go pumpkin carving," Hazel says.

"Me too," Frank smiles.

"Pumpkin carving? I'm so in," Rachel says.

"I'm hitting the haunted house," Leo decides.

"We can meet up in like an hour for food and then dance," Annabeth suggests.

The group nods and splits. Three head for pumpkins and the rest for the Haunted House.


"Welcome! To Demeter's Pumpkin Carving! Sit down, you can work alone or in groups but no bigger 5. You have all night to finish! Have some cereal!" Demeter (dressed as a hippie) handed each of them a box of Lucky Charms. "It's Halloween so sweet cereal for everyone!"

Rachel sits down at her pumpkin and begins to work straight away.

Frank turns to Hazel. "Want to work together?"

Hazel shakes her head with a smile. "Nope. I wanna win."

Frank stared at her shocked as Hazel gets to work on her pumpkin. Frank soon follows suit. He manages to cut it open and begins to shovel out pumpkin guts.

"Ew! Frank!" Hazel shrieks as some hit her hair.

"S-sorry Hazel! I didn't mean-" Frank was cut off as pumpkin hit him in the face. He wipes it off to see Hazel staring at him innocently. He gets a handful of pumpkin. "It's on."


"Apollo you're not seven."

"Oh come on Arty!"

"That's not my name!"

"Lord Apollo? Lady Artemis?" Annabeth asks confused upon their arrival.

Apollo turns and waves. "Happy Halloween! May I suck your blood?"
He was dressed as a vampire while Artemis looked as herself.

"No I quite like my blood where it is," Leo says.

"Apollo you're supposed to be running the music!" Artemis shouts. "Not participating!"

"But this was my idea! And I want to enjoy it not work! Plus the Muses are doing a fine job of running it on their own. Plus who else is gonna comfort the ladies?"

"Males," Artemis and Thalia say in unison.

"Oh more people!" Hermes (dressed as microwave?) said with a smile at the door. "Welcome! Welcome! All of you head right in! There's a large candy prize for whomever survives!"

"So for everyone?" Jason asks.


They all (including Apollo dragging Artemis behind him) head inside. Not even close to knowing what was in store.



"So fake. I mean it's just triggered and boom fake ghost," Annabeth says.

The other girls nod.

"Honestly Apollo," Artemis says shaking her head.

Apollo doesn't respond following the girls. Somewhere back they had lost the rest of the boys and he had gotten stuck with the girls. None of which were scared...

Something brushes against his leg and he shrieks grabs on to Artemis.

"You're heavy," Artemis sighs as she shifts her twins weight in her arms. Thalia quickly pulls out a phone (which she totally doesn't have) and snaps a picture for blackmail.


"I expected more," Leo frowned. "Hermes and Hades working together! So why aren't I scared!?"

"How should I know?" Jason asks.

"Let's just hurry up then," Will says. "There's candy at the end."

"It better blue," Percy says.


"This is stupid," Annabeth says.
Percy nods. They had finally met back up with the girls.

"N-Not even c-c-close to s-scary," Apollo says from where he is piggybacking his sister (who is still in her twelve year old form).

"I think we're almost at the end," Calypso says.

Other nod and they head for the end.
Nico opens the door and all nearly faint in fear as their worst fears flash before their eyes.


"How scary is that haunted house of yours?" Athena asks Hermes. "Children are walking out paler than paper. Many are puking."

"We made it look all cheesy then threw in a Helm of Darkness at the end."

"You what?"

"So what are you supposed to be anyway?"

"I'm Hatshepsut. One of the Pharaohs. She expanded and built- doesn't matter right now. The Helm of Darkness!?"

"Yeah. Why? Was that wrong?"


"You know that's not true I would never hurt you. Or any of the girls."

Artemis glares at the male in front of her. "That's not true!? You slaughtered my girls! You put arrows through their chests! Even some of my older girls! You were close to Phoebe so you killed her!?"

Orion steps forward slowly and for some reason she doesn't quite understand herself she doesn't shoot. He takes another step forward and another. He stares deep in to her eyes. "I wouldn't. Never. I love you."


"We're going to win! Are we not Roman!?" Reyna shouts. The demigods march on her word as they head for the fields of Mars. Reyna watches at her soldiers fall one by one. By the time the last monster is slain she is the only one left.

Reyna wanders through the carnage looking for survivors. She freezes when her eyes land on the small body of Julia. Terminus' little helper.

She reaches down to close the small girl's eyes when the two formerly bright orbs focus on her. Reyna smiled and bent down. She brushed hair out today the girl's face. "It's okay. You'll be-"

"I thought you were supposed to be a good leader?"


Nico stood before the three judges. They were chatting amongst themselves and Nico waited.

What was he even doing here? Business? What was it?

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades," Shakespeare says. "We herby sentence you to the Fields of Punishment.

"What no! There has to be a mistake! There must be a mistake!" Nico finds himself shouting.

"There's no mistake. You are a child of Hades are you not? Not to mention your other problem?"

"I-I'm not...."

"We know your thoughts of the Jackson boy... We know what you are."


"Just because you escaped the island doesn't mean you are free of your curse."

The words rang in her ears. "It's okay," Leo assures her. Calypso smiles and pulls him in for a kiss. When she pulls away Leo seems... Taller. Older.

"What happened to you?" She asks him.

Leo raises an eyebrow. "Nothing."

"But you look-"

"It's the stress getting to you. I promise you, I'm the same Leo McShizzle." To make his point he pulls her in for a comforting hug.


The voice wasn't Leo's. Calypso quickly pulled away and started at the old man in front of her. "W-what? What's wrong?" He asks.

"You're- you're..." Calypso wasn't able to finish her sentence as aged even more. Skin shriveled he was dead then even his bones and dust disappeared.

She wouldn't be free of her curse. Still Every man she loved would leave her.


She was falling. The ground coming closer and closer.

Thalia screams. She tries to control the winds like Jason but it does no good. She soon makes impact.


He grabbed the syringe and held it to the patients IV when he heard the sound. Flatline. Will jerked his head up and ran to another patient. He was about to help when the sound came from his left. And then his right. He was surrounded.

But he couldn't help a single one.


"Daddy! Daddy! I drew you a flower!" Tristan McLean didn't respond as he read over his new script.

"Dad! I need a permission slip signed!" He didn't look up.

"Thanks so much dad! I was arrested and you've been what? Sitting here all day!" Tristan only took a sip from his coffee.

"I'm moving out." He only looked at his phone.

"Sir?" This time he looked up instantly. Something he hadn't done for her. "I'm glad your sitting down the news isn't good."

Tristan looks confused and worried. "Did the contract fall through?"

His assistant shakes her head. "No, but I'm afraid it's much worse..."

"What is it?"

"There's no easy way to say this but... Piper's dead."

Tristan McLean blinks. "Who?"


For once he has no idea.

As the god of prophecy he always saw what he never wanted to see. He always chose not to believe it. He chose not to believe what he saw true. He ignored all of the things of his relationships failing.

All of the things of his children dying.

But Apollo had no idea what would happen. With Delphi gone things were harder to see. So he has no idea what Zeus would do to him. Everything he imagines is worse than the last.

Had it been any other god they may have gotten a pass. But not Apollo.

He slowly walked towards his father's throne. Zeus looked at him in disgust as if he was a bug. When Zeus grabbed his Masterbolt Apollo tried to run. But the other gods held him in place.


All his friends lay in front of him. Each strapped down to a metal table. They all stare at him pleadingly but he doesn't even understand what's going on.

Behind the tables stand corpses. Seven of those things step forward. Through their rotting bodies and clothes he is able to make out their identities immediately.

Bianca. Zoë. Beckendorf. Silena. Ethan. Luke.

"Soul for a soul?" They ask as one. Percy is about to shout when all words die in his throat at the sight of the walrus man.

Gabe steps out from behind the corpses. A beer bottle in hand. He steps. Up first to Annabeth before he raises the bottle and bringing it down on her face. Again. And again. And again. Her screams shake Percy but he can't move to help. He feels like he's suffocating. As he can do nothing but  watch as Gabe picks his friends off one by one.


Everything is engulfed in the red light.

Trees, grass, cabins, and people alike are covered in the flames.

The screams reach his ears. Leo watches. He doesn't help. He just watches.

Watches as his life burns away and the smell of burning flesh replaces it. Just like his mother all those years ago.

"Leo! Leo!" The voice belonged to Piper. Leo turned running toward her. Half her face was burned but what could he do?

He could only start fires. He couldn't end them.


He was back at the Grand Canyon. He saw Piper falling. Her scream pierced his ears.

Jason jumped down to save her, flying as fast as he could. He grabbed her arm to pull them up- but she slipped right through his fingers.


She walks in her cabin excited to tell everyone the news. But as she opened the door she realizes it is unusually silent.

Annabeth steps inside. "Malcolm!?" She calls to no response. She continues to walk through the empty cabin which is strangely disorganized. Clothes are strewn on the floor, beds unmade. She stops her analyzation of the room as she finds her brother.

He is lying on the floor. Annabeth walks over and shakes him but he doesn't stir. Annabeth slowly flips him over.

His face is mostly gone. None can be seen. And as Annabeth stares into those empty eye sockets spiders crawl out.


"Hey guys!" Hazel calls running to meet their friends. Upon seeing their faces she asks, "Are you all right?"

No one responds.

"Um..." Frank says. "Let's get some food..."


"Shut up punks it's time to announce the winners!" Ares shouts.

Silence falls on the dance floor and Apollo walks up the stage. "Thank you all for coming and enjoying pumpkins! Dancing! T-t-the h-haunted h-house... Um, anyway it's time to announce the winners. Hestia has been our judge. And I would love to congratulate my father on his costume- never mind that's his face. Please don't kill me. Okay so second place goes to...."

Hestia smiles and walks to the stage. "The winner of the costume competition is.... Frank Zhang! Praetor of Camp Jupiter!"

Frank (who is currently a dragon) who is playing with some little kids turns to the stage.

"Yay Frank!" Hazel cheers jumping up and down. Frank slowly changes to human before he is pushed on to the stage.

"Um... Thanks?" Frank is given a large thing of candy and waved off stage.

"Okay! And the winner of the pumpkin carving contest is Rachel Dare! Former Host of Delphi!"

Rachel smiles pleased and walks up on stage a few campers carrying her masterpiece behind her. A zombie made of pumpkin.

"Okay everyone! Thanks for coming (or reading) and Happy Halloween!" Athena says.

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