He's Only Merciless to His Rivals

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I love this picture.

Also there is swearing. And they over threw the gods sort of in this. But they're mortal...sorta....

Look, it doesn't follow anything at all. It's just a bunch of characters thrown into this weird thing.

Enjoy the insanity.




He's Only Merciless to His Rivals

Annabeth held back a scream as one pirate brought his cutlass to her throat.

"Aren't ye a beaut?" He said reaching out to touch her face. She could practically taste the gross smell coming from the man.

"She's mine," hissed a voice behind the man.

"Oi. I caught her fair and square-" the man said turning around. "C-Captain! Of course I was plannin' on bringin' her right to you. Sir." He lowered his sword but gripped her arm tightly.

The other guy- the "Captain"- looked unimpressed. His sea green eyes swirled with an emotion Annabeth couldn't place. He studied her for a moment looking her up and down and Annabeth felt unnerved under his gaze. He was dressed as a Captain should,his clothes a bright blue. A blunderbuss was strapped to one of his sides and a bronze cutlass strapped to the other.

"Who are ye?" The Captain asked. Annabeth was about to answer when she realized the Captain was looking to the man holding her arm. "Are you even one of me crew?"

"Y-Yes sir," the man stuttered.

The Captain's eyes seemed to stop swirling his eyes were cold and angry. He drew his sword and with one quick swipe he slashed the man's torso and blood poured from his wound as he screamed in agony.

Annabeth stared at the body in shock.

"Feed the fish," the Captain told two people behind them. Wordlessly two boys stepped forward grabbed the screaming man and threw him overboard. Annabeth could hear his screams until they were replaced with a large splash.

"Now..." The Captain circled Annabeth before he stares into her gray eyes. "Name?"

"Annabeth," she replied.

His gaze hardened. "Sir or Captain."

"Annabeth sir," she said through gritted teeth.

"And ye are a pirate here on the ship The Princess Andromeda?"

"Aye sir."


"Your Captain is dead! Ye will join my ship and crew. Understood?"

Annabeth only spit in his face.

The Captain smiled a wicked smile. He turned on his heel and clasped behind his back as began to walk toward the plank which connected his ship with this one.

"Clarisse," he called without looking back. A stocky girl with stringy hair straightened.

"Aye Captain?"

"Break her."



The three Captains laughed as think clanged their mugs of nectar.

"We officially dominate the seas," The Captain in blue said.

"Aye, those pesky "Olympians" are nothing more," agreed the Captain clad in black. Is pale skin looking almost paper white against his clothes.

"I took charge of the Hunt. That bitch was no Captain," Said the Captain in silver. The only girl in the room.

"The Princess Andromeda is mine. Might I ask my dear Thalia, why ye requested I let that bastard Captain live?" Asked the blue captain.

The girl- Thalia- sipped her rum. "I knew him before. I owe him my life now I repaid the favor. Nothing more. I shall take him off your hands, Jackson. And it's Captain Grace to ye."

Captain Jackson only smiled and took a swig.

"I must be getting back to me ship," the Captain in black said. "I don't trust me first mate to strict."

"Because you rather sleep with him than make him a proper pirate Nico," Percy teased.

"Captain di Angelo," he corrected before he threw the rest of his drink in the other boys face. The other two only laughed and with an eye roll as Captain di Aneglo exited.

Captain Jackson frowned. Well he should get going too. He had a new recruit after all.



"I'll tell ya Captain, she's a toughie," Clarisse said looking down the hall to the cell.

"I can handle her," He answers opening the cell door. "Go tell those lackeys to get back to work."

"Aye sir."

Captain Jackson peered inside to see Annabeth's piercing gray eyes glaring back at him. She sat on the floor her hands chained behind her. He cocked his head to one side as he observed her before he walked in closing the door behind him.

"Three days. Yet you still won't speak," he stated.

Annabeth didn't bat an eye.

Captain Jackson shrugged before taking a different approach. "Tell me girl, who is yer captain?"

Annabeth paused before she answered. "Luke Castellan, Captain of the-"

"Wrong! I am yer Captain understand!"

"No yer not," Annabeth spat.

Percy gave her a small knowing smile. "Ye fell for the swashbuckler ay?" He gave a short hallow laugh. "Ye and 20 other wenches too. I must say he was good to kill."

Annabeth ignored his comment. "Me Captain wouldn't die that simply. I'd know it if he was dead."

"Ah, ye caught me ye little wench. Yer captain's alive. For now. I handed 'im over to me matey. She'll take good care of him."

"He's not a wench you can hand over! Yer no captain! Ye nothing more than a knave!" Annabeth shouted struggling against the chain which held her. She froze when a hand slapped across her face.

"I didn't want to do that," the Captain said deadly calm. "But ye must watch your tongue or ye'll be getting a taste of the cat."

Annabeth bit back an insult.

"Now tell me," he said. "Who's yer Captain?"

Annabeth only glared at him.

"Who's yer Captain!" He shouted in her face his hand raised.

"Ye sir."

The Captain nodded pleased. "I think ye need a few more days to straighten up."


Annabeth was let out of the brig four days later. She promptly began her life on the Blackjack under the rule of Captain Perseus Jackson. One of the three notorious "Demigods":

Perseus Jackson, Captain of the Blackjack.

Nico di Angelo, Captain of the Ghost King

And Thalia Grace, Captain of the Hunt

All three were known to be merciless killers cutting down anyone in their way. Rumor has it that Captain Grace had even killed her own brother.

The three now ruled the seas. The Princess Andromeda was the last hope at bringing them down. But now she was here on an enemy ship.

What surprised Annabeth the most the Captain's actions. He seemed almost, carefree. Besides the two times she had never heard him raise his voice to anyone.

"He is only merciless to his rivals," Another pirate by the name of Piper explained to her. "Other than that, hes good his hands."

Annabeth wasn't quite so sure. But when it had gotten into her second month on the ship she realized things weren't so bad.

Well, until the other Captain's came aboard.


"With me," Captain Jackson ordered to his first mate Clarisse. He then turned to Annabeth. "Ye too."

Annabeth blinked surprised but nonetheless followed orders and walked with the two. The other two Captains had men by their sides. By Captain di Angelo, there was a short Latino boy as well as a blonde one. With Captain Grace was a blonde boy with a scar on his lip as well as- a girl with volcanic rock eyes.

They gathered in the Captain's office for some rum as they talked. The three Captains planned out attacks while their men stood back and listened.

"We can corner them with the Sea of Monsters," Captain Grace suggested. "Not one is stupid enough to journey there."

"Then why are we going?" Captain di Angelo argued.

"Ye got me on your side," Captain Jackson smiled. "We're fine."

Captain di Angelo gave him a look Annabeth couldn't place but he didn't respond.

"The Queen's jewels will be ours," Captain Grace smiled. "The wretched bitch. I'll kill her. I'll-" A hand was placed on her shoulder and Annabeth looked to the blonde boy with the scar behind her. Captain Grace frowned but she didn't say anything as she shook his hand off. "I'd say that's enough. I'll see ye, I ought to get back to me ship."

The two boys nodded as she and her two crew mates left.

About an hour later Captain di Angelo stood up in the crow's nest as he watched his ship come closer. Below them Captain Jackson, Annabeth and the blonde boy watched him. "Where's the swashbuckler?" Captain di Angelo shouted down to the blonde boy with him.

"How should I know!?" The boy called back.

"Watch it you'll get a flogging!"

The blonde boy only smiled and rolled his eyes. Annabeth stared at him. He dared to his Captain like that?!


The cry shouted from the other side of the ship. Eyes turned to see people running as a fire sprang up and in the center someone stood calmly. Out of it walked the small Latino Annabeth had seen earlier.

Captain Jackson growled and drew his cutlass as he turned to glare up at the Captain in the Crow's Nest. "Ye are a bilge rat di Angelo!"

Captain di Angelo smiled. "This for Bianca! Maybe next time, Jackson!"
With that he chopped a rope and swung down to the main deck. Captain Jackson was right behind him swinging his sword. Annabeth and Clarisse by his side.

Annabeth stared in shock as Captain di Angelo ran over and grabbed the hands of the two members of his crew he had come with before dissolving in a pool of black.

Captain Jackson's cutlass slicing where they had been.

"C-Captain?" Annabeth stuttered. She looked over to the green eyed Captain who was shaking with rage. His eyes were dark and cold.

"He's only merciless to his rivals," is what Piper had told her. Annabeth herself was shaken by the look in his eyes. And she felt bad for the other Captain once Captain Jackson got a hold of him.

Annabeth was shaken from her thoughts as water rushed up from either side before crashing down on the ship extinguishing the flames. Captain Jackson turned to Clarisse. "Ye get it fix and watch me ship."

She nodded and ran off shouting orders to others.

Captain Jackson then turned to her and grabbed her by the arm. He dragged her toward the edge of the ship and Annabeth felt panic seize her. Was he going to throw her off!?

"Come on," He said. "I need his blood ok my blade."

Annabeth could only scream as he jumped overboard pulling her with him down into the cool water.

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