OC Review for Zenia Malik

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Name: Zenia Malik

Zenia can mean two things: One, flower, or two, born of Zeus. It is actually an Islamic name if you take the meaning to be flower, so props to you for putting in research with such a double edged name!

Age: 12 (beginning of the story), 15 (end of the story

Ah, yes, the sweet spots. When you start with 12, you can get some really good character development in!

Gender/Pronouns: female/ she, her

Personality: Bright and outgoing, the kind of girl that's at least on good terms with everyone. Slightly lazy, loves eating.

This seems like something people can relate to, without you obviously trying to make it relatable! Plus, peppy usually makes for a likable character! And, let's be real, most of us Wattpad users are little bit lazy!

Good traits: kind and extrovert, tends to get fond of people very easily, despises violence

Yes, traits that don't contradict each other! I like it!

Bad traits: she tends to stick with stronger, older people only for convenience, and most of her kind actions towards them are only because of that objective. Also, she tends to not consider people's feelings, only focusing on her own point of view.

Good, good, good! When people make peppy characters, I see too much of them being perfect! Obliviousness can be an endearing trait, and this person doesn't seem so much oblivious as she doesn't realize the bad parts.

Fatal flaw: not a demigod so she doesn't have a specific one, it's more like a combination of things (see Bad Traits section)

A non-demigod character? Interesting!

Hair color: Black

Eye color: dark brown

Skin color: Light brown (I don't know if it's a correct term, I basically mean slightly darker than your average tan.)Yeah, that's the term I would use. I don't know if there is an official one. 

Height: 5' 6"Weight: Average for that age

Ah, this person's appearance is pretty good. Not something exotic, like lavender colored eyes, or hair that always changes color, but still average looking!

Legacy: technically Apollo, though it's so far in the past that she's basically a mortal

Nice. We don't see many legacies these days, unless they're children of canon characters.

Nationality: Pakistan

Good job at adding diversity!

Weapons: Wand, bow (the latter rarely)

Weapon ties into heritage well.

Fighting skills: Above average witch, being a Seer, but below average archer (not a lot of time to train, spent most of it with a bow not fitting for her).

A Seer? That seems interesting! And a distant legacy of Apollo, whose below average at archery? I like the idea!

Backstory: Zenia lived a rather uneventful childhood, with good parents, if only a little distant. At Hogwarts, she's a Hufflepuff, and becomes a fan of one of her team's Beaters, Chris "Cole Train" Cole. she gets bullied because of her pacific nature, until one time, in her second year, Chris just so happens to be present, and he helps her. From that moment, she decides to stuck with him, both because she's her fan and because she can use his protection, him being taller and more muscular than the average wizards. As time passes, though, she gets to know his backstory, and starts appreciating his protective behaviour. 

YES! Not everybody needs to have a tragic backstory! And this one fits in well with her character!

 Extra: Character of a crossover with Harry Potter; Hufflepuff, half-blood witch. Seer. Muslim.

I'm glad you're adding diversity into your book! And having a Hufflepuff, whose not just some background character? Unheard of since Newt Scamander! And Half-Blood is usually the safest option to go. Not muggle filth who has to prove herself, and not an aristocratic girl who has to learn compassion.

Mary Sue Rating: 1.8 percent

Character Grade: A+/ 98.2

Notes: This seems like a nice character! Being a Hufflepuff is great, and totally fits her description! I like that you're not making your characters OP, instead, giving them strengths and faults. I'm glad that you didn't give her a gritty backstory, instead, taking time and really crafting your character. All of what you put into Zenia makes a really nice character, who's very interesting, yet not perfect or overpowered!

Just one quick question: Did you intend for her name to mean flower, or born of Zeus? Or did you just pick a name that you thought sounded good? Because Apollo is the child of Zeus, so that name ties into her ancestors. And Zenia, if it means flower, is an Islamic name.

Thank you for entering this awesome character in for review!

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