You Are My Sunshine

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This is Solangelo if you didn't guess from the title or the picture (which I spent too much time finding and editing instead of doing productive stuff).

They are supernatural creatures in this.

Enjoy! (You better enjoy this. It deleted the whole thing which I had to rewrite)

(This is strangely long)


You Are My Sunshine

Nico swirled his glass of red liquid with one hand while he stared off into space. Nico jumped suddenly when fingers snapped in his highly sensitive ears. When he jumped his liquid splashed forward toward the bartender but the liquid froze in mid air.

Nico glared at the bartender who smiled back. The red liquid dropped back in the glass. "What do you want Percy?"

The bartender- Percy smirked and leaned closer to him his head cocked to one side. "I'm bored. Entertain me."

Nico shook his head. "Nope. I'm not stupid enough to mess with to you."

Percy leaned back confused. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you serious Perce? You are a quarter nereid and half siren." (A/N I know that's closer to Piper's thing but I like the idea so go with it)

Percy pouted. "I was only gonna make you go streak outside."

"Exactly," Nico replied shaking his head trying not to focus on Percy's words. "Go try you luck with the sphinx."

Percy followed Nico's gaze to where a blonde sphinx said goodbye to a choppy haired friend who left leaving the sphinx alone. "Alright I'll go," Percy stated. "Do I get a tip?"

"Don't be an idiot."

"Gee thanks. Stay out of the sun."

Nico nodded and drained his glass of spiked cow blood before exiting the bar.

Nico walked outside and stretched. He glanced at the sky. Not wanting to take any chances he chose to run.

He ran down the street until his ears picked up on a muffled scream. Nico immediately dashed toward the sound his fangs lengthening as he did.

He came upon the scene of a woman being pinned down, a wolf hovering over her. Nico growled his eyes shinning a brighter red as he ran colliding with the wolf successfully  knocking the wolf off the woman.

Nico got to his feet in between the woman and the wolf. He could here the woman scramble up and run but she screamed as two men appeared.

"This in violation of our treaty! This is di Angelo property!" Nico shouted.

The wolf in front of him glared at him and smiled in a creepy way. "I have no treaty with you."

"Yes we do! My father-"

"Your father? That must make you Nico di Angelo. Heir to the di Angelo Coven."

"Yeah. What of it?" Nico asked his eyes flickering to sky which seemed to have lightened.

"Well, you should know... I have taken over the pack. And I don't believe in a treaty with the likes of you."

Nico barely had time to get out of the way of the werewolf's claws. Nico could hear the woman scream behind him but he couldn't take on three werewolves and protect a woman by himself. He dodged again and moved to grab his phone but he was slammed back into a wall his phone flying out of his grasp.

He heard the woman scream again but it was cut short. He didn't get a chance to help her though when claws raked across his torso. Nico screamed in pain and threw himself at the wolf sinking his fangs in wherever he could.

Nico thought he had the upper hand at one point until a second wolf grabbed him. Nico staggered to his feet. He could out run them. He could fly even. But the woman...

He glanced at her. A man- werewolf he presumed held her by the neck. The man smiled at him before he squeezed his hand tighter around her throat. Nico could only watch as the light in her eyes dimmed and faded.

The wolf dropped the woman and kicked her to the side. Now it was three against one. Nico internally cursed. He quickly ran and then turned into a bat flying up high so he could get away the werewolves howling in his wake.

Nico could barely fly straight. Everything hurt but he had to make it home the sun was almost up.

After a moment he decided that it would be easier to run. He paused on the balcony of an apartment building to change back.

That was a terrible idea. Everything seemed to swim in vision. He stumbled back and fell into a door hitting his head on the way down.

The last thing Nico saw before he blacked out was a pair of concerned blue eyes.


Nico bolted awake screaming in pain as he did.

Nico's vision was blurry and he couldn't make out the words being said to him but he allowed a pair of hands to guide him to lie back down on a bed.

Nico squeezed his eyes shut and tried to focus. When he opened them again he saw a blonde haired boy with blue eyes looking at him.

Nico eyebrows scrunched in confusion. He glanced around to find an unfamiliar bedroom with its curtains drawn tightly shut. His eyes drifted back to the boy who held a bandage in one hand. "Who are you?" Nico asked him. "Where am I? What happened?"

The boy blinked. "My name is Will Solace. This is my apartment. And I don't know exactly what happened to you but I found you on my balcony half conscious. The sun was starting to rise so I brought you in here rather than to a hospital. You're lucky I'm a healer," he finished continuing to apply bandages to Nico's stomach. "So... Who are you? And what were you doing?"

"Werewolves," Nico responded. "They violated the treaty... And- they killed her..."

"Killed who?" Will asked his eyes now wide.

"Not sure. I tried to help but..."

Silence fell over the two. "What are you?" Nico asked Will finally.

"Light Faerie."

"Where are your wings?"

Will rolled his eyes. "That's always the first question. I retracted them."

"No need to be so sassy."

"Sorry. Just tired of the question. I'm sure you get people asking you what it's like not being able to go out in the sun."

Nico nodded. "A lot. That and 'OMG you're so pale! You need a tan!'"

Will smiled at Nico's words and his hands began to glow a soft yellow as he tried to heal Nico's wounds. "That's the best I can do."

"Thank you," Nico told Will. "You helped and you don't even know me."

"Well what's your name then?"

"Nico di Angelo."

"Good to meet you Nico. You should get some sleep."

Nico couldn't exactly protest and closed his eyes.


Will walked in his apartment his  companion by his side.

He followed the sound of a groan of pain to the kitchen to where Nico sat on the floor his eyes shut in pain as he leaned against the fridge.

"What are you doing out of bed?" Will asked bending down to Nico's level.

One of Nico's red eyes opened. "You were gone and I need- need..." He trailed off and closed his eyes again. His chest rising and falling like he was desperate to breathe even though he didn't need to.

The man who had come with Will stepped forward and opened a flask putting it to Nico's lips.

"Blood and unicorn draught," he stated pouring some down Nico's throat.

Nico opened his eyes and took the flask swallowing a third of it. "Thanks Frank."

Frank nodded and put an arm under Nico's and Will followed suit. The two boys lifted the vampire and laid him back on Will's bed.

"What are you doing here Frank?" Nico asked.

"Will came over to the mansion and said you were here and hurt," the shapeshifter replied.

"You two know each other?"

"No. You told me your name was di Angelo and I knew where the mansion is, so I headed over."

Nico nodded. "So you're gonna hang here then and bring me back tonight?"

Frank shook his head. "Can't. A werewolf threatened your home he killed off the previous Alpha and took control. He calls himself Lycaon, do your father thinks it is best if you stay away for now. Lay low. Will had agreed to let you stay here."

Nico shifted his gaze to Will. "You did?"

Will nodded.

"I need to get going. I have to help Hazel," Frank told Nico.

"Keep her safe."

Frank nodded and left the room. The other two could hear his footsteps as he left the apartment as well.

"Why'd you agree to help me?" Nico asked Will.

"I need to keep an eye on my patient. Also... I bought some blood for you. I never thought about how many different kinds that there are. It's kinda disturbing. Anyway, what do I do with it? Do I keep it in the fridge or...?"

"Fridge," Nico replied.


"You can have your bed," Nico told Will as Will gathered his clothes for bed.


"I've kind of invaded your home. I feel bad about taking your bed."

Will shook his head. "It's fine. I'll sleep on the couch. You're a guest and injured you're allowed to be comfortable."


One week later Will returned home from work to find Nico on the couch remote in hand frowning at the TV.

"Watching Twilight again?" Will asked.

"It's just so wrong! Vampires-"

"'Die in sunlight not sparkle'," Will quotes. "I know. You've ranted to me each day."

"'Cause they choose to play this crap everyday!"

Will rolled his eyes. "Well are you done looking at crap? I should change your bandages."

Nico sighed and turned off the TV and awkwardly took of his shirt. Though he had done this in front of Will before it was never any less embarrassing he was internally thankful he wasn't capable of blushing.

Will didn't seem to register Nico's emotions as he unwound the bandages and inspected the wounds. Will left to wash his hands and came back with fresh bandages.

"Well the mix of healing magic and unicorn draught seem to be working," Will said. "The wounds have fully closed but you still need to take it easy or they will reopen."

Nico nodded and replaced his shirt once Will had finished.


After spending a two and half weeks living with Will Solace, Nico had gotten comfortable. So much so that he walked in Will's room (in Nico's defense it was also the room where he slept) without knocking.

Nico opened the door to find Will shirtless standing with his back toward him.

Nico found himself looking at Will. More specifically Will's wings. Despite living together Nico had yet to see Will's wings. Will had always refused. Seeing them now Nico wasn't quite sure why. They were beautiful and seemingly made of pure light. They reminded Nico of what the sun used to feel like.

Kind. Warm.


It had been so long since he had been warm. Looking at those wings it brough him back to when he had been a little boy playing with his mother and older sister in the sunlight.

Nico found himself stepping forward reaching out to touch one. His hand came in contact with something that seemed more delicate than a flower petal.

He didn't get to question it more since at the moment Will screamed.

In connection with his reaction the wing grew hotter and hotter as if they were the sun and Nico could feel it. The harmful sun. Not sure what else to do he threw the cup of blood he was holding forward.

Will shrieked again as his wings dimmed to dull yellow glow. "What the hell?" Will yelled turning around "you got blood on my wings! I'm not even supposed to get water on them!"

Nico only stared at Will. "Your wings. They- they were like the sun."

Will swallowed his anger. "I'm a light faerie. That's what happens. My emotions cause my wings to glow bright like a star. Why do you think I didn't show them to you? You're a fricking vampire! A vampire who got blood on my wings! Wait- you didn't turn to ash or anything right?"

"No? I'm not burned."

Will breathed a sigh of relief. "Good."

Nico stared at Will's dimmer yet still beautiful wings. He reaches forward again to touch them. Will didn't move but his heart rate increase as Nico touched it.

"I know a guy who can get the blood off easily," Nico said. "He's part nereid."

"What's the number?"


"Sup Neeks?"

Nico rolled his eyes and moved aside to let Percy into the apartment.

"So this is where you've been hiding from the guys that attacked you. You know if you tell me what they looked like I can make them-"



"No. I'm not getting you mixed up in my stuff."

"You sure?"

"It's Plan B."

Percy smiled and Nico led him into Will's room (after knocking). Will frowned in the mirror at his wings.

"Will this is Percy," Nico introduced.

Percy nodded and stepped towards Will. "Damn. You actually got blood in his wings. Look I'm not sure how well this will work some of the blood looks dried but I'll try."

Will nodded and a moment later Percy drew all the liquid out of Will's wings and into a small ball. "Yeah, there's some left..."

"Thanks anyway," Will told him.

Percy didn't stay much longer and once he left Nico apologized to Will. "Look I'm really sorry."

"It's fine."

"Do they still glow warmly?" Nico asked awkwardly.

"I nearly killed you and you still want me to make them glow?"

Nico shrugged. "They remind me of the sun. Like you are the sunshine. Even more they remind me of my mother."

Will nodded slowly and allowed his wings to warm up. He bit his tongue in pain from the dry blood on his wings. He was about to let them die back down when he saw the wonder on Nico's face as Nico came closer to him touching one gently. "Beautiful," Nico murmured.

It wasn't until that moment that Will realized how close they both wore. His cheeks flushed as he stared into Nico's red eyes.

Nico's gaze shifted from Will's wings to his face.

Neither moved for a moment. Slowly each leaned in and their lips touched. Nico could feel the heat rise radiating from Will's wings.

Will pulled back suddenly. His eyes were wide as he dashed out of the room.


Short and simple conversations were all the followed for the next couple days. There was another change as well. Will began to walk around with his wings out.

"I don't understand why you love them so much."

"They are beautiful," Nico relied. "And so are you..."

Will blushed darkly before taking calming breaths. "We can't."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to hurt you. My wings shine bright like as weapon. I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't."

Nico and Will stared at each other.

"You are my sunshine you know that right?" Nico asked. "You took care of me and gave me a place to stay. Your kind. You are my sunshine."

Will blushed again. But the moment was ruined when a crash from the window caused everything to change.

Through the window came a familiar wolf.

Nico cursed and grabbed Will's arm. Will seemed to stunned to move. Nico took a step back before whispering into Will's ear. "We gotta fly."

Nico didn't wait to see if Will had heard or understood him as he ran forward dragging Will with him as he punched the wolf and dodged before leaping out the window.

Nico turned into the bat thankful the sun had just recently set. Nico sped off and Will lagged behind. Nico didn't understand why until he paused in an alley and took on his human form once again. Will landed next to him breathing heavily.

"You okay?" Nico asked.

Will nodded quickly but didn't respond. Nico frowned and his eyes drifted to the wings on Will's back.

One of the brilliant bright wings was bent the other seemed cut in half.

"Oh my God..."

"Please tell me it's not that bad," Will pleaded.


"The glass..." Will replied and Nico could see the small bleeding scars on Will's back. "It doesn't matter. We need to move. That werewolf..."

"You can't fly like that."

"I have to-"

"You can't fly like that," Nico repeated. "You need to get to a hospital. Maybe they can fix-"

"Faerie wings can't be fixed," Will said plainly.


Will froze in fear as were wolves appeared. Seven of them. Four cut off either exit of the alley. Two stood above on the fire escapes. And the seventh ran up to stand in front of them.

The same wolf as before. The wolf didn't move but rather smiled enjoying the panic rolling off of the two.

Nico growled, his fangs lengthening but one of his hands found Will's.

"There's too many," Will said quietly.

"You can blind them," Nico responded. "They still shine right?"

"You'd die."

"You wouldn't," was Nico's response.

Will shook his head.

Nico didn't try to get to persuade him again as he had to dodge an attack from the lead werewolf. He heard Will scream. It was just like that night all over again. Will ignored the werewolf in front of him and charged for Will tackling him to the ground as a werewolf flew over him into a wall.

"Do it!" Nico shouted.

Will didn't get a chance to respond as Nico's lips crashed on his. A year ran down Nico's face as he felt heat from Will's back. He heard the werewolves scream and he felt his skin boil and burn. Despite this Nico smiled into the kiss. Trying to thank Will for everything. Since he couldn't tell Will himself. He had already begun to turn to ash.

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