Nova Amor (OC #1)

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Name~ Nova Morte Amor

Alias(es)~ Prince/Princess Nova, Demon Prince/Princess, Child of Death, Child of Thanatos

Gender~ Genderfluid (Usually stays a female)

Sexuality~ Pansexual

Pronouns~ She/her, he/him

Ethnicity~ Cuban

Age~ Depends on rp (Usually 17)

Birthday/Zodiac~ October 31, 2003 Scorpio

Languages Spoken/Read~ English, Latin, Greek, Spanish

Appearance (Changes completely depending on gender) *Since the pic is how Nova looks when female I'm mainly describing how Nova looks when male*

Hair~ Shoulder length, same color as pic. He usually puts his hair in a ponytail and leaves a few strands out

Eyes~ Golden eyes that change color randomly or when angry

Height~ 5'6

Skin~ Same as pic

Body Build~ hourglass figure, swimmer's body

Piercings~ wears black diamond earrings, has two helixes on right ear

Clothing~ Nova wears a red t-shirt with a black jacket. He wears black jeans and combat boots. Along with his helixes and earrings, Nova wears a necklace in the shape of a star. The jewelry is worn no matter what gender Nova identifies as.

Other~ Has black wings that fade to red when in the Underworld, has a black rose mark on her left arm


Personality~ Nova is a loyal and caring person who does anything to protect those she cares about, even if it may cost her life. However, to anyone first meeting her, Nova comes off as cold, rather rude, and sometimes intimidating. Not wanting to deal with most campers when she came to camp she kept quiet and stayed alone, except for when she would hang out with Nico. She is sarcastic and stubborn, not backing down from anything unless forced to. She also has a quick temper and gets annoyed easily.

Fear(s)~ spiders, losing control of her powers, hurting those she cares about, the people she cares about dying and she couldn't do anything to help

Likes~ Mexican food, anything sweet or spicy, summertime, hanging with her friends, shadows, the Underworld, Hellhounds, being alone at times, music, books

Dislikes~ spiders, annoying people, being bothered for trivial reasons, being a burden on people, asking for help, being accused of something she didn't do, when people use their status to get what they want, being told what do, being judged for being genderfluid

Hobbies~ cooking, singing, drawing, swimming, training, exploring the Underworld, flying

Habit(s)~ charging into battle without thinking at times, risking her life for others, messing with the shadows when nervous or thinking

Goal(s)~ protect those she cares about and if she makes it far in life become a musician

Fatal Flaw~ Personal Loyalty


Godly Parent~ Thanatos

Mother~ Isabella Amor(deceased)

Relative(s)~ Caspian Andreas(older cousin), Damian Andreas(uncle), Nyx(grandmother), Erebus(grandfather)

Legacy~ Apollo and Aphrodite

Friend(s)~ Piper, Hazel, Thalia, Frank, Reyna, Travis, and Katie

Best Friend(s)~ Nico, Percy, Leo, Connor, Rachel, Will, Jason

Dislikes(Not necessarily enemies but can be)~ Annabeth, some of the Ares campers

Love Interest~ Open if I have to choose I'll pick when the time comes

Pet(s)~ A hellhound pup named Midnight


Affiliation(s)~ Camp Half-Blood, Olympians, Demons

Camp(s)~ Camp Half-Blood

Cabin(s)~ When she first got to camp she stayed in the Hades cabin, now she stays in the Thanatos cabin

Role/Position(s)~ Head counselor of the Thanatos cabin (only person), link/peacemaker between the gods and demons, one of the swordsmanship teachers

Weapon(s)~ Her main weapon is dual blades that can channel her powers through them. She also uses a bow and arrow along with daggers

Disguised Version(s)~ Her sword turns into her star necklace and her bow and arrows come from her earrings

Power(s)~ biokinesis, healing, prophecy, photokinesis, audiokinesis, charmspeak, necromancy, osteokinesis, umbrakinesis, mist control, fatal touch

Abilities~ ADHD, mild dyslexia, swordsmanship, will power, pain resilience, intelligence, archery, intimidation, singing, quadrilingual, cooking skills.

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