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"Hey!" Someone tapped my shoulder as I walked into my class and the frown on my face eased into a smile when I saw Sasha's brother.

"This..." He pulled out a pen and scribbled something onto a piece of paper. "...is Sasha's number."

"She won't make it today, so she wants you to give her notes and...and- " he stood there for a few seconds trying to remember and I couldn't help but grin at that.

"Whatever it is, she'll tell you." he gave up with a sigh. " Have a good day, Evelyn." He mumbled with a smile.

"You too...um..." I tried hard to remember his name and failed.

What was it? Jack?

"Zack," he said over his shoulder with a hint of a smile.

"Right, Zack."

Not Jack. But close enough.

I looked at the piece of paper in my hand and shook my head with a smile. It's been a week and we forgot to exchange phone numbers.

And in the evening, when I did send her notes and stuff, she asked me the same.

Sasha: Idk how I forgot. That's the first thing I do when I get a friend
Sasha: that and Instagram username.
Sasha: Zack around there?

The last text got me looking around. The classes were over and every single person was rushing out.

No. But I'll try to look for him if you want, I sent her and started looking for a certain tall, lean guy with brown hair.

Sasha: That'd be awesome. Thank you
Sasha: The idiot isn't answering his phone.

And finally, I found him...standing chest to chest against Tyler.

Oh, great.

Cassy was watching them as well, from the opposite side.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, you know Will?" She asked me and I shrugged. "He's in one of my classes. A good guy. And Tyler was -"

"Bullying him."

She hummed, fiddling with her wristwatch. "That guy punched Will and it was my fault."

I was so focused on the first statement that it took me a second to realise she said it was her fault.

"What happened?"

"Tyler's friend and I had an argument in the girls' room." She mumbled, her eyes on a guy with black framed glasses, who sat calmly on a nearby stone bench.

"It turned real bad, a catfight if you will. She said something really bad about my family, I said something back and it resulted in a war of nails and hair pulling."

Wow. I didn't know Cassy had it in her. But I guess we all have some limit of patience.

"I shouldn't have walked with him, because she thought he was... someone important to me and started saying crap about him. And when I asked her to leave him alone, her guy friend punched him. Sasha's guy was walking by and Tyler called him to ask if he only defended pretty girls. And that's how that heated conversation started." She sighed. "I just hope Will doesn't hate me now. He got punched for no reason. Just because I thought we'll walk home together."

What was Tyler's point?

"I don't think he's mad at you." I told Cassy, hoping her guilt will subdue.

"He doesn't seem to care." I pointed at Will, who was closely examining his glasses instead of his nose.

"He's a very reserved guy. Talks to almost no one and I somehow coaxed him into a friendship only for it to end up this way." She said. But she went to him anyway.

As she approached him, he looked up and gave her a small smile, making both me and Cassy relieved. With a smile, I turned to look at Zack and found no one.

Either they took their verbal argument somewhere else or it was over. Hoping it's the latter, I got out, searching for him. And finally, when I did, he was starting to cross the street.


He stopped abruptly and looked around with a frown until I reached him.

"Oh, hey." He smiled and I told him what Sasha wanted me to say. That his mom and sister were going out for shopping and that he has to pick up them.

I stifled a chuckle at his groan and called Sophie as he walked away.

"Hey, girlfriend!" Her chirping voice made me smile as I turned back.

"How's everything?"

"Yeah, pretty good. You? How's Tyler?"

"Arrogant as usual."

That got a chuckle. "Right. How's the saviour?"

"Oh, yeah. He's a super saviour. Apparently, he saves everyone from bullies."

"Hmhmm, cool. But I thought it was only you. Is he hot?"

"Don't you have anybody out there, Juliet?"

"Not really. Romeos are extroverts nowadays, I want an introvert Romeo." Just as she replied, someone called tapped me on my shoulder.

That someone was Zack and I thought myself lucky that I didn't answer her former question directly.

"Hey," I mumbled at Zack, confused and Sophie heard it.

"Is it Tyler? Give him the phone, I'll call him everything I want so that you'll be loaded with drinks and food."

"No, It's Zack." I whispered into the phone.

"Oh. Ooooohhhhh. Ooooohhhhhh."

She knew his name? Huh, am I the only one who has a bad memory here?

"You up to work?" He asked, arching an eyebrow and I nodded.

"Sorry, I was a little...occupied with my...thoughts before that I forgot to ask if you need a ride."

"Oh. No, it's okay. Thanks, though." I smiled. That was nice of him to ask.

"Come on, I can feel Sasha glaring at me through the phone. He waited for me to say yes and a silent laugh escaped me as I waved him off.

"It's fine. I'll tell her."

"Jump in, lady." he cocked his head towards his car and to my surprise, I did.

He made small talk as he did last time and I found myself enjoying the conversation.

"Thanks," I told him when he pulled the car to a stop before the cafe.

"You say that a lot. And you apologise a lot too, even if it's not your fault."  He shook his head with a smile. "Science says people will take advantage of you."

On my way back home, when I told Jake what Zack said, he completely agreed.

"But that just comes out," I shrugged.

"Yes, my dear. We will work on that." He nodded. "You've improved, actually. When I met you, you wouldn't talk back to anyone. Now, you do."


"Tell Noel and Theo that their favourite human asked about them." He shouted as I got in the bus.

And when I told my brothers that, they were happy. At least Noel was until he started doing his homework.

"This is crazy." He mumbled, looking at decimals with disgust.

"You think so? There's a storm in the name of calculus waiting for you, darling." I ruffled his hair and those green eyes twinkled with mischief as I closed the book.

We were perfect copies of each other. We had the same eyes, brown hair that couldn't help itself from forming waves and the exact same smile. Theo too, except that his eyes were a mix of amber and hazel- a feature he got from our mom.

Dad liked to tease mom and boast about us getting his features. So, when Theo made his grand entrance with mom's beautiful eyes, she was beyond thrilled.

"Traitor," was the first word dad said to his youngest son, with a mischievous smile.

According to Sophie, that was an 'attractive' feature that I should have had but pitifully didn't.

Speaking of Sophie...

I was about to dial her up and continue our last conversation when the doorbell rang. I opened the door, expecting to see mom's face but instead, an unfamiliar face greeted me.

He was taller than me, though not by much. The smug smile on his face stayed while he swayed.

It'd be a lie to say the man didn't frighten me.

"I am here to meet Shirley." he said, words slurry.

"Sorry, she isn't here." And with that, I shut the door closed. Or at least thought I did until the door opened back with full force.

"It's true." I widened my eyes at his audacity to push the door open.

"I can wait. She owes me money."

Oh, no.

"She won't come here." I mumbled and tried to close the door again. And this time, I saw his foot that blocked the door.

"Why don't I sit inside? You can give me some company."

"No, thanks." I made sure to kick his foot wedged between the door and the wall and when he pulled it back, I shut the door closed.

It took me a moment to catch my breath after I locked the door. But even then, he kept on knocking.

"Ivy?" I saw Noel on top of the stairs, with Theo behind him.

"Yeah? Why aren't you both sleeping?"

"The noise." Theo frowned. "Who's outside?

"Uh..."I closed my eyes with a sigh. "It's a... salesman?"

"Oh, can we buy something?"

Damn it. Wrong answer.

"He sells...kitchen appliances. We don't need any more of that, do we?" And before he could answer yes, I told him we'll buy something tomorrow.

"You are the best, Ivy." Theo cheered and I smiled with a nod.

"I'm flattered."

The conversation was between me and Theo. Noel didn't say anything. He didn't have to. He knows it isn't some salesman who's knocking on our door at night. But he took Theo back to the room anyway. And I stood there, back to the door until the knocking stopped.


Lack of sleep and the frustration of seeing a drunk idiot show up at night were eating me up. Mom owed him money, he said.

How much? And why? How many more such drunken bastards would show up again?

It was Sasha who pulled me back from the thoughts, saying something about an assignment.

"I declare myself as your partner if you don't mind." She said.

I didn't. I'm happy I got one. Apart from her, the only person I knew in lit class was Riley and she already had one.

"Will Noel and Theo be okay if I come home with you?" Sasha asked.

"Sure. They'll be very happy."

"Today evening?" She asked.

Uh, there comes the problem.

"Um, I'm actually having work..." I trailed off, looking at her.

"Cool. Tomorrow?" She asked hopefully.

" ...every day."

"Wonderful." She sighed and I gave her an apologetic smile. "What're we gonna do then?"

"I could arrange a few meets at the cafe?"

And that plan of mine was a success, only because of Jake and Marissa. Every time Sasha appeared with a pile of papers, they covered for me.

By the second week of the assignment, Sasha and I were closer than before. So were Zack and I.

So, when it was Friday and we still had a few more things to do, I asked her to come home.

"So, this Saturday?" Sasha asked me.

"Yeah. I'll be home around 4." I nodded.

"Okay then, time to see charming boys." she winked, making me laugh.

Yeah, very charming.

"You have plans on Sunday?"


"Work, work, work. I'm gonna drag you to a party one day, are you aware of that?"

"Aha. Where's your brother?" I asked her, finally. I thought that piece of information might come out on its own.

"Probably arguing with Tyler."

That brought a smile to my face. It feels like he was born to stand against Tyler.

"Holy moly, speak of the devil." She shook her head and I followed her gaze to find a scowling Zack approaching us.

"Tyler or business?" She asked him casually.

"What?" His scowl deepened.

"Reason for your face." she imitated his expression and I stifled a laugh.

"Firstly, I do not look like that." he narrowed his eyes at her. "And there's nothing. Are you coming or what?" 

"Nope. That's why I called you, but you were really busy with Tyler." she said, smirking.

"I was not-" He started, but she cut him off with an eye roll.

"He'll drop you." She said to me and I shook my head in protest.

"No, he has already dropped me a fair few times."

"Woah, I thought I was good company." He frowned with a hint of a smile.

"Oh no, not like that. I mean, you are." I nodded. "Good company, that is. But you don't have to help me all the time."

"I know I don't have to. But do you want to? Or at least need to?" His mouth twitched before tipping upward.

"What?" I chuckled, turning to ask Sasha if she understood what he meant. But I didn't see her anywhere near us.

Did she leave?

"That didn't make sense when it came out. It made sense in my head, though."

And with a silly conversation like that, he convinced me he didn't have any trouble dropping me off. Just as we were about to get in his shiny black car, I saw Tyler walking towards us.

"You going with him, princess?" He asked without a hint of smirk, frowning at Zack, who ignored him and got inside his car. "Last time when I offered you a ride, you refused. You don't have a problem when it's him?"

When I didn't say anything and got in the car, he scoffed. "He won't be there with his petty car today, sweetheart. Not when you have to work till midnight."

"Did he just threaten to make you work overtime?" Zack asked, frowning at Tyler's retreating figure and I gave a nod.

"I think he did."

"You okay with that?" He glanced at me before starting the engine and nodded again.


Theo and Noel are having a sleepover at Brandon's home, today. And I don't care about working late if they had company. And also, since Tyler did this the first time, I was prepared.

What I cared was about psychotic thieves robbing me at night.

"Do you have a ride, then?" He asked. "He might say I won't be there, but I totally can pick you up, if you want."

"Thanks, but it's okay." I don't want anyone to lose sleep because of me. Even Jake.

"I'll be out that time anyway. There's a party tonight. So, it's not an inconvenience." He mumbled as if he could read my mind.

Well...in that case.

"Thanks, but I don't want you to ditch the party early, only if -"

"Got it." He chuckled. "How's the assignment you guys are doing? Done with it?"

"Almost. It's lit."

"Ah, fun then.

"You think literature is fun?" It was my time to raise a brow and he shrugged.

"I love literature. It was my major."

Sasha said business was his major. But before I could clarify it, we reached our destination.

"There you go. And don't thank me, please." he added before he drove off, making me smile.

Later, when Sasha came by, I grabbed the book and lead her to a corner table.

"Aren't you going to take my order?" She smirked, sitting down.

"Well, in that case...what would you like to have, ma'am?"

"I think a cappuccino would do."


I just saw 2 views on the last chapter, and I'm about to have a heart attack 😇

I was planning to stop writing, but I guess I'll wait till you say me to.

Whoever you are, a big thank you ❤️ and a virtual hug!

Would like to know who you ppl are though 😋
🙏 Thanks

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