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"So...they're leaving tomorrow, aren't they?"

"Yeah." He replied with a slight nod.

"They're so..."

Welcoming? Friendly? Nice?

"Annoying?" Zack suggested and I smiled.

"Not even a bit. They're really good."

"I'm impressed. Normally everyone finds them nosy and annoying, mostly because Seth and Justin always meddle in everything." He smirked, running fingers through his hair as he leaned onto the railing.

"They're a bunch of awesome people."

"That's my girl!" I was startled by the sound that came out of nowhere.

It was Justin.

"What're you doing here?" Zack's voice was tight and Justin just smirked.

"You cheater, you were trying to bitch about us, weren't you? And Evelyn, I knew you were an angel." He sighed and flew me a kiss.

I was confident that I was not blushing. Slightly confident.

"Weren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Zack asked again, this time with a forced smile.

"Yeah, I was looking for boys and-" he was cut off by a howl from Seth.

"We were going to watch a movie." Seth wrapped an arm around Justin's neck and pulled him back. And suddenly Caleb and Dean were there too.

"Oh yeah? Yeah. You two coming?" He turned to us with raised eyebrows.

I didn't have to answer. Justin started listing movies we should watch and was already beckoning me to join them.

We went straight to the basement. And that basement was more luxurious than my bedroom.

Everything was ready, blankets, pillows, chips...They were ready to spend the night here, I guess.

Without informing me and Sasha, though.

"Have a seat, Madame." Seth jumped onto the bean bag as Dean did the same.
"Zack, get me a coke."

Zack stood still at the entrance, arms crossed, glaring and finally, Seth sighed. "Please?"

He murmured something, shaking his head and disappeared. I sat near Liam on the couch as Seth started attacking a poor bag of chips.

"Here," Zack threw the can at him and flopped down beside me.

"You guys decided what to watch yet?"

"Any horror movie." Seth rushed before anyone could speak.

And that's how I ended up, biting my lips hard and fidgeting my hands in the dark, watching someone brutally rip off some poor guy's head.

"You aren't afraid, are you?" Seth hissed, maintaining the horror atmosphere and I looked at him.

Of course, I was afraid. Can't he see that?

I know ghosts aren't real but somehow killing and harming someone gets me. Mom used to say that I'm a very sensitive person and an emotional fool.

Turns out I am. She morphed me into a complete fool.

"I'm not." I smiled at him but cringed the next moment when that guy's organs came out. "Uh, maybe a bit."

"I expected you to scream and latch on to something." He sighed.

That got me laughing amidst the horror. Was he expecting a scream or squeak?

"I think you got a problem with blood, not the ghost." Caleb smiled at me and I shrugged.

"Yeah. I mean no, blood is okay."

It was a lie. Show me a lot of blood and I'm imagining myself covered in it.

"But these repeated stabbing and...and those organs are..." I shook my head and Caleb nodded.

"Yeah, it's nasty."

"Can you people shut up? I'm watching a movie here." Justin hissed, his gaze fixed on the TV screen.

Usually, I only watch scary movies that actually aren't that scary, so that I can manage Theo and Noel.
Right now, I'm glad they aren't here.

One, they wouldn't have lasted a minute seeing this. I mean, who made this shit?

And second, we three might be on top of each other after seeing this. I don't want them to know I'm scared of this thing they call a movie.

I was so consumed by the curiosity of what organ is going to come out next that when someone screamed into my ear, I didn't even make a sound. Just a gasp.

I just grabbed Zack and Liam's arms.

The moment I turned my head, a loud laugh erupted and I let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding back.

And to no one's surprise, it was Seth.

Of course, it was him. Who did I think it was? The half-dead man from the movie?

"Can you please sit down if your stupid plan was a flop? I'm trying to watch a movie here!" Justin said again with a sigh and Seth pouted.

I leaned back with a tiny smile on my face, feeling proud and the back of my head ended up resting on an arm. I really wanted to check if it was Zack or Liam, who had an arm around my shoulder but I chose not to.

And after an hour full of watching them stab and thrash each other, I unknowingly leaned slightly onto my right. Subconsciously I knew I was leaning on Liam and wanted to stop, but my eyes felt heavier and heavier until the darkness veiled my eyes.


I blinked a few times as the light rays fell on my face and finally opened my eyes.

It was unusually warm considering the cold weather, which made sense when I found the comforter on me. I looked around to see no one, It was clearly empty.

But then again, I was half lying on something...or someone. If I remember correctly, it's...


My head was practically resting on his chest and our legs were entwined. I was clearly sleeping on him. I looked up to see if he was awake and sighed in relief.

Nope, not Liam.

Even though Liam wasn't a rude person or anything, it'd be a lot awkward and weird if I was sleeping with him. Literally.

Maybe that's why I didn't feel even a little bit of awkwardness finding that it was Zack. I clearly remember the last time when we ended up snuggling and I couldn't feel more awkward. This time, I was literally sleeping on him and yet, It wasn't awkward.

To be honest, I was feeling oddly comfortable.

With a yawn, I moved the comforter a bit so that I can get up and put it back on him. He was still sleeping, head resting on the side of the couch.

Looks uncomfortable but I knew better than to wake him up.

I opened the door without making any sound and glanced at the huge clock in front of me.

And...I'm late.

That alone made me rush into Sasha's room and take a quick shower before grabbing my notes.

"Hey," Sasha rolled over, yawning and looked at my bag.

"Tutoring? Today? But you went there yesterday." She reminded me and I gave a nod.

"Yeah, but Kate's got a test today. So..." I trailed off, drying my hair and she sat up.

"Theo and Noel came, looking for you. You know, after their workout session." She chuckled and I smiled.


"Before you came here. Slept well last night?" She smirked.

"Uh? Oh, yeah. I did." I returned her smile and quickly averted my eyes to the phone screen.

"Good. The couch in the basement is not as soft as my bed, you know. So, I hope you were comfortable."

Alright. Either she was concerned about me or she was teasing me. Because technically, I wasn't sleeping on the couch.

At least, half of me wasn't.

"Um, yeah." I nodded, eyes still on my phone, "That... It was good."

I couldn't figure out the tone of this conversation and I didn't dare to look at her either. I really don't know why.

"Happy to hear. So, are you leaving with dad today?"

"I guess, he said he's leaving early."

"Can you believe the guys are going back today? It was fun! It was like we were back in New York." She sighed.

"It was really great."

If I, who only knew them for a couple of days, wasn't happy about them leaving, I can imagine what it's like for them.

"Let me brush and shower." She got up, heading to the bathroom.

Down the hall, Scarlett, as usual, was busy with breakfast and Alex was in his suit, following her around, helping her.

"Good morning." I smiled, joining them.

"Good morning. Ah, I see you're ready." He smiled at me, "That means, after Scar's special breakfast, we're gone."

"You don't need to flatter me for extra bacon, Alex." She shook her head and he chuckled.

"Hey, dad." Came a voice.

"Morning, dad." Came another.

"Yo, good morning dad." And I knew that was Justin.

And then, everyone was in the kitchen including my brothers.

"I've got stronger now." Noel beamed flaunting his scrawny biceps and I smiled.

"Okay, breakfast time, chop-chop." She smiled and then frowned. "Where's Zack and Sasha?"

"Good question." Seth turned to me and I shrugged.

"Sasha will be here soon. She's taking a shower."

"And what about the other guy?"

I blinked at him. "I don't know, sleeping?"

"Still? I shall not let him do that. He didn't come to exercise with us today, did he, Theo? No. So we shall give him sleepless morning." Justin lifted his hands, grabbing Theo's.

What a bunch of dorks. And that's including my brothers.

"Yes, since he had a very good night we really must ruin his morning." Seth joined Justin with a smirk and they left, marching. And they returned, dragging Sasha and Zack with them.

Zack stretched his arms, winking at Noel and I felt a tingle of regret rising in me. What if his arms were sore because of me? In that case, I did that to him, didn't I?

I grimaced at the thought, not realising that I was staring at him until he smiled at me.

After breakfast, when I thanked Scarlett for letting us stay, she frowned.

"Don't be silly, you're welcome here anytime. Come often, okay?"

"We're waiting for our goodbyes." Justin said and I smiled.

"Noon. Come to New York, sometime." Caleb smiled at me and my smile turned wider. 

"Yeah, tag along when they visit us or you can come alone. We'll be there to welcome you." Dean smirked and I saw Theo's eyes getting bigger and bigger with excitement.

"Yeah, sure."

"And hey, we didn't exchange numbers, did we?" Justin hopped in front of me and typed his number onto my phone.

"So, that's a bye, my friend." Liam shook my hands and I smiled at him.

I was caught off guard when he hugged me. But I felt... happy. As if I have more friends now, more people close to me.

Everyone except Aaron said goodbye.

"We'll see each other soon. I hope you'll come here often, I'll be here." He smiled.

"Sure. See you."

"Evelyn, let's go yeah?" Alex called out and I nodded.

"Okay, bye. Now let's sob over the grief of separation from Theo and Noel." Seth said, wiping an invisible tear as they both laughed.

I mumbled a bye and got in the car with a handful of fun memories. And as Alex started the engine, I heard Sasha's devious laugh.

"Now, now. Lemme tell you all a story about an Eskimo kiss!"


It's been a while since mom came home and there was no sign of her being here either.

No empty bottles, no dishes in the sink...

Her being away for almost two weeks made something stir in my stomach.
It's fine as long as she keeps coming back, even if it's just to grab a few dollars. At least I'll know she's okay.

But at times like these, when she just disappears and doesn't come back for days, it's other people who do.

What if this is just the calm before the storm?

Well, it's always like that, isn't it? Something or the other is surely gonna knock you out just when you think everything's perfect.

I'm afraid of anything perfect now.

My life was perfect before, my family was perfect before and just when I thought I was the luckiest to have it all, fate just flipped me the bird and showed how it can make just the opposite thing happen.

I sat there, in the library, eyes closed and head down, completely ignoring the opened book before me. Hoping mom would come home soon, hoping no one else would come home asking for their money.

"You okay?"

A voice came in, interrupting my pathetic thoughts and as usual, I exactly knew who it was.

The first thing I did was check if he had anything to dump on me. But then, I remembered that the renewed Tyler doesn't do that anymore. At least, not to me.

"I'm fine." I replied, narrowing my eyes.

"Good. Just thought it was odd seeing you not reading a book in here. I've never seen you sleep in front of a book."

True. But...this is the library.

"What are you doing here?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

This was the only Tyler prohibited area. And I'm sure he wouldn't come here unless it involved something like smoking and drinking.

"Nothing really, just thought I'd get in here and grab some fucking book to do a fucking assignment." He scowled at the book in his hand and  I struggled to control a smile.

"Why are you smiling?" He shook his head, frowning and I shook my head.

"Did you find the book?"

"Not even a single shit. I thought I'd ask someone but look around, it's all nerds and dorks."

"Well, then ask some of your cool guys to grab you a book then." I murmured but he still heard it.

He chuckled. "Do you think I'll ask them to come to the library? And do you think they'll come here?"

What is he expecting, then? Books to find him?

"Okay then. Good luck with finding a book." I stood up, grabbing mine and he narrowed his eyes.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To have lunch." I said, glancing at my watch. The of course went unsaid.

"Can you, like, maybe find a book for me?" He asked quietly and I stared at him.

Since when did he start asking me for help? Is this another plan?

Probably not.

"Eve?" A snap of his fingers brought me back from the marathon of thoughts. "Can you?"

Oh, right. Help, yes.

"Please, Eve. I need to turn in that stupid thing after lunch."

And he's trying to find a book now? How punctual and systematic.

I shook my head and asked him about the work. I know I shouldn't be helping him but it's about academics.

And I'm an emotional fool, who slips and falls into a rabbit hole of trying hard once I hear the word help.

"Besides, you are kinda cool. You won't do the usual things that teenagers do and that makes you a nerd, but a cool kinda nerd. He said and I smothered a surprised laugh.

"Don't flatter me to get my help." I stopped in between two shelves, using Scarlett's words.

"Here," I turned, taking a book from the shelf and collided with his chest. "Um, sorry."

"That's alright." He said, taking the book from me and I stepped back since it looked like he wasn't going to.

"Thanks, I guess?" He said, eyes on his watch.

He guess? Jerk.

I turned back, heading to the cafeteria when he spoke again.

He shouted a thank you from where he stood and all heads turned to me.

"Shush!" I heard the librarian yell at him and I quickly got myself out of there. Because unlike him, I was a frequent visitor here.

"Hey," I breathed out, grabbing a chair and Sasha smiled at me.

"You're early." She stated and I shrugged, "I was texting Zack and they're at the airport."

"They were nice." I smiled and she winked at me.

"They are." 

"So, how was the eskimo kiss story?" I asked, recalling her saying that in the morning and she giggled.

"It was fun. I bet that story's gonna be so popular." She grinned widely. "He was mortified."

"I wonder what he's going to do to you in return." I mumbled and she just smirked.

"Oh, he won't. He's under control. Poor guy just spilt some tea and now he's afraid if I'll go say it to the girl." She smirked again.

Something in that sentence didn't make me feel better.


"Oh, yeah. He was quite absentmindedly speaking and I exactly knew how to grab the opportunity." She gave me a victorious smile.

"Said what?" I knew I was being nosy.

"The exact thing I already suspected. The fact that he likes her and how good she is, and blah blah blah..." She gulped her drink.

She? Who?

"You know Rose?" She asked as if she had just read my thoughts and I frowned, shaking my head.

"Oh come on, didn't he ever tell you about her?" She looked at me expectantly. " I'm sure he did. He likes spending time with you, so he definitely would have mentioned Rosaline."

Rosaline? Yeah, the one who Caleb was talking about. I remember him saying she missed Zack. Also that he was happy to hear the confession.

I didn't know if I should be happy that he was not bored with my company or feel a bit unhappy that I only knew about her through Caleb's words.

"Rosaline...yeah, I guess I've heard about her." I nodded slowly and her smile grew wider.

"Well, it's great because I knew she had a crush on him before." She sighed, stuffing some food into her mouth.


I don't know why I'm not exactly happy about this news. Maybe I was too consumed with the earlier thoughts.

"Great. Did you tell him about her crush?"

"Not exactly. But today, I will." She winked. "Speaking about crush and boyfriend..." she trailed off smirking at me.


Thank you for reading 💞
sorry if it's boring though.

I'm a great fan of slow romance! I love the way they mould the characters and make them like each other. Slowburns are 🥰🥰!

so, anybody, any books that are the type? Please do tell, I'd like to read them.

Thank you again! With lots of love 💕💕

Stay safe.

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