Let's play... Truth or Dare! 😊

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Day One

"I'm boooored." Leo whined.

"You're always bored." Annabeth sighed. "But for once, I agree with you, Leo. I'm bored too."

"We could practice sword fighting." Percy suggested.

"I already did that." Leo whined.

"How about climbing up the lava wall?" Percy asked impatiently.

"Did that too." Leo whined.


"I've got an idea," said Annabeth quickly, she did not want another fight between the two. Last time, Poseidon cabin was flooded and Demeter, the cabin next to Poseidon was set on fire. Katie Gardiner had gone mad because all the carefully planted flowers in front of the Demeter cabin were burnt to a crisp.

"What?" Leo said hopefully.

"Truth or Dare time!"


Percy, Annabeth and Leo gathered all their friends and they asked Chiron to go into the Poseidon cabin to play. Just once, Chiron let them because like Percy, the centaur was getting sick of Leo's constant whining.

"Why are we here again?" Frank asked uncomfortably.

"Truth or Dare, Frank!" Leo was dancing around the small cabin, excited to finally have something to do. It was like the time Percy gave him too many blueberry drops and Leo went into a sugar high.

"I don't want to." Nico said.

"Come on Neeks." Leo continued to dance.




"Pretty please with whipped cream and a juicy cherry on top?"


"Come on Sunshine." Will Solace put his arm around Nico. His boyfriend softened.

"Fine." Nico said grudgingly.


"Leo, stop it." Piper said. "Who will go first?"

Nobody spoke up.

"Fine, I'll do it!" Percy spoke up. "Rachel, ask me."

"Okay, truth or dare, Percy?"

"Um, truth... I guess."

"Have you ever liked a boy?"

Everyone looked at the son of Poseidon, who was blushing.


"What???????" Annabeth looked like she wanted to slap Percy. "When? Who? You're not still gay, are you?"

"No! It was just..."

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us...?" Leo trailed off when no one joined him in the chant.

"It was this mortal guy but he never even noticed me and I admit I thought he was hot, but I swear on the River Styx I don't like him anymore. Plus he has a girlfriend."

The sky rumbled.

"Now it's my turn to ask!" Percy continued. "Hmmm..."

Frank tried to make himself look as small as possible.

"Yes! Frank!"

"Uh-oh." Frank groaned. "I don't want a dare, truth!"

"You're scared, Zhang?" Leo wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. "Poor baby."

"No I'm not!" Frank restrained himself from punching Leo in the face. "I'm choosing a dare, then!"

He only realized what he said a few seconds later.

"Percy, can I please---"

"Good!" Percy grinned evilly. 

Oh-no, Frank thought.

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