Chapter 3

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On the day after his father revealed that he would not be getting any missions for the rest of the year, Percy got ready to go to Diagon Alley to purchase his school supplies. He was more calm and relaxed than he remembered ever being since he started going to Hogwarts.

After getting out of the shower, he was immediately dry thanks to his powers as the son of Poseidon and as he chose an outfit for the day, the teen had an easy smile on his face and his movements were less tense then they were months before.

A vacation from all the crazy would obviously do him some good.

Settling on simple black trousers and a silky dark blue button-up that brought out his eyes, he finished the look by pulling on his favorite dragon hide boots and sweeping on a black cloak with intricate gold designs and patterns that was a gift from Draco's parents. Looking at the mirror while styling his hair, Percy was slightly surprised at the carefree grin on his face. Sure, his attire and attitude made him seem more composed, but his smile showed a certain ease. It's been absolutely ages since he smiled like that. And the look just obviously couldn't last.

As soon as he finished styling his hair, a great horned owl flew into his room through the open window and perched on the silver railing of his bed. Walking carefully up to the unknown owl, he turned his head slightly to look at the letter tied around the bird's leg. The letter had a neat script on the front addressing where it was from.

Camp Half - Blood

Moving quickly to untie the letter, he took some treats from his desk and gave them to the owl. "You must be tired from the long trip, hm? Go ahead to the owlery, you may rest and hunt in the surroundings areas until you regain your strength." Percy murmured, gripping the envelope tightly on his hand as he finished untying it. The owl chirped in a relieved manner and took of once again out the open window. His eyes followed the bird as it flew away and pass the wide field and dark pine trees that surrounded the Riddle Manor, his mind were miles and miles away, thinking of other fields, ones with strawberries and laughing children armed with swords and shields.

Throwing the letter to his desk Percy refrained himself from running a hand through his already styled hair and groaned. He was in such a good mood, whatever might be in that letter might ruin his day.

Making a decision fast, Percy grabbed the list of school books he was to acquire and the drawstring pouch that was connected to his vault in Gringotts. His serpentine friend Phobos slithered about in his large tank and hissed, You are in a good mood massster... I hope you are not forgetting little old meee.

Percy grinned and hissed back, Of courssse not my friend, you ssshall join me on my adventures today.

He opened the lid of the snake tank and let Phobos slither up his arm to wrap around his neck like a thin scarf. Percy strapped his wand holster on his thigh and slid his main (registered) wand before leaving the room with a slight skip to his step.

He's been waiting all summer long for news from camp. Camp can now wait a little while longer for him to respond.

Schooling his expression into something more acceptable and slowing his pace he steeled himself and open the doors of the dining room to find it empty, save for the plates of waffles, bacon and sausage and a single glass of orange juice on the table. Oh, and of course the elf.

"Young Master! Please sit and eat, Eli has prepared your favorite foods for breakfast!" He glanced again. They were indeed his favorites. "The Lord Riddle also would like Eli to inform Young Master that he will be unable attend breakfast as he is busy with other matters. He also says that after Heir Percy eats he must go to Diagon Alley, but to not stay out too long!" Percy hummed and let a smile cross his face as he sat down in his usual seat and started to dig in to his breakfast.

After he finished eating, he stood and went to the grand fireplace set in the right side of the room, grabbing a handful of strange sand from a small metal pot that was conveniently placed on top of the mantel. Stepping into the fireplace (which might sound a bit odd), Percy gathered up his courage and opened his enclosed fist, letting the sand fall downwards.

As the green flames surrounded him, the boy loudly exclaimed "Diagon Alley!" and the jade flames licked him away.


Ever since the incident with Aunt Marge (thank Merlin he wasn't expelled), Harry Potter has been staying over at the Leaky Cauldron for many days and nights.

His living conditions there were considerably better than they were with the Dursleys, and he was closer than ever to the world he loved and hated to leave behind. Although thoughts of Sirius Black, an escaped convict who helped kill his parents, often surfaced in his mind, he would bury them under the sundaes he would get from Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor while doing his holiday work (Snape's essay on shrinking potions being hellish and infuriatingly difficult), and daydreaming of the legendary Firebolt that was now proudly displayed in the Quidditch store's show front in Diagon Alley.

It was all definitely worth blowing up that overweight bulldog of a woman like a balloon.

Walking down the streets he grinned at the familiar scene of people rushing here to there and the sound of witches and wizards advertising their wares. Everything was so... magical, for lack of a better word.

Wow, Harry, he thought to himself with a scoff, how goddamn cheesy do you have to be? He smiled anyway, knowing he was in the world he belonged. After years of never fitting in anywhere, magic sounded just right.

Looking around he spied store fronts to see whether there was anything he wanted to buy and looked again at the list of school things he was to bring for the new semester. Harry had pretty much already bought everything he needed and since he has finished all of his homework, the green eyed boy had plenty of free time on his hands.

Thinking of what to do with the remainder of his summer, his thoughts were put on hold when he caught sight of a familiar figure casually strolling down the street.

Perseus freaking Riddle.

Feeling suddenly paranoid, Harry pulled down the cap he was wearing to better cover his iconic scar. He watched with wide eyes behind his rounded spectacles as the busy street parted for the other boy like the Red Sea, some even bowed their heads slightly in respect! It sent a shiver down his spine to realize the influence many pureblood families have. So much influence...

He glared at the approaching figure furiously from under his hat (a whimsy disguise) and couldn't help but feel slightly envious. Riddle looked so at ease and so in command at the same time that you couldn't help but to be drawn to the boy. Everything from his clothes to the way he held himself screamed wealth and power. Compared to the dull colored cloak Harry bought to better blend in, Riddle's was extravagant in its simplicity, black with impressive gold patterns that matched well with his silk shirt. His steps, while eerily soundless were like drum beats, authority bleeding out from him in waves. He walked the street like he owned the place, and if rumors were true about his mysterious family's wealth, he very much could. And there was a strange looking necklace around his neck...

Wait a minute.

That's not a necklace.

He was still fairly far away that Harry had to squint, but unless jewelry had colorful scales and a penchant for hissing at objects and the people around them...

It was a dam snake.

A mother loving snake was wrapped around Riddle's neck like it was a dam scarf, what the fu-

Shaking his head from his musings Harry remembered who the boy was.

Another slimy Slytherin who look down on Gryffindors like him. Non-purebloods like him. Light wizards like him. He scowled.

Except this boy was different, wasn't he? Harry thought, this boy was a Riddle, in all senses of the word.

Tom Marvolo Riddle is Lord Voldemort.

He wasn't sure whether this Riddle had anything to do with that other Riddle, but Harry couldn't completely trust Dumbledore's opinion that Perseus was not related to the Dark Lord (even the Headmaster seemed slightly doubtful). The other boy definitely had the looks of a young Voldemort with his elegant features and hair so dark that it almost looked blue, the only thing that ruined the resemblance was the sea green eyes. The thought made him wonder about who his mother was and another shiver went through his scrawny frame. Who the hell would... no. He would not think of the Dark Lord's sex life.

Whatever the truth was, Harry felt determined that somehow, with his friends, he would uncover it.

What he wasn't accounting for, however, was the fact that his third year would be a little too hectic for him to do any investigating on Riddle.


Percy had a great time strolling around Diagon Alley buying his school books and other stuff he wanted. It would've been better if his blond companion was there with him but the other boy was busy vacationing gods know where for holiday with his parents. That lucky git.

After purchasing his books from the nervous shopkeeper ("Stop hissing at the poor man, Phobos"), he stopped by at multiple stores to buy other things and soon ended up at the Quidditch store. Smirking slightly at the wizards drooling over the new Firebolt, Percy strolled in, intending to get a new broom servicing kit and flying goggles. He had no want nor need to splurge his money at the moment to buy the new racing broom when he had a perfectly good Nimbus.

Deciding he's finished with all his shopping, Percy walked towards a deserted alley where he made sure nobody was watching before vapor-traveling back to his home, shopping bags in hand.

He arrived slightly stumbling. Dam it, if Father saw that.. He had to make sure to practice his landings more. He noticed, also, much to his dismay that he transported at the bottom of the stairs on the first floor. He had been aiming for his room. On the third floor, he thought bitterly, because he liked the view of the grounds and how it faced the lake. Yes, at the beginning when he first discovered this ability to travel using his affinity to water he appeared multiple times on the roof and - on one bad occurrence - southern France (one hell of a story that was), he should have nailed this by now.

He began his slow ascend up the dark wooden stairs covered in lush dark green carpets (at least he'll get in more exercise this way), his thoughts were on the dreaded parchment laying on his bedroom desk. Time to finally see what the letter from camp was about.

Enjoy this update folks! it might be the only chapter I'm gonna put up for like a week cause I'm gonna get real busy soon.

Okay so... I need some advice. There's this debate thing I want to join for school but fuck am I scared to join. I know that if I do that I'll just end up freaking out and regretting it but I also know that if I don't join that I'll also end up freaking out and regretting it. Any opinions?  I'd really appreciate it haha (either way I'm doomed).

Hope you all enjoy it, please tell me what you think and as always thank you for reading.


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