Chapter 27

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Percy made his rounds around camp, telling the others about the upcoming game of Capture the Flag with the Hunters. He greeted people he knew, mindful of his appearance, put up a grin, a nonchalant attitude and easily bantered with the campers. In truth, he was just tired, so utterly exhausted, both physically and mentally, by the events of the past few hours. Using both his magic and his demigod abilities at the same time had drained his energy. He wanted to go to his own cabin and sleep for hours but he knew he couldn't do that. There were things to be done first.

Again, he was surprised to see how few campers there were. Percy didn't even see Clarisse anywhere. Apparently she was off missing in action on some quest for Chiron. He had wanted to talk to the daughter of Ares about the whole Sea of Monsters fiasco, wanted to thank her for getting Grover back. Now, he just hoped that wherever she was, the girl was safe. Knowing her, he should be worried for whoever got in her way. He gave a nostalgic smile when he recalled the menacing spear she wielded. C'mon, Clarisse, don't you go missing on me too.

Walking towards the Poseidon cabin, a low gray building made with sea stone decorated with beautiful corals and shells, a smile hinted at the wizard's lips.

Oh how he missed seeing this cabin.

Opening the double doors with a slight flourish, Percy stepped in and got a whiff of the scent of the beach and something warm washed over him. He went straight for the bed in the farthest corner, the one that he chose on his first night there. Dropping his bag, he kneeled on the floor and reached an arm down its bottomless contents, pulling out a small, shrunken trunk. Placing it by the foot of the bed, the trunk went back to its original size with a whispered incantation.

After taking a quick shower to wash away all the grime of the day (the Big Three cabins got their own private bathrooms because of all the space from the little to no beds), and changing into some jeans and a button-up, Percy noticed the new addition in the room.

It was a basin of some sort, made from a gray rock similar to the walls of the cabin. It had the head of a fish carved into the spout, and coming from its mouth was a stream of saltwater that flowed into a pool that sent a pleasant warm mist into the cold air. Investigating closer, the son of Poseidon knew who this mysterious gift was from. Thank you, he thought, hoping that the god of the seas could hear him. In response, the water shimmered, looking down he saw that there was golden drachmas sitting at the bottom of the pool. It was a reminder, Percy realized, to keep in contact with loved ones and those he cared about. Well, I suppose I'll save up on ink and parchment.

Who was he meant to call? His father? Voldemort? The thought of him calling the Dark Lord for absolutely no reason other than to say how he's feeling right now made him laugh. His father would be pissed that his time was wasted so thoroughly. Maybe Draco? No, he's still in Hogwarts, iris messaging him now would be a bad idea.

Well wasn't that a short list of "loved ones."

Dinner that night was a cold reminder of why he was there in the first place.

He was there to serve.

He was there to serve the gods, to serve his father. Why did he, for the first time, feel bitter about that? He looked at the empty seat at the Athena table.

Sitting alone at the Poseidon table, watching as everyone else enjoyed their meals and the company of their cabin mates (excluding Thalia, who sat as lonely as he), the son of the Dark Lord was reminded that he was here to accomplish a mission, after which he was to go home and do as his father wished. Nothing more and nothing less. Annabeth and Grover had been the only ones in camp who he was close to and perhaps that was enough. Perseus was not here to make friends, after all this Kronos business was over, he was gone. They had Thalia now, did they not? Maybe it was folly, to think of himself as the leader. He was no fool, he did not have some sort of illusion that he had any control here. The sea green eyed boy knew though, in the deepest parts of himself, that he would do anything for his father's cause. Nothing else was supposed to matter.

The half wizard half demigod walked back to his cabin once dinner ended, his thoughts his only companion. The rows of empty beds, the lovely basin from his father and the scent of the sea only made him feel... empty. Camp may have been a home for so many other demigods, but he had to remember that it could never be his. He could never grow too attached, and losing Annabeth to Luke was a reminder of this. He had to grow up.

Once his head hit the pillow, he had hoped that a peaceful sleep would pull him under. However, the dreams that so easily wreck his occlumency shields soon came to keep him company in the cold winter night.

Percy woke up the next morning in a cold sweat, his heart thundering in his chest and a migraine pounding away in his head. Oh, lovely.

His mental shields should've been able to prevent nightmares but they were never enough against this. In another time, perhaps he would have been keen to establish a relation and a limit to where magic could influence mythology, and the times where one won over the other, but now was not the time.

His occlumency was easily shredded, like paper. It made him feel so fucking helpless and he detested it. But he knew, he knew that these dreams could be an advantage if he could see the information he needed in them.

Pulling his head in his hands and trying to breathe deeply, Perseus tried to pull himself together.

But he couldn't.

He couldn't get rid of the image that Annabeth was alive but in danger and Luke was responsible.

Dragging himself out of bed, he stumbled towards his trunk and looked for his small potions kit he always made sure to stock up on.

Gods his head hurt.

With slightly shaking fingers, Perseus picked up two vials from the kit and sat back down heavily on his bed. One of the potions had a bright purple colour, a dreamless sleep potion, and the other was a calming blue, a potion for headaches. Putting away the purple one, the boy pulled out the stopper of the blue one and drinked it in one go.

Ever so slowly, the pounding in his head quieted, the migraine gone for now. Laying down once again on his bed, Perseus took the dreamless sleep potion in his hand and considered it. His headache was gone, but the images he saw were still lingering.

Without another thought, he drank the second potion.

The effects of it was instantaneous, a numb haze had taken over his racing mind, his eyes were heavy, and not a moment later the boy was lulled into a deep, dreamless slumber with only the faintest traces of anger and pain etched into his face.

Was about to publish this earlier but school is reallyyy starting to drain my energy. Thankfully I think I may be able to write more since the term is about to end! Arghhhh these past two weeks have been nothing but tests and projects and I am so DONE. 

Thank you for waiting guys! Have a good day :) 

- ThatBookFanatic

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