The Not So Mini Big Three

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Also all inspiration for this came from the comment in the picture.

So thank you to @WiseHokte



The Not So Mini Big Three

After breakfast Lou Ellen walked in her cabin ignoring the glares of her siblings. She sat on her bed when she heard the crunching of paper. She stood to find an envelope on her bed. Inside was a small pouch and a note.

I think this will help you.

-Hebe and Hecate.

Lou Ellen opened the pouch and smiled.

A couple hours later Lou Ellen once again burst into the Hermes Cabin.

"It's finished!" She cried happily shoving a small bottle into Connor's arms. "Go! Get them to drink it! Only three drops for each!0

Both Stolls and Lou Ellen exited the Cabin and quickly found the small boy and their entourage speaking once again with Chiron in the Big House.

"Perfect they are having snack time," Travis said looking through the window to see Percy and Jason drinking out of sippy cups (each with Leo in big letters on it) and Nico drinking from a bottle held by Calypso.

"We need a distraction."

Lou Ellen paused. "I got an idea. Travis stand here. Connor you have to slip it in the sippy cups."

"What are you guys going to go?" Connor asked confused.

Lou Ellen didn't reply but rather drew out a pig ball and chucked it toward oncoming Ares's campers. Soon as it made impact she shouted loudly. "Travis Stoll! What did I tell you about taking my stuff!"

Travis's mouth dropped open in shock before he yelled back. "What? I didn't-"

"I just watched you turn Clarisse into a pig!"

At the ensuing commotion the Big House's members emerged and Connor slipped in.

He snuck in only to see Calypso still sitting there.

She raised an eyebrow.

"I was never here," Connor told her moving over to the sippy cups. He was about to put the potion in when he paused. Was is it two or three drops? Maybe four? He didn't have time to wonder. He bit his lip and quickly but two drops in one and four the other. He then moved toward Calypso holding Nico.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Nothing I was never here," He responded quickly moving the bottle from Nico's lips and putting three drops of potion in. But unfortuanrly that was the moment baby Nico reached for the potion bottle splashing more into his mouth. Connor cursed and backed away. He then quickly headed to the door and only turned back once, making eye contact with Calypso. "I was never here," he told her. "Never."


"The deed is done," Connor announced slipping in his cabin.

"Great," Travis replied sarcastically. "You do the fun stuff and I have to help with dish duty and Clarisse is gonna murder me, even though it's not my fault!"

"Well if you hadn't gone through my trash..." Lou Ellen commented.

"By the way... How long until it works?" Connor asked.

"No clue. Couple hours maybe?"


Thalia woke up when a sheet was yanked off of her. She was alert in a moment her hands reached for weapons that weren't there.


Thalia looked up to see Jason standing and covering himself with the sheet. But something was off. This Jason looked younger than the one she was used to.

"Okay so you're a bit older now. That's easier I guess," Thalia commented.

"Where am I?" Jason asked. "How are you here? What is happening?"

"Okay calm down. Deep breaths. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I was eating dinner with my cohort... Where are my clothes?"

Thalia pointed before closing her eyes as he changed and trying to think. Finally she spoke. "Jason?"


"How old are you?"

"Eleven. Why?"

"Scratch that, this won't be easier..."


Hazel woke to a crash. She quickly looked to the crib to see a dark haired man in it covering himself awkwardly. Hazel's eyes widened. She summoned a dagger from elsewhere in the cabin into her hand and raised it threateningly. "Who are you? And what have you done with my brother?"

"Hazel?" The man asked his voice deep. "You're so young looking..."

"How do you know my name?" She demanded.

"I'm Nico... Can I have clothes and can you get me out of this?"

"No you're not! Nico is younger than you- he's actually a baby as of a couple days ago but he's not forty something!"

"First off I'm thirty-six. Secondly..." The man disappeaed into the shadows. Hazel looked around frantically until she saw him in the corner a sheet tied around his waist. He looked around the room. "Why are we in the Hades Cabin? I was home making dinner and then took a nap..." He trailed off before looking at Hazel who still held the dagger. "And you Hazel... Why do you look so-so young?"

"Either start making sense or I will stab you."

He raised a hand in surrender. "What do you want me to say? You're the one not making sense."

Hazel frowned. "Alright answer this question correctly and I'll trust you." He nodded. "Okay, when on our way to the House of Hades we were in Italy and Nico got turned into what plant?"

The man grimaced. "Unfortunately I was turned into a corn plant by that stupid farmer freak..."

Hazel's eyes widened and she lowered the dagger. "Wow... It really is you..."

The man- Nico nodded. "Yeah. So clothes?"


"Aww he's back to normal?"

"He was better as a kid."

"But we didn't get to read Prisoner of Azkaban," one camper groaned.

"We can still read it," Percy yawned turning over. "Wait why do I want to read?"

"It worked!" Malcolm cheered and others smiled and grab the book.

"That's great, really..." Percy mumbled before drifting back off.

Annabeth rolled her eyes and shook his shoulder, "Percy get up."

"Abraham Lincoln!" Percy shouted as he sprung up his eyes wide. He blinked taking in his surroundings he pulled the sheet a bit closer to him. "This isn't Dr. Hanning's class," he muttered. "Why am I in Cabin 6...?"

"You look a bit older..." Annabeth told him.

"You look a bit younger."

"How old are you?" Malcolm asked him.

"Twenty-two. Why?"

"Great," Annabeth said rubbing her temples. "Just great."

"I wanna read!" A camper interrupted.

"Me too!"

"Read all you want," Percy shrugged. "I don't care. But what I do care about though, is someone getting me some pants."


First thing in the after a confusing breakfast the girls and guys gathered in the Big House to swap stories of what had happened the night before.

"So in one night they went from toddlers and a baby to this?" Piper asked confused.

"Even stranger Nico and Percy have memories of their entire lives. Like what happens in the future," Annabeth added.

"This one is even weirder," Thalia sighed. "All he does is ask questions."

"You do know that I'm right here right?"Jason asked her.

"See what I mean! Questions!"

"You're strange as kid," Leo commented poking Jason's face. Jason slapped his hand away.

"I'm just glad I don't have to take that history test," Percy put in. "No one ever took notes I just used it for nap time. Damn if only I remembered all those tests I took. I'd write the answers down for myself."

"Cheating is wrong," Nico chided.

"No. It wouldn't be cheating it'd be a study guide of sorts."

"And you wonder why your daughter lives in the principal's office," Nico muttered.

"Why can't I know the future?" Jason whined.

"Question!" Thalia shouted. "But if you want to know the future that girl there," She said pointing to Piper. "She's you girlfriend."

Jason's mouth dropped open. "Really? I get a pretty girl like that!"

Piper smiled. "I like eleven year old Jason."

"Wait so I have a daughter?" Percy asked Nico.

Nico nodded. "A son too. They're twins. His name is-"

"That's enough!"Chiron interrupted. "It is not a good idea to mess with any future which occurs after today. So not even telling people what their kids names will be."

"What about me?" Jason asked.

"Question," Thalia muttered.

Chiron paused. "You should be fine knowing things that happen up today. I think that..."

As they spoke Calypso slipped her way out of the room. She hurried outside and found the Stoll brothers speaking with Lou Ellen and quickly headed over. "We haven't properly met," Calypso started looking at Connor. "But I'm afraid there is an issue with your 'never being there'."

Connor looked confused. "Which is...?"

"Jason is eleven, Percy is twenty-two, and Nico is thirty-six."


Lou Ellen glared daggers at Connor but kept a more than forced smile. "Stoll? What did you do?"

"Well... Uh... I wasn't sure how many drops you said so I put four in one, two in another and three for Nico but he grabbed the bottle and splashed more in his mouth..."

Lou Ellen clenched and unclenched her fists repeatedly. "Jason should be an easier fix but I still I need to go make more potion. But that other batch I made was a mistake. I don't even know what went wrong with it..." She sighed. "I have to go pray to my mother and Hebe. I'll kill you when I come back."


"Is it working?" A voice asked through the IM.

"How should I know?" Frank asked looking through.

"We can see you and yes it's working," Hazel told Frank who blushed slightly.

He stood next to Reyna who waved in greeting. "We heard our former praetors and our ambassador were turned into toddlers. We wanted to see for ourselves."

"Kinda late for that," Leo told her. "Perce is twenty-two. Nico is in his thirties. And Jason hasn't hit puberty."

"I'm still growing," Jason muttered.

"Whoa he said something without a question," Thalia observed.

"What is that thing? How can we see them?"

"Nevermind... It's and Iris Message. A way of communicating. You obviously know Reyna and the guy next to her is Frank."

"This is really weird," Frank commented.

"You think?" Hazel asked crossing her arms. "I went from changing Nico's diapers to him giving me a lecture on life decision's I haven't made yet."

Nico blinked. "Diapers?"

"What about me?" Leo interjected. "You called 'cause you heard I was back right?"

Reyna gave him a smile. "Of course. What would I do without the guy who set everything on fire and started a war between both camps?"

"A guy gets possessed one time..."

"Regardless once again it needs to be figured out how this happened," Chiron put in. "For now I suggest you all continue with the daily routine."

Everyone nodded and the IM connection was cut and everyone head outside. Chiron spotted Calypso walking away from the Stolls and he raised an eyebrow and headed over to her. "Calypso, a word please?"

"Yes?" She asked.

"I was just wondering why you left our meeting to speak with the Stolls."

Calypso shrugged. "The meeting didn't exactly seem to be something I was needed at so I left and then the boys asked me a question. Is there something wrong with that?"

"No, not at all. Just be sure to let me know if you figure anything out as to why this happening."

Calypso nodded with a smile. "Of course."


"Ugh. What are you making now?"

Lou Ellen ignores the groan that followed before answering. "Trying to make another batch of  Lotus Flower potion."

"Oh I'll help. Maybe we can get it right this time."

"No. I need to get it wrong."


"I just need to."



"Come on Sparky let's go catch you up on life," Leo said leading Jason away.

"Sparky?" Jason asked him confused.

"Yes that's what I call you. And as your best friend you call me King of Awesome."


"Should we try to put a stop to that?" Piper asked Thalia. "Leo taking over Jason?"

Thalia shrugged. "I'm sure when my idiot of of a brother gets himself back to normal he'll punch Leo himself."

Piper nodded. "True. Wanna go spar?"

"Better yet we could go to the archery range?" Thalia suggested leading the way there.

"Nope," Piper countered walking the other way.

"Why not?" Thalia grained following after her.

"Because whenever I go with you, you just try to get me to join the Hunt," Piper pointed out.

"Not always. Just most of the time. I promise I won't today."

Piper sighed. "Fine."


Nico and Hazel walked into the infirmary and soon spotted Will as he finished bandaging up another camper. "Whoa," Nico commented.

Will looked up and gave him a blank look. "Uh..."

"He was tiny and now he is big," Hazel explained.

Will nodded slowly. "Of course."

"Well to me you all are small," Nico told her.

Will said a few parting words to the camper who left before looking back to the two siblings. "Is there something you needed?"

Nico shrugged. "Am I not allowed to be here?"

"Well you are- you're often here- well normal you- no well younger you- the usual my friend Nico you."

Nico blinked. "Friend..." He opened his mouth in realization and spoke lowly so Will couldn't hear him. "So this is before then..."


"N-nothing. I was just walking around seeing what people are doing. Seeing my friends back when they were young." Nico gave a nervous laugh and hurried outside.

Hazel followed him curiously. When she caught up Nico was briskly walking back toward the cabins ignoring he stares he received.

When Hazel caught up she grabbed his arm. "What's going on? This is before what?"

Nico shook his head. "I'm not supposed to tell you things about the future."

"I'm your sister. Please?"

Nico cursed to himself to which Hazel hit him on the arm. He led the way back to the Hades Cabin and headed inside. Once they were along he turned to Hazel. "In the future Will and I... We are um..."

"You guys are what?" Hazel asked sitting on her bed.

Nico's face turned a bit red. "If I remember correctly then this is the year when Will and I started... Dating..."

Hazel's eyes widened and her face broke out in a smile. "That's great!"

"No it's not!" Nico protested. "If I say the wrong thing I'll creep him out and the whole future will be screwed up!"

"Okay well that's simple, avoid him for now."


"What are you doing?"

"Trying to remember the answers to the math test I took last week."

Annabeth sighed. "Are you seriously trying to do this?"

"Yes I am."

"You know if you actually studied and took notes you wouldn't need to do all that."

"Or I can do this."


"Or I can go fight Thalia or Clarisse!"

"Wait- what? No!" Annabeth protested.

"Yes!" Percy cheered shooting up from his bed. "I should be able to beat them now. I mean I have a few more years of experience."

"Nope! Nope! Super bad idea!" Annabeth only was able to chase after Percy as he hurried out his cabin to demands fight from two of the most dangerous girls currently in the camp (besides herself of course).


"What we're you thinking?" Will shouted as he bandaged up Percy.

"He wasn't," Thalia responded as Katie bandaged the other girl's hand.

"Prissy would need a a brain to think," Clarisse commented as she nibbled on a square of ambrosia.

"It was entertaining to watch though," Nico put in.

"You're doing a bad job of avoiding," Hazel muttered to him.

"Very entertaining," Leo nodded.

"It was kind of scary," Jason said quietly. "I thought they were gonna kill each other."

"Not today," Percy sighed. "Maybe tomorrow."

"I'm free tomorrow," Thalia nodded. "Clarisse?"

"I'll check my schedule," the daughter of Ares promised.

"I hate you all sometimes," Annabeth sighed.

"Nah you know you love me," Percy smiled leaning closer to her.

"Don't move," Will scolded.

"What I think of you isn't important," Annabeth told her boyfriend. "You're grounded."

Percy blinked and stared at her for a moment. "What?"

"You're grounded," Annabeth repeated. "Until you are back to normal no more fighting with those two- or at all."




"She actually grounded me," Percy mumbled to himself as he sat down on the beach. "She just kicked us out of the arena..."

"To be honest I didn't think she was serious," Nico said sitting down next to him. "I kinda wanted to spar young you but oh well."



"So tell me about the future."

Nico shook his head. "You know I can't."

"Please? Just tell me one thing."

"You're alive."

Percy rolled his eyes. "I figured that much."

"Knowing your luck you could've easily been dead by my time," Nico shrugged.

"How cheerful you are."

"Son of Hades remember?"

"Fine," Percy groaned. "But at least tell me who wins the World Series in coming years. How do the Yankees do?"

Nico rolled his eyes. "Unfortunately I don't remember their record year by year."

"You should. Come on Nico priorities."

"So sorry. When things get back to normal I'll be sure to spend less time on my daughter and more on the Yankees."

"That's all I ask."


"I hope this works," Lou Ellen smiled staring at the vial of potion.

"But didn't you make it wrong?" One of her siblings asked.

Lou Ellen nodded before grabbing the vial and then a second vial and hurrying out of her cabin. She sprinted to the Hermes cabin and banged on the door until Travis opened it and let her in.

"Here," she said breathlessly handing them vials to Connor. "The one with less, you need to give one drop of that to Jason. Then to other one is for the other two but I have no clue how much but this should make them normal. I say start with one drop each. And don't screw it up again or else I was send you to Hades myself."

Connor nodded slowly. "Got it."


Now that they were no longer babies Connor was a bit unsure as to how he was supposed to convince three certain boys to drink the potion. He waited dinner that night and waited for just the right moment to walk by Jason's table and bump into him and put a drop in Jason's drink.

Once done he hurried back to his table and began to eat once again before turning his gaze to Percy. Slowly Connor stood and walked over to Percy wasn't paying attention as he leaned away from his food to talk to Nico at the other table. Connor hurried by and placed a drop from the second vial into the boy's drink. Once again after the deed was done he sat down his table and began to eat like nothing happened.

Not much later he glanced over to Nico. The man had finished his food and only had a glass of water left. Connor began to stand when he Nico looked over at him. Connor froze as Nico looked him in the eye and then without breaking eye contact downed the last of his water.

Connor silently sat back down.


"Okay Nico I know you don't wanna say anything about the future but can you answer me one question?"

Nico sighed as he walked next to Percy after the campfire. "You can ask doesn't mean I'll answer."

"You slipped and said I had twins right?"


"So who's their mother?"

Nico paused surprised by the question. "Why?"

"It's a question," Percy shrugged. "Actually I guess what I really want to know is if I am still with Annabeth."

Nico smiled a bit and put his hands in his pockets. "I'm not gonna yes, but I'm certainly not going to say no."


"Nico won't tell me anything about the future! How unfair is that!"

"It's super fair," Annabeth argued placing the clothes on Percy's bed. "These are the other clothes that should fit you. Strange that you grow even more during a couple years."

"No it's not fair. He only told me one other thing."

"He wasn't supposed to tell you anything," Annabeth responded crossing her arms. "He wasn't supposed to tell anyone anything."

"Well you'll be happy with what he told me."

"Doubt it."

"Well I guess I won't tell you then."

"Whatever it is I'm sure it's something obvious."

Percy chuckled. "I hope so."


Thalia yawned and sat up stretching.

"Uh Thalia? Why are you in my cabin? Not like you're not allowed or anything but shouldn't you be with the Hunters?"

Thalia opened her eyes wide and broke into a large smile at the sight of her normal brother.

"Why are these clothes so small?"

"Please no questions," Thalia said pulling him in a hug.

"Uh... okay?"


Percy walked out of his cabin with a yawn and nearly collided with Annabeth.

"Oh sorry 'bout that Wise Girl."

Annabeth paused and grabbed his face examining it.

"Whaot areh yuu doin'?"

"Making sure this strange nightmare of potty training and grounding you is over," she responded releasing his face to pull him in a hug.

"Do I want to know what that means?"

"I'll explain."


Nico sat against a tree enjoying the calmness of the morning- and then it was shattered.

"Tell me about the future!"

Nico raised an eyebrow at him. "No."

"Percy he can't just say things he might change the future," Jason told him.

"Oh come on. Don't act like you're not curious," Percy said crossing his arms.

"I never said I wasn't. I just said it isn't a good idea."

"I'm with Percy," Leo chipped in.

"I can't say anything. Jason's right," Nico nodded standing up.

"Well it must be nice to know that you didn't stay that short forever," Leo told him.

Nico only gave him a slight glare.

"We should spar," Percy decided. "It would be awesome with you being older."

"Didn't Annabeth ground you?"

"She grounded the older me."

"It's still me."

"Yes the you which will get me in trouble with her."

"He's got a point there," Leo acknowledged.

Nico rolled his eyes and looked past the three to where he saw a familiar face watching him. "Excuse me I gotta do something." He ignored their protest as he jogged over to where Connor Stoll was standing.

"I assume you're the one who fixed it?"

"And caused it," Connor smiled. "I was trying to slip the antidote in your drink last night. But I guess it's easier this way cause I have zero clue as to how many drops of it you're supposed to take."

"How many did you give Percy?"


"So judging by the fact Percy is 'normal' after one drop. Doing the math quickly I need around five," Nico stated, holding his hand out for the vial.

Connor shrugged and tossed it to him. "If it goes wrong it's your fault not mine."

Nico ignored him and caught the vial staring at the liquid inside before opening his mouth and dropping five drops on his tongue. "Any clue how long until it works?" The man asked capping the vial and handing it back.




A few hours later Nico stood beside Chiron watching the campers.

"I'm actually glad you got turned this old," Chiron told him.

"You are?"

"Mhmm. This mean that you and others finally get a life without war and they actually live long enough to have children. You're quite reassuring."

"Why thank-" Nico cut himself off as he grabbed his chest in pain suddenly. He could hear Chiron speaking to him but it seemed far away. He coughed a couple times and fell to the ground when he felt a shiver pass over him.

Slowly he stood up and looked around. "Uh Chiron? How did I get here? And do you have a belt for these pants?"

Chiron chuckled a bit. "No I don't. Why don't you go change and then find Hazel. I'm sure she can explain this for you."

"Okay?" Nico said uncertainly waddling away in the top big clothes.

Chiron watched him go with a smile. "You're still very reassuring."

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