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Annabeth paced back and forth. She had not expected this.

Her initial reaction was happiness but now a million questions were running through her mind about how her future would change.

Annabeth shook her head. She was over reacting. She just needed some water.

She headed to the kitchen and grabbed a glass filling it up. She leaned against the sink and took a sip feeling calmer and a bit better now.

She took another sip before almost choking on it. What would her mother say!?

Would she kill Percy?

No. She would've done that already. Right?

Annabeth picked up her water again she began to pace and drink continually telling herself not to overthink it. Easier said than done.

She finally sat on the floor trying to calm down when she heard the front door open.

"Annabeth?" Percy called and she heard him close the door. Annabeth didn't reply trying to figure out how to tell him. Would she make it dramatic?

What would his reaction be?

What would Percy say?

Annabeth knew he would be happy... Or would he?

No. He would probably say something stupid but be happy right? He is Percy after all.

"Annabeth? You okay?"

Annabeth blinks and looks up. She was still on the floor. Percy crouches next to her. Worry in his eyes.

Annabeth nods and Percy stands before helping her up.

"You sure? Are you not feeling well?" Percy continues placing a hand to her forehead.

Annabeth smiles and shakes her head pushing his hand always. "I have to tell you something."

"I knew it there is something wrong. What is it? Was that creep staring at you again? I'm going to go smash his face-"

"That's not it Percy," Annabeth laughs. "And I've already dealt with him. I'm capable of handing myself."

"I know you are Wise Girl. So just tell me what's up? Did you make something blue? No- I don't smell anything... Ooh! I know-"

"I'm pregnant," Annabeth blurts. Percy is cut off and stares at Annabeth as her words register. After a moment a smile nearly splits his face and he grabs his wife in a hug.

"That's amazing!" He shouts. "Wait I'm squishing you... you both? Oh my gods. You're really pregnant. We're going to be parents. I'm going to be dad..."

Annabeth nods and hands him her unfinished water which he drains. "Better?" She asks.

Percy nods and hugs her once more causing Annabeth to laugh.

"This is crazy," Percy says pulling back from their embrace to give her a kiss. "Let's go out to eat to celebrate."

Annabeth has no quarrels with the idea. The two head out and Annabeth smiles to herself. She wasn't even sure why she was so worried she'd been through two wars. She could survive motherhood. Plus with Percy by her side, they were invincible.





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