Chapter 30

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Blackjack took Perseus out to the ocean, the winds ruffling his hair as he zoomed past the beach and skimmed over waves that sent sea spray over his face. Once the horse stopped at a certain point and informed the boy that the trouble was down at the Ocean's floor the demigod plunged into the icy sea and willed his powers over the waters to shoot him straight down. The pressure of going deeper into the ocean at such speeds would've killed any other human, demigod, or even wizard. As a son of Poseidon though, just being in the ocean, it was his natural element. It energised him and gave him a sense of power in a way that no actual spell could do. 

After helping free some weird baby cow serpent (this world was definitely a weird one and Percy was not in the mood to question it) the boy immediately shot back up to the surface and demigod and pegasus flew back towards the camp where Blackjack dropped Perseus off to meet up with Zoe and Bianca at the Dining Pavilion before flying back to the stables. 

It's time to face the music. 


The music was faced and Percy wanted to turn it off. 

The demigod struggled to stand from his kneeling position as he slipped his wand back to his thigh holster. Grover rushed to help Thalia up from where she was swatted aside and Zoe and Bianca dropped down from the balcony and put their bows away. 

"I must admit Riddle, thy magic is certainly.. affective" they all stared at the carcass of the Nemean lion as it seemed to melt away, leaving behind only a glittering fur coat. 

The Nemean lion? 


It was only a few days into the quest yet they've already encountered a lion with weapon and even magic proofed skin. The group had only been able to kill it once Perseus used a full body bind spell aimed at the monster's mouth before Zoe finished it off with a rain of deadly arrows to the maw. 

So you know, fun stuff

Zoe let Perseus keep the fur coat as it was his spell that led to her being able to kill it. Once the boy picked it up, it turned into a stylish trench coat which was a pretty decent spoil of war if you asked him.

The lion however, was not their only foe. Their enemies and this mysterious general had sent a group of mercenaries to track them down so the group had to make their escape by boarding a random train through the subway. As they slowly made their way out of DC, the demigods and satyr hopped trains every few stops to make sure they weren't being followed. They ended up at the end of the line, in some empty railway yard far from where they need to be. A homeless dude who Perseus suspected was Apollo in disguise directed them to a freight train carrying a bunch of sport cars heading west. 

Perseus and Thalia had a short talk as they sat in one of the cars, the son of Poseidon finally found out why the spiky haired girl seem to hate Zoe so much. Apparently, the hunter had once tried to recruit her to join the Hunt but after Thalia refused because she didn't want to leave Luke behind the both of them had ended up arguing and had a big fight or something like that. Before the daughter of Zeus told Riddle to kindly fuck off when the boy asked if she would be able to face Luke when the time came, she implied that perhaps Annabeth had feelings for the older boy. "She wanted to join the Hunters, maybe you should think about why." 

It most definitely was not his business to pry into and if anything Perseus felt a hint of pity. He knew that the son of Hermes had been like a brother, a protector of sorts to both Thalia and Annabeth and he knew how ugly it can get when family turned on one another (he's seen it enough in the wizarding world and knew what happened to those who turn their backs on family). 

He slid into the driver's seat of an empty sport car, a model he doesn't recognise but it was black and sleek and admittedly cool looking. The car wasn't as empty as he thought it was as the god of the sun suddenly appeared and gave him advice to look for some old sea god called Nereus. With a haiku and with a snap of a finger Apollo was gone again. What is up with that dude just appearing and disappearing? 

Percy soon fell asleep where even there he couldn't get some real fucking rest and had to have some crazy ass dream where he was in ancient times and seemingly seeing the history of his trusted sword Riptide and shit why the hell was Nightshade in it? Pieces were slowly coming together to form a picture in his head but Percy didn't want to jump to conclusions or make the Huntress even more wary of him then before. 

Although he had studied more on Greek mythology over the last couple of years there were still many things that he hadn't touched upon. He felt like if he read the right story he'll be able to connect the mystery of his sword and one Zoe Nightshade. But in the mean time, he kept his musings to himself. 

Hours later, the group arrived at a small town up in the mountains where they asked for directions and got recharged at a small cafe. It wasn't even 30 minutes yet when their enemies caught up to them and a dozen or so undead skeleton warriors appeared. They seemed to have followed Bianca's scent judging from the sweater that was gripped by one of the skeleton things. Thorn must've somehow gotten it from Westover hall, it was possible that the Hunters who had packed the sibling's stuff had left it behind since they had been in a rush to get back to camp and had packed only essentials. 

The skeleton warriors were difficult to kill, Perseus blocked their bullets with a whispered protego and the nemean lion coat he wore that was basically armour in itself but every time he got near enough to cut one in half they'd simply reassemble again. The only blade that seemed to work against them was Bianca's (which was strange but he'll question that later when undead soldiers weren't trying to kill him). 

So, how'd they get away from this mess? Grover called it a "blessing from the wild." 

All Perseus saw was a giant boar that tried to kill them.

The group, at Grover's insistence and Zoe's confirmation that Pan, the lord of the wild himself, must've sent the beast, hopped unto its back and rode off into the sunset. 

The next thing the black haired boy knew they were all standing in an abandoned junkyard..

Hi! Hope you're doing well and all that. The school term is nearly over so that's good, still gonna be busy with projects and stuff though so :') 

Hope this chapter was good! Felt kinda rushed but I think it turned out pretty okay. Anyways, I'll try writing whenever I can. Thanks for reading !!


Song reccomendations of the week: 

When I'm alive - STRFKR

Cherry - Itzy

Chicken Noodle Soup - Jhope (I am in love with this man)

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