Chapter 14

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It was finally the day of the quidditch match against Gryffindor, and Percy woke up feeling well rested. He took a nice quick shower before pulling on some extra layers and his Slytherin sweater in anticipation of the bad weather. Not waiting for Draco to finish getting ready (the guy takes literally forever on his hair) the raven haired boy went to the Great Hall for an early breakfast and enjoyed his bacon and waffles in peace with only a few other students wishing him well for the upcoming game.

He smirked when he caught sight of a tired looking Harry Potter stumbling into the Great Hall, as he finished his breakfast he noted how exhausted the other boy looked. Soon, Draco and the rest of the Slytherin quidditch team came waltzing in and took seats around Percy to be able to talk a bit of strategy as they eat before the game, Percy in front of Flint with Draco at his side.

"You ready with that trick of yours, Riddle?" Flint murmured as he gulped down a glass of pumpkin juice.

"Of course, Captain, the Gryffindors had probably thought that with the weather we would've backed out, but they won't know what hit them until it's too late," smirked Percy to the approval of the upperclassmen who grinned and clapped him on the back.

As the Slytherin team finished their breakfast they all trudged down to the quidditch field and towards the locker rooms with the rain already steadily pouring down. As Percy unconsciously willed himself to keep dry until he got into the shelter of the locker room, he realized that the wind was stronger than he thought it would be. Were the clouds getting darker? He frowned.

Focus Percy, you have to focus, he scolded himself.

Although the team changed into their green and silver robes with ease, some even joking around with each other, there was an air of seriousness that had enveloped them all. All the Slytherins in Hogwarts were still somewhat salty over the fact that Dumbledore -in a show of bias- gave away the house cup to the house of lions. This was their chance to slowly get back at the Gryffindors by beating them in the first quidditch match of the season.

Flint gathered the team around after they finished getting ready and looked at them all in the eyes with a fierce gaze that had a slight glint to it. Tuning out the captain's usual 'win or I'll beat you' speech Percy slipped on his semi-fingerless leather quidditch gloves and focused instead on the sound of the rain outside. This was good practice for him to improve his ever growing arsenal of skills..

"Riddle! Quit spacing out, we're going to the field now so have that spell or whatever up- I better not get wet during this entire game or I'm doubling your training menu." snapped Flint after he finished talking to the rest of the team.

"I won't let you down, Captain," replied Percy, somewhat mockingly, with a lazy two fingered salute and a roll of his eyes (much to the amusement of Draco and his other teammates).

As the group of Slytherins hefted their brooms over their shoulders and walked out of the locker room, Percy immediately shielded the others from the rain and winds with his godly powers.

It was getting considerably easier now since he first tried it, and due to weeks of training himself the boy didn't even have to focus much on keeping the rain from touching his team, almost as second nature as it was when he was shielding only himself. Perhaps his magical abilities had helped in developing his godly ones? in a way they were similar to each other and Percy felt giddy thinking about ways to study his powers and how to make himself stronger.

The cheering of the audience was buried underneath the sound of thunder and lightning, but looking up into the stands he was surprised to see the turnout, it seems most of the students weren't going to miss the first match of the season even if it was pouring.

The Slytherins watched with amusement as the Gryffindors staggered towards the middle of the field to start the game, the team clad in green and silver had walked with ease due to Percy's help directing the weather elsewhere. The Gryffs were unlucky enough to face the storm full on.

This was going to be a breeze. Pun intended.

The captains of each team shook hands (more like they tried to crush each other's hand) and soon Hooch gave the signal to mount their brooms. The Slytherin team rose to the air swiftly while the team in red and gold seem to struggle with controlling their brooms due to the winds. Raising higher than the others, Percy got into a position that would allow him to observe the game while looking for the snitch. When the whistle blew both teams sprang into action and the raven haired boy watched as blurry figures in red and green zoomed past.

To anyone observing the game it was obvious that although the Gryffindors were doing a good job holding their own, the Slytherins had some sort of advantage that allowed them to play as they usually did which got them about a 50 point lead. Percy's focus was stronger than iron and he flew with more grace and speed then he usually did- the water from the rain was rejuvenating the teen in a way that surprised even him.

Lightning struck and thunder reverberated through his bones, it was getting more dangerous to play and Percy flew more cautiously, lightning was his uncle's domain and he didn't want to risk injury by flying recklessly. A whistle pierced the air as the Gryffindors called for a time out, Percy flew towards Flint who gestured for the rest of the team to surround him.

"We're ahead of them by 70 points now!" he had to shout to be heard. "I don't think any of you fancy playing any longer than I do, this is getting more dangerous by the minute, so you better catch that snitch quick, Riddle, or I'll strangle you myself."

Percy hid his scowl and thought about telling him where to shove his precious snitch, but held his tongue and nodded. Let him try to spot an inch wide ball in a raging storm.

With his captain's delightfully encouraging words, Percy played with a renewed vigor and flew faster than the lightning from above. The watching audience was awed with his skill and could barely keep up with the blur of green and silver and black.


Seeing a spot of gold, Percy leaned back boldly on his broomstick and zoomed upwards towards the tiny snitch. Hearing someone yelling, the young seeker threw a look over his shoulder and noted that Potter was catching up to him. Grinning the Slytherin merely pushed himself to go faster and stretched out his hand..

Just a little more...

And the rain helped him. He couldn't describe it, for it went beyond words. The water helped him, like an old friend, it lifted him up, enveloped him and his eyes shone, a glowing and powerful sea green like the restless oceans. He let out a laugh as his fingers curled around the allusive snitch. They'd won!

And of course, this is where things get strange.

Coming down from his power-high, he heard a shout of horror from behind him, and felt ice creeping into his veins. Sadness, emptiness, he'd felt this before. Dementors. Turning around, he watched with shock as hundreds of the bastards floated around him, dark shredded robes easy to spot from a mile away. The two seekers had gone way beyond the sight of anyone else going after the snitch, and there was no one to help them.

The son of the sea watched with dawning understanding as his eyes traced a blurry figure hurtling towards the ground..

Potter is falling.

Eyy I'm back with a new chapter folks! Hope you liked it and a bit of a warning the next update might take sometime as I'm getting busy with school stuff again so yeah.

Anyway, I wanted to ask.

Remember this little idea I had a few weeks back?

Any response yet?


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