Chapter 25

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Nico began asking questions enthusiastically to the sun god, who seemed merely amused (and almost pleased) at the attention he was receiving. Percy didn't care enough to listen to what they were talking about, though he had to admit he was curious about the god's explanation on how the chariot was built out of human dreams about the sun, how it was a manifestation of the sun's power and the way mortals perceived it.

When the young exited demigod asked if he could drive the bus, Apollo turned him down. "You're too young, kid." The god smiled, then he turned to Percy with a thoughtful expression. "Considering where you grew up, I doubt you even know how a car works..." If Percy were listening, he might even have been offended. "How about... you!"

Thalia startled "M-me?"

"You're the daughter of Zeus! Lord of the sky. Perfect."

"Uh, no." Thalia shook her head, awkwardly laughing, "No thanks."

"Why not? C'mon, how old are you?" Apollo asked, the spiky haired girl hesitated, "I don't know."

Oh, right.

The girl had been turned into a tree when she was twelve, and that was seven years ago. If she had aged normally she should've been nineteen, but she looked somewhere in between, Chiron had thought that she had kept aging while in tree form, but at a much slower pace.

Apollo tapped his finger to his lips in concentration. "You're fifteen, almost sixteen." Thalia seemed puzzled at how the god knew this.

"You forget that I'm the god of prophecy! Of course I know my stuff, you're turning sixteen in a week." Which would be December twenty-second, her birthday. "You're old enough to drive with a learner's permit, so don't sweat it!" Thalia still seemed apprehensive and nervous for some reason, the god waved aside her complaints and pushed her unto the driver's seat.

"Maine to Long Island is a really short trip and don't worry, since you're Zeus's kid he won't blast you out of the sky." Apollo laughed.

For some reason though, Thalia was stiff and was gripping the wheel so tightly that her knuckles were white. She looked like she was going to be sick.

Percy, whose attention was now on Thalia's tense body, raised an eyebrow questioningly. Sudden understanding flooded him.

Was the daughter of Zeus, the lord of the skies, afraid of heights?

"Thalia," the dark haired teen asked quietly, "Are you okay?"

"Fine. I'm just fine." the answer came out shaky and breathless. She most definitely was not fine. Percy gave her a flat look, and was about to say something when Thalia made the bus lurch forwards.

Percy barely had time to grab onto the arm rests before he took a tumble. He realized he had bit his tongue in the process when he tasted blood. Looking out the windows was apparently a bad idea as he saw that they were so high up the sky was actually starting to darken. Apollo, trying to stay calm, was instructing Thalia on where to go and what to do. The daughter of Zeus was pale and her face was beaded with sweat, when the god told her to go a little lower the vehicle was suddenly hurtling towards the Atlantic Ocean. Percy mentally prepared himself. If they crashed, he damn well would survive this.

"Pull up!" Grover yelped, the heat of the sun chariot in bus form was melting snow from trees, roofs and was even causing small fires in the smaller branches. Thalia looked wildly around and yanked the wheel back, the bus zooming up once more. The fires that erupted were snuffed out due to the sudden blast of cold.

"There!" Apollo finally pointed to the relief of everyone on the bus, "Long Island! You need to slow down."

Thalia slammed her foot down, the bus pitched forwards.

Percy closed his eyes shut, his muscles tensed.

And somehow, they didn't fucking die.

The next few minutes were spent thanking every god, goddess, and Merlin himself that Percy was somehow able to walk out of that bus with every limb attached and very much alive. Tugging his bag closer to himself, he relaxed a tiny bit at being inside the camp's protective borders. The temperature here was much less cold than the temperature outside, and despite the magical climate control snow had been allowed to lightly fall, covering the fields and chariot tracks with frost. The cabin area and the woods were lit with tiny flickering lights, and it seemed almost peaceful to be back here.

Nico took the sight in with wide eyes and awe written on his face. "Why does that climbing wall have lava pouring down?"

Percy smirked "Just something to challenge the campers. Now, follow me, I have to introduce you to our camp trainer. Zoë?"

The lieutenant shook her head. "I've met Chiron before, and we know our way around. Tell him we will be in Cabin Eight. Follow me, Hunters." The young maidens shouldered their packs and bows and all followed their leader with Grover trailing behind offering his help in navigating the camp.

Bianca Di Angelo leaned over and whispered something in her brother's ear, sighing when Nico merely scowled and looked away. The girl left with the other Hunters. Apollo waved, "Watched out for those prophecies, Perseus. I've a feeling I'll see you soon." The son of Poseidon internally sighed. More fucking cryptic words from gods. He just arrived and already the teen couldn't wait to bash dummies with a sword and a few well placed blasting spells.

Percy shielded his eyes as the sun chariot took off in a blast of heat, by the time the sun god was gone, the lake was steaming and a red sports car was soaring over the woods, glowing brighter as it went. Nico, still looking unhappy from whatever his sister told him, turned to the young wizard. "So, who's Chiron? I don't think I have his figurine."

"Chiron is our activities director. Telling you anymore than that will be spoiling the surprise." Percy said with a sly smile, "Are you coming or not?"

Nico nodded enthusiastically "If those hunters don't like him, that's good enough for me. Let's go."

The sea green eyed boy stifled a chuckle, Good enough motivation, I guess. Even Thalia was growing fond of him already.

As the three walked through camp to get to the Big House, the son of Poseidon introduced the younger demigod to all the sights and wonders of the training grounds of heroes. He showed the other the cabins, the forge, the arena where they learn how to kill monster and oh look the lava wall, be sure not to accidentally fall and die.

"There's usually more people here," Thalia commented as they neared the sky blue painted building of the Big House.

"Where's everybody else, then?"

"Many campers go back to their families during the holidays but there are also some who choose to stay year round." Nico hummed, attention already on the building in front of them.

The Big House had been decorated with strings of fire that warmed the porch. Flames crackled somewhere inside in the hearth, the smell of hot chocolate wafted out. Chiron was playing a game of cards with the resident god and camp director, Mr. D. The centaur was wearing a soft looking sweater and was sitting on his wheelchair, a blanket on his lap.

The old man smiled when he saw Percy, Nico, and Thalia approach. "Ah! There you two are, and this must be...?"

"Nico Di Angelo," The daughter of Zeus interjected "He and his sister are the half bloods Grover was talking about."

Chiron released a sigh in relief "I'm glad you've succeeded, then." the smile on his face was gone in a second when the centaur saw Thalia hesitated.

"Where is Annabeth?" the trainer of heroes' expression flickered for a second when he realized what had happen. The girl had been like a daughter to him, every camper lost was like a cruel slap to the face.

"Oh, dear" Mr. D drawled in his usual bored voice, "Another one lost." The wine god was wearing an attention grabbing neon orange leopard skin suit with purple running shoes (Pansy would've passed out), a golden laurel wreath was perched on his curly black hair.

Percy kept his expression respectful, bordering on neutral (Thalia wasn't as successful), and asked, "What is do you mean by another one, My Lord?"

Dionysus smirked "Ah, it's the respectful one. If only everyone else weren't such brats."

Thanks for the compliment? Percy confusedly thought.

Suddenly, Grover came trotting into the room with a big grin and a black eye. "The hunters are all moved in!"

Frowning, Chiron hummed "The Hunters are here? It seems there is much to discuss " Glancing at Nico, the centaur gestured towards Grover.

"Come here, my boy, Grover will show you our orientation film." The satyr reluctantly agreed to take Nico, he had wanted to stick around for the conversation that was undoubtedly going to take place once he was gone.

"Now" Chiron started once the newest addition to camp was out of the room. "Perhaps you two should take a seat and tell us what happened in Maine."

Thalia and Percy turned to each other with a look.

This was going to take a while. 

Hey folks I'm back and still alive (..yay?) 

It's been quite hectic since the last time I've updated! Tests and end of the term projects are coming soon again but I'll make sure to find the time to write as much as I can. 

I'm only just beginning to realize how long this book is going to be but as long as you guys are here for the journey I'm happy to continue this! Since starting this series I feel like I've grown a lot as someone who enjoys writing and its been a blast :) 

I hope you all like this update! Thanks for everything my dudes, 


Also, please recommend me some good indie songs! Or any song that has an atmosphere like it belongs to a fantasy world or something hahaha, would very much appreciate! 

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