Walkers (Part Two)

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Walkers (Part Two)

Nico's eyes widened and he took a step away from Percy, his hand already on the hilt of his black sword.

"A Walker is a Walker. If you see one you kill it. No matter what. Understand?"

He had ignored those words once and hadn't planned on ignoring them again. He slowly drew the sword and watched Percy who still watched him with that an easy going lopsided smile, he didn't seem surprised nor bothered by Nico's reaction. The shrill sound which emanated from Walkers throats grew louder sending a chill up his spine but he kept his gaze focused on Percy.

Percy titled his head slightly listening and the smile dropped from his face. Percy pointed ahead out the door and Hazel followed his silent instruction without hesitation and walked straight through the front door and outside. The noise came again and he m turned slightly and looked out the door where Hazel stood outside clearly confused as she looked back at the two boys. Percy's gaze fixed on Nico once more. "I honestly don't care what you think or do. But I care about Hazel. And Hazel came all this way searching for you. So, you can come with or you can make me deal with her crying."

Nico said nothing as the shrieks intensified. After a quick breath Nico stepped past Percy and ran outside to stand beside Hazel. She gave him a small smile and looked back to Percy who walked past her. He hurried ahead breaking into a run and Hazel followed. Nico rolled his eyes and ran after. He didn't trust Percy, he didn't trust Hazel. But, if they could help him get away from the horde of Walkers he could hear not far off, he'd use them until he could go off on his own.

Percy kept muttering directions to himself and pointing as they ran. Nico watched him carefully and his eyes flickered to Hazel. She seemed completely comfortable with the fact Percy was only part Living. How did that even make any sense? Nico decided not to think about it and instead focus on his surroundings. He couldn't let his mind wander out here. Those who lost focus outside would fall to the burning ground or find themselves surrounded, and Nico did not want to be one of those.

"Stop," Percy said suddenly.

They slowed to a stop and Nico began catching his breath as he looked around. They were beside what looked like it once was some sort of school, the building itself was crumbled weeds and dead grass growing both in and outside of it. In front of them Nico saw an old playground, the bars of a swing set sat rusted and void of its swings, the slide was oddly black compared to the rest of its rusted silver and a Nico chose not to question whether the black was intentional, paint, or Walker blood. Everything was overgrown, old, and unsettling but what Nico more was how quiet and silent it was. They had stopped in an open area, why didn't he hear any Walkers? He couldn't hear or see anything that was possibly a threat besides Percy.

Percy himself looked tense, he held his sword tightly in both hands. His sea-green eyes looked confused and conflicted as they flitted back and forth. Though his eyes moved rapidly he stood still as statue with rigid muscles but Nico had the feeling he could lash it easily if he chose. Though for now Percy only kept his head tilted, listening.

"What is it?" Hazel asked Percy quietly.

Percy didn't respond but took a steps forward and turned his ear in the direction of whatever it was he heard.

Nico rolled his eyes. He had already had enough of what this was. While Hazel waited for Percy to respond, Nico took a few slow steps back before turning to bolt. He took a few more steps before a hand grabbed his collar and yanked in back.

Nico's hands flew to his throat as his collar choked him. In response he threw an elbow behind him and made contact with a person who grunted and released him. Nico coughed a few times and turned to glare at Percy while rubbing his neck. "What the hell?" Nico demanded.

Nico watched as Perch looked at him- no looked past him. "Don't," Percy said sharply his voice just barely a whisper. "They're waiting."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Right, you claim to sense them right?"

"I don't care if you believe me or not," Percy responded sounding serious. "But watching Walkers turn people isn't good for my conscious."

Nico opened his mouth to counter but the sound of shuffling reached his ears. He silently hoped that it was only the rustle of the dead plants around him but then an mistakable moan followed. Nico closed his mouth and clenched his jaw. He glanced over at Hazel who readied out a sword of her own. It was gold in color and it's length confused Nico when it was compared with the girl's small frame. He chose not to focus on it though and rather attempted to calm the sound of his breathing so he could better listen to sound of their oncoming pursuers.

As always when a fight was coming Nico's heart began doing a furious tap dance in his chest so that it soon became the only thing audible besides the shuffling and moaning. He twirled the hilt of the sword in his hands while his eyes moved constantly as he watched everything carefully.

"There here," Percy said quietly sending a chill down Nico's spine. As if on cue Walkers appeared from around the corner of the building. Four of them, but judging on the amount of shuffling and moaning he had heard Nico assumed they weren't alone. There had to be more, these four bumped into each other and didn't seem to understand, they needed to be A Class meaning the ones lying in wait needed to B Class.

Nico turned toward the Walkers holding his sword but his stole a glance at his two companions. Percy was still listening not seemingly concerned with the Walkers in front of him while Hazel readjusted her feet so if she needed to jet into action. She caught him looking and gave a slight nod, without thinking Nico returned it. He turned his gaze forward just as Hazel launched herself forward. Nico followed.

He jumped at the first Walker and swung the sword downward aiming for its head. His aim was slightly off but he managed land it hit in the neck. Black blood spurted from the wound and onto Nico. He yanked the sword back and nearly fell off balance as he did. He wiped the blood from his face just in time to watch the Walker fall back.

Nico quickly looked around to see Hazel had drawn a second Walker away and the lady was following as well- meanwhile Percy hadn't moved a muscle. Nico rolled his eyes and rushed to help Hazel. By the time he was close enough Hazel had already succeeded in killing both by stabbing her sword through the skull of one and into the next. Nico couldn't help but feel a bit impressed.

He didn't have a chance to tell her so because a shriek sounded from behind him. He turned and felt his blood run cold at the sight of at least fifteen B Class. Percy had finally decided that moving would be a good idea and he held his sword at the ready. The Walkers began moving around them- surrounding them, forcing Nico and Hazel close to Percy. The three stood back to back but Nico worried, he had never fought with these people and he certainly did not trust Percy with his back.

"What are they saying?" Hazel asked.

At first Nico had assumed that she had been talking to him and was more than confused with the question but then Percy spoke.

"Nothing of much value," Percy responded. "Just the usual of debating how their gonna split spoils. They seem to forget we're still breathing."

"They also seem to know we're out numbered," Nico muttered.

"Let them strike first," Percy suggested. "We can see how they move."

"Or we fight now and whittle them down before they close in on us," Nico suggested.

"I'm with Nico," Hazel said readjusting her grip on her sword. "Let's fight."

Nico watched for a moment. It was weird seeing how eager she seemed to fight. All he truly wanted to do was run. Perhaps it was the small girl's adrenaline running that made her want to fight, he wasn't sure. His adrenaline was headed straight to his legs to run as far away as possible. Nico took a deep breath and tried to channel that sudden strength that came with adrenaline into his arms instead.

His eyes flickered between the Walkers trying to pick out which one he could stole first while still avoiding the death grips of the others. He tired to stay calm, to focus but it was harder than it sounded.

"Together?" Hazel muttered to him.

Nico jolted and tensed. For less than a split second, he had forgotten anyone else was there besides the Walkers and himself. Nico took a breath nodded slightly. "Ones right in front?"

"Yeah," Hazel replied. "In 3... 2... 1."

At then end of her countdown Nico jumped forward and pulled his sword back before thrusting his sword forward into the chest of a Walker while Hazel sliced at the one beside it, chopping into its neck.

Nico put a foot onto the Walker and kicked forward as he pulled back his sword. Once his sword was freed by the sound of cracking ribs Nico stabbed again into its neck successfully killing it. Using the same method he went to pull out his sword when a Walker grabbed onto his leg. Nico kicked continuously trying to keep his balance while at the same time trying to dislodge it. He cursed as the Walker pulled him and another tried to join it when Hazel's sword slashed its arm off and Nico's leg was free.

Nico called back a "Thank you!" Before slicing at the next Walker. As he sliced and stabbed at the Walker which kept trying to dodge Nico became vaguely aware of Percy fighting behind him. He wanted to tell something along the lines of "About time!" But rather he stayed silent focusing on the Walker in front of him. Nico knew he was a step closer to death with every moment of lost focus. But focus was a rare thing to have.

How was he supposed to focus when he could hear his heart thudding in his chest with so much force that it seemed it was about to break through his ribs? Or when he could feel his skin starting to burn underneath the intense heat.

Nico shook his head and ran at the nearest Walker swinging his sword trying to block out his mind's pestering questions by forcing himself to fight. He slashed downward and managed to slice into a Walker's leg and he could hear as it cut the bone. The black blood splashed upward on to Nico's face but he paid it no mind as he stabbed the Walker again as it fell over. When it did Nico did a quick glance over the area. Close to nine walker remained if he was to take a rough guess. And so far Percy and Hazel were still standing. But with nine left that meant nothing. He already learned the hard way what happens when you underestimate a Walker.

With those thoughts in mind Nico took all the anger and frustration he had felt about her and using his sword, and every slash and with every stab he released more and more.

One for the screams he had heard her shout.
One for carrying her home that day.
One for locking that door.
Another for the rope he used to hold it.

The death of a Walker for his stupidity.
Another for his desperation.

After what felt like a while Nico found himself standing alone, his sword plunged into the skull of a Walker on the ground. The other Walkers around him were lay on the ground in heaped. The sound of fighting drew his ears and turned to see Hazel cut down another.

Nico couldn't help let out a sigh of relief. He was about to pull out his sword when he froze suddenly as a bronze sword flew in his line of sight and then off to the side. He heard a grunt of pain behind him. Nico cursed and wrenched his sword out of the skull of the Walker before turning around and sprinting over to Percy. Percy was on his back kicking at a Walker hovering over him. He held a knife in his hands but he couldn't do much with it until he got to his feet and the Walker seemed to know that.

Nico ran forward and before his mind could argue against it he ran up to the Walker and swung his sword- but his sword once again caught on something but this time it wasn't the ground or a rock, it was his own leg. He gave a shout of pain as he still brought the sword around and swung it slicing across the Walker's chest. He bit his lip and swung again this time catching the Walker in the neck and causing it to fall to ground limp.

"That was the last one," Haze said breathing heavily behind Nico. Nico turned around to see her as she pulled Percy to his feet and handed him back his sword.

But Percy kept his eyes on Nico as he tried to slow down his breathing. "You have no clue how to use that do you?" Percy asked between breaths.

Nico tried to ignore the pain in his leg. Instead he took a few deep breaths as he shrugged and wiped some Walker blood off the sword and onto the pant leg of a dead Walker. "Whether or I not I know how to use it isn't important when we consider the fact I just saved your life."

Percy looked unimpressed. "Let's keep moving. We can find a house and take a breather."

Nico didn't argue even though all he really wanted to do was run as far away as possible as he could, but the cut on his leg wouldn't allow him to get far and there was a good chance Percy and Hazel had medical supplies to spare. So, with Percy at the lead they began running once again.

Percy ran quickly and Nico started best he could with his leg as Hazel ran slowly beside him.


By the time the reached a house less than fifteen minutes later Nico felt as if he had run multiple marathons in a row. He stumbled through the door Hazel held open and wiped sweat from his face only succeeding in covering himself in the grime from his jacket. Ignoring this he proceeded to collapse on the floor breathing heavily. Nico closed his eyes tightly until footsteps grew louder near his head. Slowly he turned over and opened his eyes to see Percy hovering over him looking pleased with himself.

"Let's see how bad your leg is," Hazel said drawing Nico's attention away from Percy. He left his leg slightly to see as she sat by his legs breathing heavily herself as pulled out a bag of medical supplies.

"Don't," Percy said taking the bag from her. "We're not wasting supplies on a Dead who hasn't been reset."

"Does anything you say make sense?" Nico asked. He bit his tongue to keep from crying out in pain as he forced himself to sit up next to the doorway. Nico glared at Percy who didn't seem to mind as he took a seat on the stairs and propped his arms on each leg as he leaned forward.

"I make perfect sense," Percy said simply. "Your mind is simply not capable of understanding."

"I'm sorry I don't speak the ignorant language of Walkers," Nico responded with a false smile.

Percy opened his mouth but Hazel cut him off.

"Percy," she warned. "He's just confused and your attitude isn't helping."

Percy closed his mouth looking conflicted as he clench and unclench his fists. The action made Nico smile slightly.

Percy took a deep breath, whether he did it to catch his breath or to calm himself down Nico wasn't sure. Though he hoped it was the latter. "So you want an explanation?" Percy asked finally.

"That and some painkillers yeah," Nico nodded.

Percy said nothing for a while, he only stared at Nico and Nico stared back unwilling to give up and look away first. Nico stared at Percy this guy who had first appeared in front of him as a "hero". Nico decided to use this moment to promptly study said "hero". His hair looked thick and black and it stood up and random spots due to the dried Living and Walker blood in it. The shirt he wore looked like it was once white but not it was looking between a brown and gray. It clear the shirt had been through a lot, perhaps it's owner with it. He also wore a pair of black boots which looked like they had gone through hell, he also wore a strange necklace of beads around his neck, but his pants Nico found strange. They were a bright orange- or they once wore. They now had holes and marks, dirt, grime and who-knows-what-else on it. But they strange part was not that, rather the fact that it looked like they were once part of a suit of which the shirt piece had been cut off. They were held on by a rope which was woven through holes which serves as loops, and they were completed by the strange faded barcode on the right pant leg beneath the makeshift belt.

Nico stopped his analysis of Percy's fashion choices when the other boy shifted his gaze to the floor. "An explanation?"

"Please," Nico nodded.

Percy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm an example."

Nico rolled his eyes, he had waited this long and that was Percy's answer? "Seriously? 'An example'?" He asked in disbelief. "Am I really supposed to believe that?"

Percy shrugged. "You can believe whatever you want. But I am here because they wanted to make an example out of me."

"That made zero sense," Nico pointed out. "Who is this mysterious 'they'? And how did they magically decide that you of all people with your mighty sword should only be part Walker?"

Percy sighed and leaned back slowly. "I guess that's how it sounds to a Dead."

"I'm not a Dead- whatever the hell that means," Nico said rolling his eyes, he wasn't going to take this stupidity. He grabbed his sword and bag and used the sword as a cane to help him to his feet. He opened the front door and spoke without looking back, "Either way it doesn't really matter. I can go on my own from here."

"You're going to become a Walker sooner or later," Percy told him.

Nico looked over his shoulder with a glare. "Says the guy who claims he's part Walker."

Percy only stared at Nico for a moment. Then his hand went to his shirt collar and pulled it down. Nico was confused until he saw the large bite mark on his skin. "I was bit. But I was never turned. Only the Dead turn. But there was still an effect on me."

Nico stared at the bite mark and his mind flashed to the one which ruined his sister's face, and had ruined her. He shook his head to get rid of the image when he felt a prickle in his eyes. "That still doesn't make sense," he said turning around and trying to focus on Percy's words.

Percy let go of his collar and leaned forward onto one hand while the other drummed on his leg as he thought.

"Nico?" Hazel asked cutting in from where she had decided to take a seat on the floor next to the stairs.

Nico's eyes flickered down to Hazel who sat on the floor to the side of the stairs before looking back to Percy in case the "part" Walker had moved.

"Do you remember the Outbreak?" Hazel asked him.

Nico raised an eyebrow and looked down at her. "That's your question? Who doesn't?"

"You," Percy answered for her causing Nico's gaze to shift back to him. "You don't remember. Hazel doesn't. No one here does."

"Yes I do," Nico said sharply already annoyed with this conversation. "I was there when they came for my-"

"Fine. What season was that?"


"In what season did the Outbreak happen?"

Nico was able to shout about the stupidity of the question but when he searched for an answer to the question, his mind went blank. Hazel and Percy still watched him so Nico licked his lips and tried to dodge it. "W-why does it matter? There's only one now."

"What year?"

"Can you stop asking stupid questions?"

"Think about what Hazel told you earlier," Percy insisted. "That she was born after the Outbreak. After your father supposedly died. While I don't know how old you are, you two look close enough in age meaning the Outbreak must've have occurred when you were close to two? Maybe four? So did you and your sister fend for your lives all this time? I find it hard to believe that two children can survive that long." Percy continued to drum his finger on his leg but the pace was quickening the longer he went, Nico was pretty sure the pace mirrored his own heart rate as Percy spoke.

"No," Nico said weakly. "It was only a few years ago. It was only..."

Nico saw a small smirk make its way on to Percy's lips. "You can't tell me the number of years can you?"

"I don't need this," Nico declared suddenly. He turned and promptly limped out the door.

"Go ahead leave!" Percy shouted behind him. "Or... you can come with us to find a way out!"

"The only way out of this world is death!" Nico yelled back without turning around. He ignored the pain in his leg and the sun's heat on his skin. More focused on leaving than his physical condition.

"And how many times have you died?" Percy called back.

Nico froze in his tracks. He opened his mouth as he turned around to glare at Percy. "I'm not-" Nico cut himself off suddenly as his head throbbed. His heart thumped quickly in his chest. His vision swam and he felt his legs buckle underneath him.


"A Walker is a Walker. If you see one you kill it. No matter what. Understand?"

"I know Bianca," Nico nodded.

She stepped back and gave him a smile. "Then why haven't you done it?"

"Done what?" He asked confused.

"Killed me."

Nico's eyes widened, "what are you talking-" he stopped immediately as Bianca's face began melted away. Her skin fell clean off, Nico's heart was throbbing in his throat as he was too terrified to scream. In lieu of her skin was cracked dry skin, a dark bite mark on her cheek, and empty eyes stared through him. His mouth moved but no sound came out as bile fought its way against gravity.

"Go on then," it-she-it-she said stepping forward toward him. In response he scrambled back and crashed to the floor but he didn't feel the pain, he was numb to everything but the fear deep within his bones. "Go on then," She-it-she-it repeated looming over him. It-she stood over him, her-it's empty gaze petrifying him, making even the bile in his mouth freeze in its place. His eyes never her-it-her-it's. It's-her-its-her lips curled into a cruel smile as her-it's-her saliva dripped down and onto his face. She-It emitted a shriek like sound- a laugh. "Go on then," it- she- it- she said once more through more of her-it's-her-it's shriek laughter. "Kill me."

Nico shot to his feet and his hand reached for his sword on his waist and swung but there was no sword in his hand and nothing in front of him. Nico took a deep breath making sense of his surroundings. He stood in the middle of a room he hadn't seen before, his sword and bag lay at his feet. Nico reached down put on the bag then grabbed the sword as he tried to recall what had happened. Last he knew he had been storming out on Hazel and Percy and then nothing.

A sound from another room drew Nico's attention; he gripped the sword tightly as he carefully walked to the door and peeked out. Once making sure the coast was clear he crept out into the hall. He followed the source of the sound- muffled voices- down the hall and paused outside the room with the voices. Two of them. He was about to open the door when it opened itself and behind it stood a surprised Hazel.

Her golden eyes watched him carefully as she wiped her hands on her ripped purple shirt. Even so she gave him a small smile, "I was just coming to check on you."

Nico didn't respond but followed as she turned around and walked back into the room, a kitchen, and lowered his sword. In the kitchen Percy sitting against a wall wiping black blood off his bronze sword with a cloth. Percy paused and his eyes flickered over to Nico, "Feel better?"

"I guess," Nico responded. Though silently he wondered what had happened to the pain in his leg. "What happened? Last I remember you were feeding me a load of bull."

Percy gave a chuckle. "If that is what you want to believe you are still allowed to leave. No one is stopping you. Or-"

"Thank you," Nico responded curtly turning to walk out the door.

"Or I could tell you about the way out."

Nico froze curiosity stopping his movements, he was intrigued and it pissed him off that he knew Percy knew as well. He took a breath before he replied without turning around. "The only way out of here is death. I told you that earlier."

"Or the door," Hazel cut in standing in front of Nico. "There is another option. I want you to come with us to find it. But you just need to hear the entire story without dismissing it. Stay at least, and listen. I won't try to stop you after that. And if you still don't want to stay consider hearing us out as a way to repaying us for finding you and killing the Walker."

"Her name was Bianca," Nico said quietly. He stared down at her and into her earnest golden eyes then gave a silent curse followed by a  cursed before giving small nod. He turned around with a sigh and walked over to take a seat on the floor across from Percy.

Hazel moved to stand beside Percy before nudging him with her foot. "See? You just have to be kind to people."

Percy rolled his eyes. "It's has been a while since I needed to use manners or patience." Percy looked back to Nico. "Sorry. But I've been down here too long. Now I know what I said earlier didn't make sense but I needed to reset you."

"Reset me?" Nico echoed. "I'm not a machine."

"I agree," Percy nodded. "But listen, you are a Dead." Nico opened his mouth to argue but Percy raised a hand to stop him, oddly Nico found himself obeying and Percy coninued to speak. "The Dead don't remember their deaths," Percy conitnued grabbing his sword and cloth and continued to wipe it clean as he spoke. "The Dead live constantly dying over and over always coming back with falsified memories to explain what happened to them. Now the Outbreak. I know for a fact you don't remember it because I don't. It happened nearly seventy five years before I was born. One day the dead just began coming back. At first everyone was overjoyed. Then they realized that some of the dead carried a virus. That virus known as: Walking Apt Lifeless Killing Embodiment Run.

"Or WALKER. And those dead infected began to be called Walkers as a result. Those infected dead would lose their minds, change in appearance, and attack and try to kill all Living. But only those persons who had been dead could contract the virus. If a living was lucky enough to survive they wouldn't turn into a Walker, but they could understand how a Walker speaks, and sense their presence, but the moment they died? Walker. The government was at a loss, all they knew was what Walkers were capable of so they gave them classes C, B, and A. They also knew that once a Walker died it didn't come back but either way they had no clue what to do. Until one vile man came up with a plan which they went along with. They dug beneath the Earth's crust. Dug and dug and dug as close as they could to the center of the Earth. Then the spread this hole underneath everything, everywhere. They called this area below the The Underworld- I know not really creative. It soon gained a better common name, Tartarus, and that's where we are now. And here is where they put the Walkers. But-" Percy paused suddenly and looked to Nico. "Is this making sense so far?"

Nico shook his head. "Not a word," he answered honestly. "Ignoring the fact that Walkers exist and viruses and coming back to life, how can people even dig that deep down into the Earth in the first place?"

Percy blinked confused by the question. He leaned and Nico instinctively leaned away. "Nico?" He asked finally.

"Yes?" Nico responded uncertainly.

"What year is it?"

Nico shrugged. "With the sun up all day it's hard to keep track anymore. But I'd guess late 1930s?"

Percy's eyes widened.

"What?" Nico asked feeling a bit embarrassed.

"I was born in 3024."

"What?" Nico blinked staring at Percy. Percy looked majority confused and Nico could only guess he looked the same way. "You can't be serious," he said finally. "3024?"

Percy nodded slowly. "Yeah. And last I knew it was 3042, and that was a while ago..."

"Last I knew it was the 1940s," Hazel added in. "Now, let's ignore the year and get back to the story."

Percy nodded and cleared his threat. "Right. Where was I?"

"Walkers here in Tartarus," Hazel answered.

"Okay. So while the idea itself was initially fine, but the thing is since when does the government ever do exactly what they said they were gonna do? Never. They began rounding up the Dead one by one. They brought them to facilities they claimed to try to 'rehabilitate the Dead'," Percy continued with a wry smile. Making Nico assume that Percy had heard those words all his life. "But rehabilitation would mean they planned on letting them go," Percy continued quietly and beginning to clean his sword more furiously despite the fact it was already clean. "Instead they use them as test subjects. They forcefully turn them into Walkers so they could study them. I understand they want to learn how to wipe away all Walkers forever but the Dead don't even know they died, they just think they were suddenly stripped of their human rights and strapped down to an operating table. All because the government don't care that they can feel. And those which aren't experimented on or when they are 'done with them' they are sent down here," Percy finished.

Silence fell but Nico could tell there was still much left unsaid. Percy tossed his sword across the room and all three of them only listened to the sound of it clatter.

"And you?" Nico asked quietly after a moment. "Why are you here?"

Percy looked up to Nico and stared Nico in the eye. Nico didn't look away despite his discomfort. Rather he stared back into the other boy's eyes.

"What I said was not public knowledge," Percy said finally not pulling his gaze away from Nico. "It is only assumed but not confirmed until recently."

"How did you find this out?" Nico asked now convinced Percy wouldn't speak without being prompted.

"I found this out the hard way. I broke into a facility. It was me, my girlfriend, and three friends. We made a deal with a guy who worked there, he let us in and we got information, pictures and more, all proving what was happening and how immoral it was."

"What happened?"

"The bastard screwed us over," Percy said with a hollow laugh. "Called in the big guns on us. They arrested us, but not before one of my friends was able to slip information to our journalist contact. They spread it everywhere."

"Isn't that good?"

"People found out and there was disbelief. Then there was panic, there were riots. People wanted the Dead freed. But since when does the government bend to the masses?"

"What did they do?"

"Charged me and all of my friends with capital punishment without a trial. Because they 'don't negotiate with traitors or terrorists. Things which we clearly were after what we did.'"

"And death row is down here?" Nico asked.

Percy shook his head. "Since I was the mastermind they made me a deal. The others wouldn't get any time in prison if came down here..." Percy trailed off and fell silent but Nico wasn't done with his questions.

"Why do you care so much about the Dead?"

"My mother," Percy started weakly. "She-she was kil- when she died and came back they took her away. But I had heard the stories about what happens. I spent years looking into what happens. I wanted to do anything to find out the truth. I found myself at the center of the earth instead. They brought me to large elevator and sent me down. I watched that door for so long. Waiting for it to open. When I needed to go in search in food or other supplies I'd go back as soon as possible. One day I stood out in the heat so long I had the delusion it opened. While I was basically high I was attacked by Walkers. But I met Hazel who saved my life- she's the only reason I was bitten and not torn apart."

"Pity," Nico muttered.

"You're welcome," Hazel smiled ignoring Nico.

"She demanded I help her locate you in return basically. Now that we have, we're headed back for the elevator. Any other questions?"

"Still don't get how this is the center of the earth," Nico commented.

"Well we're not horribly close, just very," Hazel told him.

"But there is a sun," Nico argued.

"A sun that never goes down?" Percy asked with a raised eyebrow. "How is that not weird?"

"Nothing is normal anymore," Nico pointed out. "Also it still rains. And rain comes from the clouds in the sky."

"They pump water down now and then so everything doesn't burn. They need to keep up appearances for the Dead which are down here and still think they are a Living."

"Well I guess it's not the craziest thing I heard," Nico muttered. He took a deep breath and shifted his gaze upward to look at the cracked ceiling. They settled into a comfortable silence and Nico couldn't help but think how long it had been since he had done as something as this. He had spent weeks paranoid since the pharmacy, he probably hadn't relaxed since before then. Bianca would certainly have screamed at him for not taking better care of himself. She'd also probably try and bond with Hazel as soon as possible, yet Nico wanted to shy away from her.

He considered their earlier words of searching for an exit. A way to leave this world... the thought was appealing. No more running for his life, no more fighting, he could simply live...

For years he dreamt about living back with his big sister and mother. He yearned for a life so simple. He had a chance to do that again, with another sister but Hazel she-

"So will you?" Hazel asked interrupting Nico's thoughts.

"Hmm?" Nico responded looking away from the ceiling and to her face.

"So will you come with us?" Hazel asked him. "Come with us to find the exit?"

Nico paused staring into her gold, large, hopeful eyes while he thought for a couple moments. "No."

With that said he stood up and grabbed his things before walking out the kitchen.

"Hey wait!" Hazel shouted running up behind him. "What so mean 'no'?"

"I mean I'm not coming with," Nico said simply opening the front door.

Hazel grabbed his arm and turned him around to face her. "But why not?"

Nico looked past her to where Percy had followed. Percy said nothing and walked by Nico and Nico heard as he stopped just past them to lean against the doorway. Nico focused on Hazel. "I'm not going because of him."

"But I thought you guys made up and are good?"

"We totally had a bonding moment," Percy put in from behind him.

"Something like that," Nico said with an eye roll. "But it's because of what you told me that I'm not staying," Nico but his tongue and looked back to Hazel who waited for an explanation. "He said himself that once a bit Living dies they become a Walker. And he was bitten. I'm not staying with a person who could turn into a Walker as soon as something goes wrong. I'm leaving."

Neither of the two responded, but Hazel stared into Nico's eyes silently pleading.

"No," Nico said firmly. "Staying here is the same as setting off a bomb and just standing next to it. I'm leaving, if you wanna stay with that ticking time bomb," he continued pointing to Percy. "Be my guest. I'm not staying. It was nice of you to come search for me but we're only related by blood. And down here blood is everywhere you look, so it doesn't mean much." Nico shook her off his jacket and started walking. He walked past Percy and outside onto the blistering sidewalk. He ignored the sting of the heat emanating from around him already pricking his skin. He ignored the sizzle of his shoes on the cracked sidewalk. And he ignored the beads of sweat already forming. He just kept moving.

Nico quickly glanced around listening for Walkers listening to Hazel shouting at him from behind. He raised a hand to a wave without turning around Hazel shouted once again but Nico ignored her and instead took off running, not once looking back.

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