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Helen barely waited for the doctor's instructions as she bore down, a harsh cry escaping her as she finally allowed the baby to slide out of her and the newborn's wail filled the room. She fell back against the bed, panting, as the doctor finished the task of cutting the umbilical cord and cleaning the infant.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Parr. You have a beautiful baby girl. In excellent health, too."

She opened her eyes, adjusting herself upward on the pillows more as the nurse handed the girl to her, now wrapped in a warm cloth blanket. The baby had quieted down more, eyes scrunched shut as she gurgled softly. Helen smiled brightly at her before glancing over at the doctor who'd just approached. He looked proud of his accomplishment, and she felt her chest ache even more. Her own parents would be so happy for her. A baby girl...

"Would you like him to come in now?"

Helen looked back at the doctor, averting her gaze from her daughter for a second.

"Who?" she asked.

The doctor smiled. "Your husband, of course. He's been pacing around in the waiting room for the past half hour."

Oh, right. "Yes, of course!" she responded. "Send him in."

The doctor signaled for a nurse to retrieve him, and soon Bob Parr came lumbering in the room. Strangely enough, despite being such a bulky man, he seemed meek and small as he came in. He stepped lightly and smiled in relief as he laid his eyes on her.

"Helen," he breathed. His eyes widened at the sight of the new life in her arms. "Oh..."

He bent down next to the bed as Helen gently held their new daughter. Standing to the side, the doctor cleared his throat.

"We'll uh... leave you two be for now," he said. He waved for the nurse to follow him, and the two exited the room, leaving the new parents alone.

It was quiet for a moment after the door clicked shut, the only sounds coming from the low beepings of the monitors and the breaths of the three individuals left. Two larger cadences, and one smaller and more rapid.

"So..." Bob began, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Th-This is... it's, u-uh..."

Helen smirked, finding the stammering that had seized hold of her husband cute. "Our daughter? " she finished for him.

Bob chuckled nervously. "Y-yeah! That's right." He took a good look at the sleeping little infant, hardly believing how small she was in his wife's arms, and marveling over and over again at how this little creation was his and hers. Sure, he'd said in public interviews that he, Mr. Incredible, eventually considered having a family someday. But that was merely in passing. For it actually to have culminated into this moment was... well, incredible.

Helen was a natural with the child, holding the girl with tenderness and ease in her lithe arms, cradling her close in the perfect picture of maternity. He watched her with fascination, knowing that he likely would not be able to pull off such a picturesque feat himself. With the brute strength he was bestowed - a great benefit when taking out baddies - he could easily injure the innocent little child unintentionally. But at that exact instance, as though sensing the wave of uncertainty emanating from him, Helen turned to him, raising an eyebrow in question.

"Honey?" she asked, "don't you want to hold her?"

Bob blinked. "Wh-who?"

Helen rolled her eyes. "Our daughter, who else?"

The man immediately felt himself stiffen at the suggestion. " Me? No. No, Helen, I can't."

Helen narrowed her eyes. "Why not?"

Bob gaped, as though it should have been obvious. "W-well, because I - I just can't!"

Helen wouldn't have it though. "Robert Parr, I didn't spend the better half of an hour bringing our child into the world only for you not to even touch her."

Bob nodded rapidly. "Y-yes! Of course not, no, I know," he answered. But it wasn't at all giving off that confidence she was so used to sensing from him.

She sighed. Usually, she would use it as a perfect opportunity to tease the man, knowing how much his ego meant to him and getting a kick out of seeing it bruise in the slightest. But she knew now was not the time. He was genuinely concerned, and she wanted to help.

Helen shifted so that she could gently lay her hand on his arm, balancing the baby in her other. "Hey," she said softly. "Remember how nervous you were the first time we, well, you know..." She gave him a look.

He blushed, understanding exactly what she meant. "O-oh... Honey! Do you h-have to mention that ?"

She rolled her eyes. "No-one's listening. It's just us in here" — she gestured vaguely around them — "The point is, do you remember?"

He begrudgingly nodded his head. She knew showing any kind of fear or hesitation wasn't something he was too proud of. "I haven't forgotten how nervous you were... you barely touched me at first."

He groaned, averting his gaze from hers even more.

She chuckled, reaching out to cup his face, turning it so that they looked each other in the eye. "But," she began, "You did. And when you did... you saw that it was hardly anything to be worried about in the first place. And I should know." She added the last part with a smirk, making Bob's cheeks flush a deeper shade of pink. He understood what she was saying, however. And besides, he would have to get involved with the babe sooner or later. It would be wrong of him to leave all the work for Helen to do. So, mustering the mental strength to do so, he reached out, taking hold of the tiny girl ever so carefully from his wife's arms and holding her delicately, as though she were made of glass. He swallowed, peering down at her and grateful that nothing had gone wrong yet. Then, in a voice so soft and so tender it could melt butter, he began to speak.

"Hi, honey," he began, awkwardly holding the girl. "I'm your Da-da. It's nice to finally meet you after so long."

He stroked her cheek in the most delicate manner, the action stirring the baby awake. She looked up at him sleepily, blinking those large dark eyes and making an adorable little noise that made Bob smile even brighter. Neither he nor Helen said a word for a little while, simply enjoying the peace that had descended among the three of them.

"Violet," he said after a moment.

She looked up at him. "What?"

"Oh I, uh, just thought it might make a good name?"

She gave him a questioning look. "Why's that?" She had nothing against the name - it was quite nice actually.

He lowered his arm with the baby so she could have a better look. "See for yourself"

She peered over at the girl, her tiny face turning toward her just enough for her to see. "Oh," she breathed out, understanding the choice of name. Above her chubby little cheeks, right over her cute button nose and below the strands of black hair that hung on her head, was a pair of the most exquisite blue eyes staring right up at her. Their hue bordered along the purple end of the color spectrum and, if the light shone upon them at the right angle, it was almost as if they were amethyst themselves. They held such an innocence and purity to them, and it warmed her heart. She glanced over at him, an expectant look in his eyes as he awaited to hear her opinion.

"What do you think?" he asked, holding his breath.

Helen smiled. She had only envisioned a life dedicated to her work - playing the role of the average citizen in the day, superheroing in the moonlight, and then crashing at home for a well-deserved rest before starting the whole process over again. But now, there was something more. Something that she considered even better. A family. The realization befell her so suddenly, it almost left her reeling as she looked between the two people she loved with all her heart - Robert Parr, Bob, her husband and partner both in civilian life and hero work; and now their yet-to-be-named daughter, so precious and beautiful. She nodded her head.

"It's perfect."

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