Chapter 16

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After their trip to Hogsmeade, Percy began to grasp the situation. He now knew what the Ministry and the school knew (even though it was mostly incorrect) and just how much knowledge Potter lacked on the topic. Percy contemplated asking his father about his findings and decided against it; he wanted to be able to discover what truly happened by himself, and already had a pretty good picture in his head. Pettigrew must've been the one to give away the location of the Potter's home, this explanation made sense with what he knew and Percy wondered if anyone else (especially Dumbledore) had come to the same conclusion (other than his father of course). His father knew because it wasn't Sirius who had came to him, this much is obvious. Percy wonders if Pettigrew was truly dead or if he managed to somehow escape, it wasn't like the ministry even really conducted a full investigation on the matter- they had simply saw Black surrounded by destruction and a missing finger believed to be the only thing left of Pettigrew and they thought 'case closed! Black probably killed him so efficiently that any remains was probably destroyed' what a bunch of idiots.

At the end of the long, long day, as he and his friends entered their shared chambers after dinner, Percy pushed the thought of Sirius Black away to focus on the letter on top of his desk.

Percy reached for it apprehensively, wary of any bad news. He recognized the stamp from Camp -a pegasus about to take off- and wonders what sort of information laid inside. Was it something to do with Kronos? Is Luke up to something again? Whatever it was it can't be good.

Dear Perseus,

I hope this letter finds you well, I hate to disturb you on your studies, but a matter has come up in Camp that requires your presence. Two powerful demigod children have been spotted in a boarding school located in Maine and Grover may need some help from someone with your skills to bring them back safely. There are suspicions that a monster resides there and may take action to harm them. I wouldn't request that you come if it wasn't important.

Also joining you on this quest will be Annabeth and Thalia, and I'm sure you are most intrigued about our recently revived newest addition.

Percy paused his reading to scoff. No duh.

If you are able to come please be at Long Island Sound a week before Christmas break.

Most sincerely,

Chiron, Trainer of Heroes.

He set the parchment down and got out another one to write to his father, asking if he could somehow leave Hogwarts earlier before Christmas break. An urgent situation at Camp to retrieve two demigod children? How intriguing indeed. He missed Camp, missed Annabeth, and he missed being able to do things without pureblood etiquette and traditionalism hanging above his head. If he was needed in this quest then something must surely be brewing, perhaps the two demigods were children of a powerful god or goddess? Perhaps this monster was one of great power? Whatever it was Percy was interested and wanted to be there for it.

He wanted to see how Annabeth and Grover were doing. He also wanted to finally meet the infamous Thalia Grace. Not wanting to twiddle his thumbs and do nothing while waiting for a response from the older Riddle, Percy went into his closet (yes Slytherins each have their own closets) and grabbed a duffel bag that was enchanted to be able to hold as much things as he wanted. Diligently, the demigod started packing things he might need for a long stay in Camp and for a quest in Maine- was it snowing there this time of year? After throwing in some winter clothes and bath supplies, he even packed a healing kit complete with potions to cure everything from a mild flu to a critical stab wound (hey, when you're a demigod in a quest you never know when you're going to need it).

At the sound of someone entering the dorm room, Percy turned to see Draco raising an eyebrow at his open trunk and the mess surrounding his duffel bag.

"Packing for Christmas break already, Riddle? Didn't know you were so desperate to get away from school." the blonde snarked before settling in the edge of his own bed.

Rolling his eyes, Percy returned to packing, "More like I'm desperate to get away from you, Dipshit."

Draco snorted, "Such eloquent words coming from the ever-charming Perseus Riddle, consider me one of your many fangirls." Malfoy barely dodged the pillow aimed for his face.

"Seriously though, what's all this about?" the blonde huffed after he valiantly saved himself from the pillow.

"Something has come up in America.. if anybody ask its family business." Percy murmured as he continued to sort through his clothes.

Draco hummed thoughtfully "I'm assuming this has something to do with your.. other family then?" at Percy's curt nod the other sighed deeply "You better not get yourself killed before you can get me my Christmas present, you Prat." This time the pillow came so fast it hit the boy right in the face.

A flash alerted Percy to his desk where the box he uses to communicate with his father undetected sat. Reaching into the box the teen pulled out a small parcel and carefully opened it. Inside was a beautifully crafted snake brooch made from a combination of emeralds and golds, attached to the parcel was also small note:

I've made the necessary arrangements for you to leave school tomorrow, the brooch is a reusable portkey that will take you to the Camp's borders and then the Manor after you've finished your business.

Chuckling slightly at how direct and short the note was, he opened a desk drawer and reached in to grab a leather cord with a single bead attached to it. Running a finger on the black painted bead with the single trident meant to honor him, Percy smiled slightly.

My second home awaits.

Aww yeahh the Titan's Curse story line is starting to show up I'm exited hahaha

Anyway I'd like to say thanks for checking out my new book and I'm slowly going through the requests for one shots and I just want to say this again- thanks for reading the shit I write! Seriously means a lot to me :)

Hope you like this newest chapter, tell me if there's anything wrong or if the grammar is off! Have a nice day folks!


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