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"You always stick with me like a piece of stupid gum, don't you?"

I literally didn't need to turn back to know who said that. This bloody voice has been making me crazy for almost two years.

But what's he doing here?

Oh god, he's not studying here, Is he? Maybe he's just visiting someone.

I stopped thinking too much and turned slowly. There he stood, right in front of me with his blue intimidating eyes.

"What the hell do you want?" What I intended to say in a sharp tone came out more like an exhausted sigh.

"Oh, see who's talking, fellas. She speaks! And if that isn't worth celebrating, I don't know what is." he said to a couple of guys who were right beside him, who smirked. "You weren't this chatty in school, princess. Why? It could've been more fun that way."

And for a hundredth time, I hated myself for being a coward in school.

"Unlucky me huh?" He lowered his head, his little smirk turning malicious. And I knew what his next move was.

I've seen it a hundred times and I still don't like it.

He was a classic bully. Always considered himself superior to all other kids. A good-looking yet horrible human being who's at the peak of arrogance and selfishness.

Just as his stupid smirk widened, I got a glimpse of a soft drink can rolling in his palm. The next moment, cold liquid dripped down my chin.

I can't believe he's still doing this. We're supposed to be adults, supposed to act mature and Tyler freaking Jones just splashed his drink on my face.

"Aren't you done with this?" I was a bit surprised that this manchild still thought it was 'cool' to spill drinks on others. I knew I shouldn't expect anything better from him, but I still somehow hoped.

"I'm never done with you, Eve." his smirk vanished, his eyes boring into mine.

I should've known it as well. Though Tyler did bully others, he never chased them just to make them miserable. But I was an exception to that.

Before he could utter anymore stupidity, bell rang, bringing me back from my thoughts.

I shouldn't be here with these pathetic idiots. What I should be doing, is find my class and not be late. So, I chose to move away from my locker, not provoking him to continue his act.

Their chuckle, as I walked away heading to the washroom, made me feel even more stupid. It's only when the feel of cold water hit my face, I sighed in relief.

Dealing with Tyler on a daily basis wasn't in my plan and I wasn't too thrilled to think about how exhausting that'd be.

"Hey, thought you'd need this." A girl, standing beside me, pointed to the tissue box in her hand with a nervous smile.

I glanced at the tissue box and gave her a polite smile.

"Thank you, but I'm done."

"I'm sorry, I know how he is. I should've helped you out there."

I just smiled at her not wanting to make her feel guilty. This isn't new for me. He did the same thing in high school. I'll survive college too.

My school life was pretty good until the so-called Tyler Jones shifted here and started bitching around. He made sure I only had embarrassing memories in my senior year. A total bully and I couldn't afford to lock horns with him.

"He's the same with you? And everyone here?" I asked her, hoping the answer is no. 

"He's a jerk. Been one since last year." She sighed. "But now he's mean to freshmen as well.

Oh, right. I stupidly realised that he isn't my classmate anymore, that he's a year ahead of me. He's a sophomore while I'm starting my freshman year.

And now I slightly regret skipping a year.

"And he's got company here. Those three are like the epitome of arrogance."

"So, he bullies everyone?" I asked.

"More like, they think they're something special and need all of us to...obey them." she replied quickly.

"And everybody does?"

"Sort of. Nobody cares to be in his vicinity, if you know what I mean," she sighed.

I know what she means. Smart people stay away from him and his bullying, and stupid people like me get bullied.

"But he can't quite reign his supremacy here. I've heard his dad is really rich, and in our little town, that's equal to the ruling-"

I very well knew most of the stores in my neighbourhood were his dad's.

"- but he's just a sophomore and we have a senior here, who matches Tyler's antics. Jude is a little bit of a bully as well, and rich too. So, you can imagine the clash between them. They're almost always fighting."

That isn't good. Tyler, I think I can manage somehow. Two of them? It's going to be a tough ride.

"So, Jude's a bully too?" I couldn't contain my curiosity to know whether this guy could be my saviour or a competition to Tyler.

"He's like okaaay."

The way she dragged the word, I felt like the latter would happen.

"He too doesn't like anybody talking back at him or arguing. But he doesn't go looking for someone to bully." she shrugged.

And I was in a dilemma whether to be relieved or get disappointed with the news. So I just opted to be alert.

The plan is simple. Stay away from Jude and ignore Tyler.

In school, my friends -who according to him, were the perfect examples of nerds and wallflowers, were the recipients of foul language and harsh accusations because of me. Anyone who was nice to me, Tyler made sure he was rude and disrespectful to them. I just hope he doesn't do that here too. Being bullied, I can cope. But the guilt of someone else being targeted because of me? I can't. Also, this time, I don't have the time and energy for making friends.

It's good to have a friend, but it's okay to be self-dependent too. At least that's what I've learned in the last two years.

"Okay, Thanks..." I trailed off remembering that I forgot to ask her name.

"It's Cassandra." she smiled saying as if she could read my mind.

"Yeah. Thanks, Cassandra." I smiled back and she nodded.

"Call me Cass or Cassy."

I didn't know what to say because  most probably we won't be talking anymore...not unless we have same classes. So I just nodded, knowing that bit of information won't matter.

"I'm Evelyn."
"Bye, Evelyn. See you around."

I muttered a bye as well and looked at my schedule. Math after literature.

Literature was one of my favourite subjects. Surely, a consequence of my love for reading. I remember proudly declaring to dad that I will be a romance writer one day. While math, was never my alliance. It was the only thing that followed me wherever I go.

Well, except Tyler.

And it took a whole lot of patience to get through the math class.

Apart from that, everything was fine- until I stepped into the cafeteria. It didn't took me long to find him and his friends.

if only it weren't for their minds. Tyler had blonde hair and blue eyes, a beautiful combination. And his friends were as good-looking as him.

I walked casually towards the counter, filling my tray. Everything went smooth until I turned to see him, standing right behind me.

I had a filled tray in my hands. Fantastic. Now he has a vast choice of what to dump on me.

"Hey, Eve. What a coincidence!"

Yeah. Tracking my moves and following me to do stupid stuff was so coincidence.

I stood there silent, working on guessing what he would do.
And then he did the most predictable thing. Took the drink and after a sip, it "accidentally" slipped from his hands, staining my shirt a bit. And he muttered a well practised 'oops.'

"You're not cold, are you sweetheart?" He raised his eyebrows as if he was concerned. "Do you need to take off the shirt? Or do you need mine?"

I managed to save my lunch from the little accident he caused. I can't let myself be hungry, not for him.

To my surprise, someone called Tyler and the idiot actually decided to leave. So, I ignored a dozen of eyes and grabbed the opportunity to have my lunch.

When I finally reached the washroom, I had a chance to look at my shirt.

It was stupid of me to wear a white shirt today. It wask like I knew Tyler was going to be here, but still...I should've seen it coming, considering my luck.

Past encounters with Tyler and his deeds was useful, very useful. Because I had a spare top, a box of tissues and a comb with me. Always ready to face silly pranks. I stuffed my stained shirt into my bag and pulled over the new one with a sigh.

When I enrolled myself in college, I hoped for new beginnings, new plans, new life... And here I was, ducking my head and blending in with the crowd, hoping he would walk past me.

Just like I did before, and nothing changed.


It was a relief that Tyler didn't get a chance afterwards to meet me. I didn't stick around for it to happen either, as soon as classes were over, I rushed.

On my way, I decided to dial Maria but it directly went to voicemail. And by the time I got off of the bus, I paid some bills online, nearly emptying my account. Not that it had loads in it.

"Hey Marissa," I kept my bag near the counter and leaned to grab my apron.

"Hey there, I was kinda waiting for you."

"Oh yeah?"

"I needed to go somewhere and it's urgent. Can you handle counter and orders for a few minutes?"

Marissa, Jake and I were always like a team. We sometimes switch our works or even handle others'.

"Of course."

"Thanks, dear. I owe you one." she hugged me and rushed off.

I took a quick look to see if there was anything for me to do and when found none, I made myself comfortable and grabbed a book.

And I was once again lost in the world of words but not too deep because when a beautiful woman approached the counter.

"I'd like to have a black coffee along with any of your- " her order was cut off by my cell phone ringing.

Mumbling a quick apology, I grabbed it to turn it off, but paused when I saw Maria's name flashing on the screen.

Oh, no.

"Ma'am would y- "

"It's okay dear, go on. I'm not in a hurry." she smiled at me and I felt like a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders.

I've seen many customers who didn't care to display even one-tenth of her kindness. I kept my thoughts of -what would've happened with such a customer if my phone rang- away and muttered a thank you before answering it.


"Evelyn dear, I was a little busy earlier."

"It's okay, I just wanted to- "

"Yeah, I know, kid. I just checked on them, they're good." She said with a chuckle and I smiled. "How's work going? Any changes?"

"Oh, apart from the time change, nothing." I smiled. "Thanks, Maria. Love you."

It was blessing to have someone like Maria in our neighbourhood. She somehow managed to fill the void of a loving grandma in our life.

"Love you too, dear. Take care of yourself."

I realised that I was still smiling when the lady spoke again, "Boys?"

"Oh, no." I smiled, slightly embarrassed that instead of taking her orders I stood there for a minute, smiling like an idiot.

She waved off, laughing. "I have a daughter of your age. And I know how you go head over heels for them."

"It was my neighbour." I smiled at her when she grinned sheepishly and I pulled out my notepad.

"A coffee and?"

"I was going to order any of your special sandwiches." she shrugged.


I smiled and watched her as she settled on a corner table and pulled out a book from her handbag. Her blonde hair was neatly tied back and she looked very...classy.

That daughter is so lucky to have such a nice person as her mother. I just hope she realises that.

"Jake, a black coffee. And make your special yummy sandwich." I smiled at him and turned back to the counter.

"Special yummy, huh?" He raised an eyebrow and I winked.

"A really nice customer." I said before going back.

And just like I hoped, the lady ate the sandwich with utmost satisfaction.  After taking the first bite, she turned to look at me with a happy smile.

Jake's magic.

"That was delicious." she came over to me after clearing.

"Thank you, ma'am."

"I need you to pack three of those and..." she trailed off and I scribbled it onto my notepad.

"Hey sweetheart, you want anything special for a coffee?" I looked up to see that she was on a call.

"Ask him too." she stuffed her phone into her bag. "Oh, okay. An espresso and something mocha."

I couldn't help but slightly chuckle at her response, "Mocha latte?"

"Yes, that's it. All these names." she waved off. "I never was good with coffee names. Still get teased for that."

She talked to me until the order was ready, as if we had been friends for a long time.

'You are an old soul, Evelyn Ridge. You're always friends with elder people.' Maria's words came to my mind and I smiled. Maybe I was an old soul who connected with adults.

"Here you go, ma'am." I gave her the heavy paper bag and the balance money.

"Oh, keep it. And give some to the sandwich guy. " she smiled and left, just like that.

I did a doubletake when I saw the amount. This was a very generous tip.
A sudden urge to squeak came, which I ignored and ran over to Jake.

"Here." I gave him half of the fair amount we received.

"Eh?" He looked at me in surprise.

"Kind lady, nice tip." I summarised the story and he gave me a fist bump.

"Mom's not home yet, how about Chinese for dinner?" he winked at me and we decided to eat outside.

Dinner after work was kind of our thing. Well, whenever we could. Which was rare, by the way.

"I'll have General Tso's chicken. Heard it's awesome." Jake told and the waiter nodded in agreement.

I took a look at the menu and ordered a hot and sour soup for me and repeated Jake's order for the boys.

"Why, Evelyn, why? Why would you do that?" His dramatic ass groaned and I gestured for the waiter to hurry up. "The other one's not so expensive and I'm paying, so you better change the order."

"I'm having soup because I already ate something after classes and also because I'm not hungry. Also, you're not paying. We're splitting."

"I am."

"You're not."

And that game went on until the food arrived.

"Try it." Jake said, pushing his plate towards me.

"I will." I smiled at him and took a spoonful since I was no good with chopsticks.

It was good. Really good.

But Jake wasn't satisfied with one spoon. He stuffed more and more into my mouth as if I was a child who needed to be fed.

"It's awesome, right?" Jake stuffed another spoonful into my mouth. "Jonah keeps praising Chinese food but I never had the guts to trust his judgement."

"Yep, it is delicious. But you'll choke me if you feed me like that!" I elbowed him and he immediately did one back.

"Now, let me taste the soup." he mumbled, sliding my bowl towards him.

Jake was one among a few others, who knew me the most and would do anything for me if I asked.

"That was great. We should come here often." He murmured as we finished eating and got out of the restaurant

"Are you going home?" I asked Jake.

"Nah, Hailey and I, are going out." He wiggled his eyebrows with a wink.

"Tell your girlfriend I said hello." I said over my shoulder, walking towards the bus stop. And as usual, he followed me to the bus stop and sat with me until the bus arrived.

"Will you stop shouting that I have a girlfriend? Girls might hear and think I'm taken."

As if there are girls around us. As if he's not taken. We all knew Jake was smitten with Hailey. But that didn't stop him from being a little flirty all the time.

It took about ten minutes for the bus to come and when it did, I saw Jake heading the opposite way. I've told him a billion times that he doesn't have to do this. But no matter how late he was, the days our shifts aligned, he always made sure I got in the bus.

Silly, but I love him for that.

I texted Sophie on my way. She was my one and only best friend who moved out at the start of my senior year. So, being far away from each other, we had loads to talk about. Her stories, my stories.

God, I missed her.

By the time I got home, I was really tired. And when I rang the doorbell and stood there yawning, Noel opened the door.

"Hey, Ivy." he gave me a high five and I smiled. My little brother was upgrading from hugs to high fives and it'd be a lie if I say that didn't make me a little wobbly inside.

"All good?" I asked him, hoping the answer to be yes.

"Yes." he nodded with a radiant smile and a happy face, much to my relief.

"How's the new grade?"

"It's cool. Brandon and I are going to rock it." he said with a smug face.

"Yeah, right." I shook my head with a chuckle. "In embarrassing yourselves maybe."

"Take that back!" He gasped and the next moment, I was on the couch as he started sitting on me, pulling my hair.

Brothers were brothers. Always looking for a fight.

"Okay, you'll rock it. Fine. Now let me go." I yanked him off me and pulled the paper bag out of my bag. "Where's Theo?"

"What is that?" His eyes grew wide in excitement and jumped to grab it from me.

"Theo first." I stretched my arms, making the bag out of his reach.

"He's in the room, painting." Noel stomped, reaching again for the paper bag.

"Get him and I'll give this to you."

Magic words! He ran into the room and emerged with little Theo running behind him.

"Ivy!" Theo hugged my leg so tight that I had to scoop him up.

"Did you paint the walls?"

"It was Theo, not me." Noel pointed at Theo and he looked at me.

"It was only a small line. We didn't- I mean, he didn't mean the watercolor to splash. We promise it won't happen again, right Theo?" Noel grabbed my hand and looked at Theo.

Sounds a lot like both of them were involved in this little paint shenanigan.

"Promise." Theo nodded and I decided to let it go.

"Good." I placed him on the couch and gestured for Noel to do the same.

"What's in that Ivy?"

"Stay calm." I gave Noel the food with a smile and went for a shower, knowing he'd make sure Theo eats everything.

The moment I stepped out of my room, he popped up.

"That was yummy." he grabbed my arm and lead me to the hall where I saw a little portion carefully scooped aside on his plate.

"Here you go," he took a spoonful and asked me to have it.

"It's okay, I had mine. Finish it." But before I could turn, he shoved it into my mouth.

The parallels between him and Jake were funny.

"How's it? It's awesome right?" He waited for me to answer and I chewed fast to give him one.

"I told you I've had my dinner." I said, gulping down a mouthful of water.

"I know, Ivy." he said with a nod before running to his room.

I wasn't sure what he knew, but the day he started saving a piece of everything I got for them, he had a special place in my heart. And sometimes, I think he's far more mature for a ten-year-old kid.

"Noel?" I called out and he peeked around the corner, trying to keep the colour away from Theo.

"I love you."


English is not my first language, so kindly forgive errors and please point out if it's too bad 😌😊

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