Ice Skating

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I don't know if they are mortal or what, it doesn't matter. I just had a feeling almost a need to write Perico so boom.


That is all.


Ice Skating

"Perseus Jackson I am going to kill you!"

Percy only laughed as she skid to a stop. "You'll have to catch me first..."

Nico Di Angelo glared at Percy as he zoomed away on his ice skates. Nico glared down at his feet. How did he let Percy talk him into this?

Nico hesitantly moved a foot forward still holding on to the wall. His foot kept sliding, he quickly grabbed hold on the wall stabilizing himself.

A mittened hand appeared in front of his face. Hazel smiled down at him. Nico took her hand slowly and Percy came up next to his other side. Together the two pulled Nico off the wall and further onto the ice. Hazel sent Nico a wink before she skated back over to her boyfriend Frank. Percy came in front of Nico and took his hands.

"Just keep your eyes on me and try to stay balanced. I'll pull us along okay?" Percy asked.

Nico nodded slowly as Percy began to skate backwards easily pulling Nico along with him.

"Don't point your toes so much," Percy advised and Nico slowly moved his feet and began to fall but Percy steadied him.

Nico ignored his blush as he tried to follow Percy's instructions.

"See you're doing great," Percy smiled. "I told you ice skating isn't that bad."

"That is still yet to be seen Jackson," Nico said with a huff.

Not much later Nico was easily keeping his balance as Percy maneuvered them around the ice. Soon enough Nico was moving his feet on his own.

Nico tried to ignore Percy's hands holding his. Percy's encouraging smile. Jason's constant thumbs up and Piper and Annabeth's: 'Our little Percy is growing up'. Rather he tried to focus on his task.

If Percy had this much faith in his ice skating he couldn't be horrible, right?

That was his only reason that he didn't stay on the wall when Percy left to go to the bathroom. He did his best and was going slowly, but he was making progress.

Unfortunately that's when the more competitive kids decided to have a race.

Nico only realized what was going on when he heard "GO!"

He didn't have time to get out of the way when he run into and thrown this way and that until he his slammed down hard on the ice.

His head rings and throbs. He should've listened to Hazel and worn the stupid skull helmet.

Hands grab him and Nico doesn't get a chance to protest as Percy drags him off the ice to sit on a bench. Percy quickly hurries off and comes back with  ice and holds it to Nico's head.

"I'm so sorry Nico!" He said. "I shouldn't have left. No- I shouldn't have made you skate. It's my fault and I-"

Nico clamps a hand over Percy's mouth. "It's fine. I just need to be more careful. Maybe you and I can go when there are less people Maybe... We can go, um, uh, just us?" Nico can feel his face heat up with every word out of his mouth.

Percy blinked his sea green eyes and his mouth moved to form an O but no words came out. Nico glared at his ice skates as if they were the source of his problems.

"L-l-like a um date?" Percy said finally. Nico looked up to see Percy's face was red.

"If-if you uh, want it to be?" Nico said quickly. "Unless you don't wanna. Then um you can I'm forget I ever said anything. And you can go skate with everyone else and I'll try to get these death contraptions off my feet and we can pretend nothing ever even uh um-"

Nico was cut off as Percy gave a short peck on the lips. It wasn't much but to Nico it was so much more.

Percy smiled. "That- that sounds nice. But you're wearing a helmet next time it Hazel will kill me."

Nico nodded. "Agreed. So um... Are you gonna go skate with the others?"

Percy looked up at them as he snow began to fall on the rink. Snowflakes getting into his eye lashes. Finally he looked back to Nico. "Nah, it would be as fun without you. How about we get these 'death contraptions' off and get some hot chocolate?"

Nico smiled. Perhaps Percy had been right. Ice skating wasn't so bad after all.

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