Chapter 12 (the real one)

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Annabeth Chase was feeling strangely... happy nowadays.

Strange right?

With Thalia's resurrection after retrieving the golden fleece the blonde daughter of Athena was exited to have her best friend back, she's even going to a school in Brooklyn with the other girl (which was close enough to camp in case there were any emergencies) that had a great 3-D design elective which made her even more happy to "geek out" as Thalia would say. Another great thing was that the school was a boarding school, she and the daughter of Zeus were both happy to share a room together and would often stay late into the night talking about something or the other. Tonight though was not one of those nights, Thalia was sound asleep on the other bed across the room and Annabeth could hear her faint snoring that signaled she was practically dead and would not be awake until the morning.

The blonde leaned back on her chair by her study desk and looked down at the well read copy of a book about ancient Greek architecture and monuments, its spine was already creased with the amount of times she has read it. She smiled, thinking about all the great things she will one day build for Olympus and her mother.

That was her dream after all.

Glancing at the window Annabeth did a double take as she realized something was.. flying towards the school building. No, she thought, it was flying towards me. Eyes widening as she realized what it was her grin widened and she hurried to open the window. A large dark feathered red eyed eagle owl flew into the room with a parcel tied around its leg. Reaching underneath her bedside drawer to retrieve a small bag of owl treats she kept Annabeth took some out and gave it to the slightly tired owl who was now resting on the back of the chair she was previously sitting on.

"Deimos.." she murmured with a smirk "what did your owner send this time huh?" running a hand down the owl's wings Annabeth carefully untied the package and set it aside. Grabbing a small cup and pouring some water unto it she offered it to the owl named Deimos who was still recovering from the trip he made from Scotland to New York (which was quite impressive).

Sitting crossed legged on her bed she pulled the elegantly wrapped parcel towards her and rolled her eyes slightly at the ribbon that was used to secure it. Carefully uniting the ribbon she curiously stared at the hard cover book that was now held in her hands.

"The History of the Wizarding World.." murmured Annabeth who now had an appreciative gleam in her eyes and a small smile marring her features. Picking up the letter that came with the package she opened it and leaned back on her pillows as she began to read.

Dear Annabeth,

It's been awhile since I've written to you hasn't it? Longer still that I've last seen you and talked to you in person. The new school term has been rather.. interesting to say the least. I won't go into much detail but let's just say a mad man is on the loose and I believe my teacher might be a werewolf.

Pausing in her reading for awhile Annabeth's eyes widened and she shook her head for a second, used to about the odd things about the wizarding world that she stopped asking about it.

The book I sent you has some good information regarding the Wizarding World from the history to the politics to famous places and the such, I thought you would appreciate learning more on the subject as you have shown interest in the world I live in.

If you aren't busy with your school work I would like to hear more from you and the others, I would appreciate it if you take the time to respond and give a letter back through Deimos. I hope you have a good night/evening/morning (whenever this arrives) and please let Deimos rest before sending out any letters.


Your friend Perseus

By the end of the letter Annabeth had a gentle smile on her face as she ran a finger down the scrawled cursive of the words Percy had written in ink. Grabbing an empty piece of paper and a pen the girl began writing back her own response to the boy hundreds of miles across the ocean who was now doing gods knows what.

Hey folks! I present you with the real chapter 12 (how did you like the other one? :)) and I hope you liked it haha, there hasn't been much interaction between Annabeth and Percy in this book and I intend to fix that.

Anyway- I have an idea. What do you guys think about sending me requests for one shots about this fanfic series but kind of like a fan service thing where you can ask to see Percy with certain characters (I'll accept almost any pairings -maybe Percy could be with Draco wiNk wOnk- as long as its not smutty) or doing something or like other characters reacting to Percy and stuff like that. You guys could just message me your request and suggestions and I'll write the one shots in another book, what do you think?


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