It's Much Better Knowing You're Name (A Cinderella Story)

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(I need a name for you people)

As requested Cinderella! But it's gonna be modern.

And even though the title says "A Cinderella Story" I did not steal it from Hillary Duff. Though I do love that movie. I don't like "Another Cinderella Story" though (the one with Selena Gomez) anyway....

So most would assume this is Percabeth. And because of that, it's not Percabeth. Sorry.

See Ya Creeps!

P.S. I like that I can now underline... And move stuff


It's Much Better Knowing You're Name (A Cinderella Story)

(Let's see who can guess what ship this is first?)

She sighed and threw the mop in the closet slamming it behind her. She didn't care what her step mother would think of the sound. She marched up to her room- if you could call the small space that- and flopped down on her bed.

She hit the mattress with a groan. She closed her eyes getting comfortable. She blinked as she shifted the way she was laying her eyes landing on her backpack. Which was currently full of homework.

She reached for the bag her hand falling just short. After trying and failing to reach it as well as using the force to no avail she gave up. Who cares about homework anyway?

She snorted a bit thinking about how Annabeth would lecture her. Annabeth... Maybe she could give her the homework answers? It would probably cost her a lecture but she would get out of detention. She sent Annabeth a text and closed her eyes letting sleep come.


When her alarm went off it felt like she had only slept for ten minutes not 3 hours.

She yawned as she headed for the shower. After showering and dressing she walked down to the kitchen to attempt to make food. Her stepmother had always demanded that she cook meals (despite not being able to cook). She did her best and had gotten somewhat better.

She hurriedly made her stepmother scrambled eggs along with a pot of tea and brought them to woman. She knocked on the door once before opening it and bringing in the tray of food.

She set it on stand next to the bed and her stepmother frowned. "Eggs?"

"Yeah. And?"

"You want me to eat eggs?"

"Actually I'd prefer if you starved." A slap to her face was the answer. She knew better than to fight back though. She sinew she would go to far. Also she had gotten in a lot of trouble last time. Even though she could probably snap the woman in half with two of her fingers. She didn't flinch didn't even move. She knew that would give the women satisfaction. Not to mention, going to prison wasn't a goal of hers. Though each day prison seemed like a better and better option.

"I wanted eggs whites!" The woman shouted flinging the tray some landing on her stepdaughter's shirt. It took every fiber off her being not to reach not to choke the woman. She couldn't kill her.... she had no where to hide a body.

"If you want egg whites make them yourself. I'm gonna be late to school if I make them."

"How dare-"

"Unless you want to explain to my father that I was expelled for making his precious pearl of a wife egg whites."

Her stepmother opened her mouth wordlessly and she walked to her room to change clothes.


"You're late again," Annabeth said as her friend slipped in silently when their teacher's back was turned.

"I had to deal with the stepwitch."

Annabeth slipped her a sheet of paper. On it was a copy of the math homework. Though oddly each question had a couple answers penciled in.

"What the hell is this Annie!" She hissed.

"I'm not doing it all for you. Pick what answer you think is right. And don't call me that."

She cursed and quickly erased some random answers and wrote her name at the top.

She then took out her book and held it in front of her before putting her head on the table.


"Ms. Grace!"

Thalia jumped up to glare at her teacher who was glaring right back at her.

"Can I help you?" Thalia asked.

"You are sleeping in my class," Mr. Green said.

"The ocean has water."


"Sorry. I thought we were stating the obvious. Can I sleep now?"

"No. You will-" Mr. Green was cut off by the sound of the bell.

Thalia slipped out of class before he could say another word.


Thalia drew back her bowstring and paused before letting the arrow hit the target. She smiled as it had hit in the center like she had intended.

She as supposed to be at work. Though she may have not mentioned to her family that she had gotten fired. Which was totally fine with her. Because of getting fired she had the chance to join The Hunters. Olympus High's all female archery team.

She wasn't exactly even sure how she had gotten into the sport. She had just needed a way to vent and Coach Artemis had suggested she try out. Now she had made it up to Co-captain (she's been fired for a long time) along with Zoë Nightshade.

"It's starting to rain," one girl groaned. Thalia was pulled from her thoughts as she looked up to have a raindrop hit her face.

"Okay let's pack up before it starts to pour!" Coach Artemis shouted and the girls quickly followed orders.

Thalia began helping the other girls but their stuff away just in time for a downpour.

As the other girls clambered in cars. Thalia pulled up her hood and put in her ear buds as she started playing some Green Day.

She walked through the rain wishing she had remembered her umbrella. But she had been too mad with the step monster earlier that she had forgotten to check the weather.

She couldn't help but think how much Jason loved rain and storms. What a weird kid. She laughed to herself remembering when he had tried to eat a stapler.

The thought of Jason made her sick to her stomach. She grabbed something in her pocket out of habit. As she thought about how he should be here walking along with her talking about a girl he liked while Thalia teased him. But that wasn't possible.

Jason had died in the car crash along with their mother. Thalia had been in that car. But she had to be the one to live. Just like her mother had to drink and drive. If that hadn't happened-

Thalia shook her head trying to stop herself from thinking of the past when she felt tears in her eyes. She reached in her pocket once more. She felt the cool metal of the coin. It was a strange coin Jason had had, she wasn't even sure where he got it. But ever since he died she kept it with her. She stopped walking rubbing her eyes as she thought of him once again.

She wasn't crying. It was just the rain. Yeah the rain....Which somehow just stopped.

Thalia looked up confused to see an umbrella held over her head. She looked over to the umbrella's holder. He held the umbrella over her head not caring that he was soaking himself. He wore a school varsity jacket (though she couldn't tell what team) on top of hoodie and the hood was currently pulled over his head. A hat underneath that as well.

"You alright?" He asked. Thalia stared at him surprised as she pulled out her earbuds. While she couldn't see much of his face through the rain and tears she could make out he had blue eyes. He continued to stare and Thalia realized she hadn't to answered.

"What's it matter to you?" She asked crossing her arms.

The guy raised his hand in surrender. "I just saw a girl standing in the rain looking upset. So I decided to prove chivalry is not dead and come see what's wrong."

"Why? I don't even know you."

He shrugged. "Seemed like the right thing to do. That...and I'm doing my best to find an excuse not to go home right now honestly."

Thalia nodded. She could relate. "Why are you telling me this? Like I said we don't know each other."

"That's the best part," he argued stepping forward to join her under the umbrella. "You can tell me anything whether it be true or fake. I mean we'll probably never see each other again."

Thalia paused. "You do know this is kinda creepy right?" He only shrugged again. And as he did Thalia could see his hair was blonde but he turned away before she could get a better look at him. "Fine," She said finally. Semi unsure of why she even agreed.

The two walked aimlessly and slowly under the umbrella talking about anything. Thalia found herself talking about her brother, the coin, and the ever "witchy" stepmother. He spoke of his father ignoring him and then it turned into a random conversation about favorite foods. Thalia wasn't quite sure how the topic has changed but she found herself having fun with the guy. He was easy to talk to.

Thalia was cut off from listening to his funny story as her phone rang. She cringed seeing her stepmother's name pop up. She took a deep breath before answering. "Hello?"

"Where are you! I needed you here over an hour ago! We are having guests! Can't you do anything right! You ungrateful-"

Thalia hung up and looked down though spoke to him. "Gotta get home. Step-witch is calling."

"You want me to walk with you so we can share the umbrella?"

Thalia shook her head. "Nah. I live about a block from here."

"If you say so. Don't catch a cold though. I don't want that on my conscience."

Thalia laughed. "Thanks for this."

"Anytime. I often wander in the rain to pick up chicks."

Thalia rolled her eyes and told him goodbye before she began to run to her house. As she ran she remembered she still didn't know his name.


Luke watched after the black haired girl as she ran off. He looked at his phone and sighed at the time, he should get home too.

He turned around looking at the ground as he walked when he saw the glint of something gold. He paused and picked it up. It was a strange gold coin.... Hadn't that girl mentioned she had one?

Luke frowned. It had to be hers. There was a problem though. He didn't know her name. But, she was about his age right? Maybe she went to Olympus High too? Luke sighed. He'd ask around tomorrow.


Thalia didn't even bother with insults as she made her stepmother breakfast and served her and did her morning chores.

She was quick to get out of the house so she could retrace her steps the day before.

But she couldn't find it.

She ran into math class and took her seat next to Annabeth.

"You're here early?" Annabeth asked surprised.

"I can't find it," Thalia blurted grabbing the other girls shoulders. "I can't find Jason's coin! I had it yesterday when walking with that guy and now it's gone! I walked everywhere looking on the ground! I can't find it! You have to help me find it Annie!"

Annabeth nodded. "Um, what guy? Maybe you dropped it and he picked it up?"

Thalia calmed slightly releasing the other girls arms and nodded. "Yeah that makes sense.... Except I have no idea who he is."

"You don't know who he is?"

Thalia shook her head and quickly explained yesterday afternoon.

"Okay...." Annabeth started. "Blonde, blue eyes, on a varsity team. You realize that only eliminates-"

"I know. But need to find him."


"Hey can I ask you all something?"

Percy, Leo, Nico, Hazel and Frank turned around to see Luke Castellan captain of the football team standing there.

"Sure," Percy said.

"Do any of you know a girl, she has like really blue eyes spiky black hair likes to dress in black and carries a gold coin"?Luke waited for answer. He wanted to return the coin so he had been asking people all day but no one seemed to know her. It was the end of the day on Friday. Practice was finished, and he was free to go home but, he was determined to find this girl.

"Depends on why you're asking about her," Percy said.

"If it's to ask her out she'll probably punch you," Leo added.

Luke quickly shook his head. "No. I uh don't-" well he kinda did... "I was talking to her yesterday and she dropped this coin. And I don't know where she went or what her name is."

"You have her coin?" Percy asked eyes wide. "Dude you're dead."

"Can you tell me what her name is?"

"If you're so insistent I can take you to her."


Percy shrugged and said goodbye to his friends and grabbing his bag leading the way outside to the archery range. "She's a Hunter," he said pointing to where the girls were all talking after practice. Luke thanked him and quickly hurried over.

All the girls instantly stopped and stared at him. Though it made him uncomfortable he ignored it staring at the one girl with the brilliant blue eyes and spiky black hair. He smiled.

"What?" She asked with a glare. Luke quickly dug in his pocket and pulled out the gold coin, holding it out to her.

She stared at it wide eyed and slowly took it from him.

Luke smiled again. "You dropped it. And after what you told me I figured you'd want it back."

"Thanks," she said with a nod and the other girls hurried off leaving the two of them.

"I'm Luke," he said introducing himself.

She smiles up at him. "I thought the best part was that we didn't know each other?"

Luke smiled. "Yeah well, after I went through all this trouble to track you do I thought it would be weird if we didn't know each other's name.

"Thalia," she said finally. They stood in silence for a moment when a drop of water hit Thalia in the head. She looked up as more water fell. "How about we get out of this rain. I'll buy you a coffee to make up for your trouble."

"You don't have to."

"I want to."

"Alright but, I forgot my umbrella today."

"Good thing I remembered mine. I needed it cause, I often wander in the rain to pick up guys."

Luke laughed as Thalia opened the umbrella. The two stood under it and talked on their way to the coffee shop.

"I think I was wrong," Luke says suddenly. Thalia gave him look. To which he smiled. "It's much better knowing your name."

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