Loving Death

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A/N Here's the next one-shot! It was requested by Heiress_diAngelo, so it's dedicated to her! Hope you enjoy it!

All Rights Reserved!


Heiress Sumner's POV

Heiress Sumner’s thoughts were focused on one person, and one person alone. Nico di Angelo. The son of the Lord of the Underworld.

He was handsome, with his black hair and brown eyes. He may be small, but Heiress desperately wanted him to notice her as more than a friend.

They had met each other in an odd way.

*~*~* Flashback *~*~*

Heiress was in school, listening to her English teacher drone on and on, when suddenly the boy next to her stiffened. He was different from other kids. He walked with a limp, and he had curly hair and a bit of a beard. He never took his hat off his head and when he laughed it sounded like some sort of animal’s bleat. And sadly, he was Heiress’s only friend. His name was Caleb, and he was pretty nice to her.

Heiress was jerked from her thoughts when her English teacher told her to read a passage from the book they were working on.

Heiress felt angry. The teachers all knew she had dyslexia and ADHD, yet they didn’t do much about it.

Heiress sighed and after a few failed attempts said, “Sorry, but I can’t read it.”

The teacher grunted and was about to speak but just then the bell rang, saving Heiress. She was only in seventh grade, yet she was pretty smart and in a lot of advanced classes.

Just as Heiress was about to leave, her teacher—Ms. Fern—called her back in.

“Go on, I’ll meet you in a few minutes,” Heiress told Caleb. He looked reluctant, but he turned and walked away.

Heiress turned back to the teacher but found a surprising sight. She had turned into something weird, but one thing was certain—she was not a teacher. She had flaming hair now, and she was now wearing a dress. But her legs were weird. One of them looked like a donkey’s leg, and the other seemed to be made out of metal, some time of bronze, maybe?

“Well, little demigod,” Ms. Fern taunted. “Time for you to die!”

Heiress couldn’t contain her scream, and Ms. Fern lunged. Before she reached Heiress, something weird happened. The shadows in the room rippled and out of them stepped a boy. He had dark hair and brown eyes. At his side hung a pure black sword, and he was wearing black clothes, an aviator jacket and a skull ring on one of his fingers.

He drew his sword and intercepted Ms. Fern. Before she could run away he slashed his sword through her, and she dissolved into yellow powder.

Heiress saw Caleb race in and he immediately struck up a conversation with the boy. She asked, “Who are you, and what was that thing?”

“My name is Nico di Angelo, and that was an empousa,” the boy answered.

*~*~* Flashback Ends *~*~*

After that, Caleb and Nico did something called shadow-traveling and brought Heiress to Camp Half-Blood where they explained who and what they were. And Heiress accepted it easily. Weird things had been happening to her. When she arrived at Camp Half-Blood, she was claimed by her mother right away. She was a daughter of Hecate.

Today Heiress was determined to kiss Nico. She had had a crush on him since he saved her from the empousa, and that was five years ago. He was a few years older than her, but she didn’t mind at all.

Heiress left for her sword-fighting class which was taught by the legendary Percy Jackson. His girlfriend Annabeth Chase usually helped out with demonstrations too. Heiress was okay at sword-fighting, but when she fought for real she preferred to use a spear.

When Heiress left the sword-fighting arena she was tired and sweaty. The instructors always pushed their students hard saying, When you go out in the real world you’ll thank us.

Heiress ran into Nico while on her way to the Hades cabin to find him. He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands, which looked funny. A boy in dark clothes holding a bouquet of bright-colored flowers.

“Hi,” Heiress said.

“Hey,” Nico replied.

“Who are the flowers for?” she asked.

“Um, a special girl,” he replied blushing.

“Oh,” Heiress said. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed. She hadn’t even considered the fact that Nico might like someone else.

She turned around and marched away.

“Wait! Heiress!” Nico shouted and she heard his feet hitting the dirt as he ran to catch up to her.

She turned back to him and snapped, “What?”

“You’re, that . . . um, special girl,” Nico said, his cheeks getting even redder.

Heiress was stunned. She took the flowers from his outstretched hands and said, “Why me?”

“I’ve had a crush on you since I saved you from the empousa when you were thirteen,” Nico said shyly, suddenly taking a great interest in the ground.

Heiress gathered all of her courage and said, “So have I.”

Nico looked back up and asked, “Really?”


Nico smiled and hugged Heiress tightly.

When Nico pulled away—before she could lose the rest of her courage—Heiress pressed her lips to his.

Surprisingly, Nico responded. They kissed each other slowly, and when Heiress pulled away, she said, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.

“Same here,” Nico said before he kissed her again.

And Heiress felt even more victory than she had when she went on a quest and succeeded.

A/N The external link has Heiress_diAngelo's profile. You could also look at the dedication to find her. I hope you enjoyed this one-shot! And, now for the disclaimer.

Nico: Wait, so I've got a girlfriend now?

Me: Yup!

Nico: Okay then, as long as she doesn't call me Death Breath.

Heiress: Hi, Death Breath!

Nico: Seriously?!

Heiress: Yes. And you'll live with it.

Nico: What! No I won't!

Heiress: *glares at Nico and starts chasing him*

Me: I don't own anyone! Rick Riordan does! But I do co-own Heiress with Heiress_diAngelo. She had me do the story, and I created the character. Although, Caleb is mine too, but everyone else is Rick Riordan's!


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