Chapter 23

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By the time Percy turned around again the hunters seem to have set up camp in a matter of minutes. There was a bonfire, and several large silver silk tents were forming a crescent on one side of it. A hunter blew on a silver whistle and beautiful but deadly looking white wolves started appearing out of the woods, seemingly taking up the job of guard dogs.

A handful of girls walked among them, feeding the beasts treats without a single ounce of fear. There were even falcons watching the group from the trees, it was as if the animals and even the weather was bending to the moon goddess's will. Although the air was cold, the wind died down and the snow stopped its descent.

Percy felt the strong magical aura surrounding the camp, an aura that warded off monsters, wandering creatures, and muggles alike. It was power only the gods could have, something ancient and strange that awoke the magic in his veins and the power gifted to him by his father Poseidon. The last time he had felt such power was when he visited Olympus, after he, Annabeth and Clarisse had successfully retrieved the lightning bolt.

Taking careful steps towards the bonfire in the middle, the teen easily took off the one shoulder sling bag he had slung across his back in one quick efficient movement and zipped it open. Reaching into its enchanted depths, Percy pulled out a blanket, laying it out on the snow near the fire where it was warmer. The hunters barely batted an eyelash at this.

Gracefully settling himself on the blanket, Percy sat crossed legged and observed the comings and goings of the people around him. Many of the hunters seemed apprehensive with his presence, not exactly liking the fact that there was a boy in their midst. The dark haired teen briefly watched Thalia pacing at the edge of the camp, knowing that grief and worry for Annabeth, someone she looked as a younger sister, was wearing her down. Annabeth had lost Thalia once to the anger of the gods and now the spiky-haired girl might be losing her friend to Kronos and his followers.

Percy sighed deeply if it wasn't for his careful control over his emotions and expression, a dark glare would've taken over ages ago. But he was surrounded by strangers who could kill him who were very much fond of him, so neutral it was.

After awhile, Grover and Nico came back from their walk. The son of Poseidon beckoned them over, gesturing for the pair to sit with him by the fire. The young Di Angelo was gripping a backpack he must've gotten from the hunters and was wearing much warmer clothes, after he dropped down on the blanket besides the older demigod he began rummaging through it and took out a bunch of motionless figurines (Percy was so used to the wizarding world he was almost confused when they didn't move).

The figures were of Greek gods and monsters (how lady fate must be laughing) like Poseidon with his trident, Zeus with his lightning bolt, and even one of Artemis and her bow. Percy asked Nico about them and the younger boy's face lit up with a grin.

"It's a game I play! I've gotten most of them, plus all their holographic cards! I just need a few more rare ones."

Refraining from asking what holographic was, the older demigod easily humored the new addition to their group with more questions. His easy smile however faltered briefly when Nico stumbled over one particular question.

"When did you start playing?"

"Just this year. The year before that.."

Grover nudged him. "What?" The satyr asked playfully.

"Huh, that's weird. I forgot," Nico looked unsettled but shrugged it off and continued explaining the game.

Percy however, as the only one of the three with a semblance of understanding over mind magics, was bothered by something. Curious, the sea green eyed boy carefully brushed what legilimency abilities he had (he was much more adept with occlumency) over the other boy's mind.

He almost hoped that it would be defenseless and disorganized, normal for someone who doesn't have magic. And yet..


A block, a very good one that is. It was protecting a very specific area in Di Angelo's memory, Percy didn't think he'd be able to get around it. Only a very skilled legilimens like his adopted father Lord Voldemort would've been able to pierce through those defenses and see the hidden secrets behind them.

This was magic he had never encountered before.

A frown marred the young wizard's handsome features but it was gone in a second, what was this? Why was there a memory block on Nico? Did his sister also have it? Who put it there?

Very good questions to ask and yet nobody had the answers to them.

He needed more information, needed to ask his father about this. There is just too many things happening right now. The boy was tuning out Nico's rambling for a moment to think when Zoë Nightshade approached the three.

"Perseus Riddle." She said this distastefully, her upturned nose and silver circlet making her look like some sort of royalty. Percy raised an eyebrow, standing up fluidly and putting on his best haughty expression he learned from spending most his time with a bunch of purebloods.

Hunter and demi-wizard stared each other down, waiting for someone to say something.

"Come with me," Zoë scowled "Lady Artemis wishes to speak with thee." With that she turned around, leading Percy to the last tent and gesturing him inside.

The inside was warm and cozy, with rugs and pillows covering the floor and a golden brazier lit with flame in the center of the wide space. Artemis sat by a display stand with her huge silver bow, beautifully carved to resemble horns of some sort of muggle creature. There were animal pelts hung on the wall, some recognizable and others not. The goddess was stroking the glittering fur of an actual deer with silver horns, it rested its head contentedly on the her lap. Bianca Di Angelo was sitting comfortably besides her.

"Come and join us, Perseus Riddle." Lady Artemis beckoned. Percy cautiously moved deeper into the tent and sat on the rug across from her. His gaze  unwavering as the goddess's startling silver eyes studied him intently.

"You don't seem very surprised by my age... why is that, boy?"

Riddle tilted his head slightly at the question. "I assume as a god you are able to assume many forms? Also, most of your hunters seem to be of the age you are now. If I may ask, how is that?"

Artemis hummed in thought. "You are correct, I can appear as anything I want. A young maiden or even a blazing fire if the need arises. I prefer this form however because, as you said, this is the average age of all my hunters. All of whom I am patron of, before they go astray of course."

"And what is it do you mean by go astray?" Percy asked this, suspecting the answer.

"I meant forgetting themselves, becoming smitten by boys and becoming silly and insecure."

The son of Poseidon stayed quite on this, instead opting to turn his gaze to Zoë who had sat down at Artemis's right. The girl glared at him as if everything the goddess had said was his fault, to which Percy refrained from sighing at.

He can understand why she didn't like him, truly. He condemned the sick acts and ridiculous behavior of the many others of his gender but having the same prejudices against all men was counterproductive.

But again, Percy thought, he couldn't really blame them. Nor could he truly understand what many of these hunters gone through to hate men so much.

"You must forgive my hunters if they do not welcome you. it is very rare for boys to be in this camp, they are usually forbidden to have any contact with any of the hunters." Artemis turned to Zoë, "Remind me again what happened to the last one to see this camp?"

The other girl's lip twitched into a smile. "It was a boy in Colorado. You turned him into a jackalope." The goddess nodded, satisfied.

"However, Percy, I've asked you here so that you can tell me more of the manticore. Bianca already reported some of the... disturbing things the monster said but she may not have understood them. I'd like to hear them from your point of view."

And he did, in a calm and almost detached manner he recounted the events that led up to Thorn attempting to kidnap the two younger demigods until the moment the hunters arrived.

By the time Percy was finished with his retelling Artemis had her hand on her silver bow, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"I feared that this was the answer."

"The scent, my lady?"

The goddess nodded. "Yes. There are things stirring that I have not hunted in millennia, prey so old I have nearly forgotten."

"The manticore also mentioned an employer, I believe it is this general Thorn mentioned." Percy watched with curiosity as this seem to spark tension in Artemis's posture and fear to spark in Zoës eyes, the girl's face was turning rapidly paler.

"This correlates with what Bianca here has told me. Thorn was speaking about the Great Stirring when he was forcing her brother and her to walk out towards the cliff, about a monster that shall bring down Olympus"

As a Slytherin, the only wizard inside the tent wondered how bad of a "villian" you'd have to be to spill a bunch of your plans to some kids, but ignored that for a while.

"I've been too slow to see the signs but I will not hesitate now. I must hunt this monster as soon as possible."

Zoë, who was doing a courageous job of trying to not seem afraid, nodded "We will leave right away, my lady."

"No. I must do this alone, Zoë, this task is too dangerous even for the Hunters. You know where I must start my search. You cannot go there with me."

Although looking unhappy, Nightshade nodded. "As you wish, my lady." the girl said after a moment of hesitation.

"Do not worry Zoë, I will find this creature," Artemis vowed, "I shall bring it back to Olympus by the winter solstice as proof to the council of how much danger we really are in."

"You know what the monster is, Lady Artemis?" Percy asked after a while, not at all happy at the ominous news.

Gripping her bow, the goddess merely said, "Let us all pray that I am wrong."

Slightly peeved at the not answer the wizard mused pettily, "Can goddesses pray?" which earned the boy a flicker of a smile.

"Before I go Perseus Riddle, I have a task for you." The young heir waited for the specifics of his "task".

"I want you to escort the Hunters back to Camp Half-Blood. They shall stay there in safety until a return from my hunt."

Zoë looked at Artemis with shock. "What?" She blurted out. "But we hate that place! Remember the last time we stayed there-"

"Yes, I know." Artemis sighed. "I'm sure Dionysus will not hold much of a grudge just because of a little misunderstanding. It is your right as my hunters to use Cabin Eight whenever you are in need of a shelter. Besides, I heard that they have rebuilt the cabins you burned down." She said it as if arson was an everyday occurance. Percy raised an eyebrow.

Zoë muttered a word or two about campers with not so nice words, reminding him of Draco when he's in a mood. When will I get to see him again? Percy mused ironically, always getting himself in the worst of situations.

"And now, there is one last decision to make." Bianca looked up, conflict marring her features.

"Have you made up your mind yet, my girl?"

The other demigod hesitated. "I-I'm still thinking about it."

"I would ask what you were talking about, but I have a feeling I know already." Percy tilted his head, watching the younger girl struggle about something.

"They've invited me.. to join the Hunt" the son of Poseidon said nothing for a second or two, and Bianca was worried he hadn't heard her.

"Okay," the girl looked surprised that he wasn't vehemently rushing to make her say no, as was Zoë.

"Okay?" Di Angelo asked, confused.

"I cannot make this choice for you Bianca, for it is not mine to make. I won't tell you that Camp is the only option because clearly it is not for some. If you choose to stay with the hunters, Lady Artemis and Zoë will treat you well. If you choose to come with us and stay in Camp we will gladly accept you into our ranks and you will learn right beside your brother on how to survive. You are lucky, Bianca. Most only have the choice to die." At that last part, Zoë looked away, as if to hide her expression, which did not go unnoticed by Percy.

Artemis looked almost impressed. "He is right. I appreciate your wisdom in this matter, son of Poseidon. Also, my dear girl, if you choose to swear your loyalty to me, there are certain... perks that come with it. For example, you will have immortality unless you fall in battle or break your oath."

Immortality? Percy's eyes widened slightly with surprise. Holy shit. If only my father had been a girl... then again he wouldn't be able to through with his wizarding world dominating plans.

"What oath?" Bianca asked, eyes downcast once again as she thought through her answer.

"To swear off romantic love forever. To never grow up nor get married, to be a maiden eternally."

"Like you, Lady Artemis?" the goddess nodded with a warm smile.

"May I ask something, my Lady? Are your hunters all half bloods? Forgive me if my question seem intrusive or rude." Percy spoke as politely as he could, not wanting Zoë nor Artemis to dislike him even more for being a male.

"No, not just half bloods," Zoe answered with a shake of her head. "Lady Artemis does not discriminate by birth. All who honor the goddess and wishes to join the hunt are welcome. Half bloods, nymphs, and even mortals."

The boy wondered briefly which one Zoë was, but kept his question to himself. No need to give the girl more reason to shoot him with one of her arrows.

"Bianca I won't judge you if you choose this path, but I ask you to also think of your brother, he will obviously not be able to be a Hunter."

Artemis affirmed this. "You will be able to see him from time to time, he is your brother after all. But you will be free of responsibility, he will have the camp be his new family and you will have us."

"A new family," Bianca murmured, a hint of hope in her voice. "No responsibility."

Oh. Percy understood now.

The boy smiled as encouragingly as he could when the younger demigod turned to him with apology in her eyes. He got it, he really did. Bianca and Nico, from what he understood of their situation, were orphans. He was too, until the Dark Lord took him in. Although he never knew his mother or ever really truly spent time with his actual father, he had someone to take care of him, someone to guide him through his path and give him knowledge and power, even if it came with certain expectations.

The Di Angelos, however, never had that. They didn't remember their parents (at least their mortal one), were never adopted or had any other family members besides each other. Bianca always had to be the older sister, the person in charge who had to take care of her little brother every second of the day. Percy could understand how the appeal of the hunters, of the freedom and independence they offered could entrance the girl so deeply.

Bianca turned away from Percy and looked at Zoë, "Is it worth it?."

"It is."

She breathed in. "What do I have to do?"

"Just say these words," the Hunter continued. "I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

Bianca repeated the lines "Is that it?"

Zoë nodded, "If Lady Artemis accepts thy pledge then it is done."

"I accept it." the Goddess of the Moon said and the flames in the middle of the tent burned brighter, casting a strange and dazzling silver glow over the room. Although Bianca looked the same, she had an aura of strength around her that wasn't there before.

She took a deep breath "I feel.. weird, like.. I'm stronger."

Zoë smiled "Welcome to the hunt, sister."

Percy stayed quiet, something he's been doing a lot since he entered the tent. He wasn't disappointed that Bianca chose this life, the boy may have came all this way and lost much over the course of this quest but he knew that it wasn't his choice, wasn't his right to judge.

"I am once again impressed by how... respectful you've been Perseus Riddle, I would've expected you to be against her choice as you've come all this way to retrieve Bianca and her brother to Camp." She smiled slightly. Had she been reading his thoughts? Can gods do that?

The dark haired boy shrugged, "As I said, my Lady, it is her choice and hers only. She has the right to choose whatever she pleases, I am not here to judge nor am I here to criticize her decision. I will, of course, make sure your brother will be well taken care of, Bianca. I can assure you of that."

The oldest Di Angelo sibling teared up slightly. "Thank you, Perseus. Thank you." She murmured.

Artemis tilted her head slightly, an expression on her face telling Percy that she was looking at him in a new light.

"It has been a while since I've met a male as rational and understanding as you, I can appreciate that in this situation." The goddess closed her eyes. "Dawn is fast approaching. Zoë, go and pack up camp. Get to Long Island quickly and as safely as you can. I shall summon a ride from my brother."

Zoë didn't particular looked pleased about this idea but she nodded, following her lady's orders and turning to tell Bianca to follow her. She left the tent with Bianca, who paused briefly in front of Percy to murmur another thanks, before stepping out.

"So.. when you say your brother, do you mean?-"

"Oh yes, boy" Silver eyes gleamed. "Bianca Di Angelo isn't the only one with an annoying brother. It is time you meet my highly irresponsible twin, Apollo. The god of the sun and of healing."

Holy fuck this is probably the longest chapter I've written for an update I'm so proud.

In the original books I always thought that the way Percy dealt with Bianca choosing to stay with the Hunters was a bit childish? Like he was saying some pretty stupid things? I wanted to change that and make this Percy a bit more mature and understanding.

I hope you liked it :)

Have a good day folks,


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