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Wearing their long coats and scarves to keep them warm, Taeyong and Jaehyun decided to have dinner at the designer's favorite restaurant. The model doesn't know anything so he'll just have to give his trust to the boy, including the French part. When they arrived, they were given a table that was most likely away from the crowd which was favorable.

The employees knew Taeyong, very well. He was always a private type of person so they decided to give the table to them. Jaehyun was fine with it, anything for the boy.

"You come here often?" Jaehyun asked, "With...someone?"

"Nope, I'm usually alone. But if I'll bring someone, I would be with my roommate. The nurse I was talking about. Remember her?"

The model nodded, "Yeah."

"Since you're here, I'll spend my time here with someone I like. It's weird to be in a romantic restaurant with no one in the first place," the designer chuckled, "Though, I only aim for the food here. It's really delicious."

"Can I ask a personal question? As a big fan of yours?"

Taeyong snickered, "Go ahead."

"Are you...really interested in men? Because you never disclosed it publicly," Jaehyun asked.

The boy hummed, "Yeah. I wasn't really interested in girls so I assume I like boys. Although, not a single man actually caught my attention."

"Should I be flattered?" the man joked.

"You just swayed me! You did something on the foods you gave me, am I right?!"

Jaehyun laughed, "Maybe. What if I did?"

Taeyong pouted, "I'll probably still like you without them..."

After a few minutes, their food arrived. A waiter served it and both were delighted with the smell. The boy was happy to see the man seemed to be excited to dig in. He would probably cook for him soon too. He wondered if Jaehyun will react the same when he serves a dish of his.

Later, a violinist appeared. He was playing a song for them and it just made the couple laugh from the romantic atmosphere. It was one of the restaurant's gimmicks to increase appeal and they are quite famous for dinners like this.

"I hope they didn't play you a song like this when you were with your friend," Jaehyun joked.

"Oh, they did. But she had to cut it. It felt weird," Taeyong answered with a smile on his face, "Nothing to be bothered about, Jaehyun. We're almost like siblings."

"Am not bothered, just curious."

The boy rolled his eyes with a smirk, "Alright. Whatever you say, Jaehyun."

They spent their time just inside the restaurant. The waiter could've been tired from getting wine for the both of them, well mostly, for Taeyong. The designer drank the most. He loves the wine at the place. Also, it felt nice. Taeyong has never been this comfortable talking to someone. He kept on smiling as well. Jaehyun's fun to be with.

After, they decided to take a walk. Jaehyun guided Taeyong. He was a little tipsy from all the wine. He was swaying while he's walking. The man's worried about him but the boy said he's fine, he just can't stop swaying.

There were many people around the place they ended up in. It was like a park. The Eiffel Tower can be seen as well. The place's very pretty with the lantern lights and nice plant arrangements. Jaehyun pulled out his phone to take a picture of the sight. This has been the closest he could get to the tower.

"This is cute," Taeyong commented.

After the model took a picture, he looked back at the designer who showed the photo he took. It was a picture of Jaehyun taking a picture of the tower. Taeyong chuckled at it.

"I want to take a picture of you too," Jaehyun said.

The boy nodded, "Okay, okay. I'll just act normal, right?"

Taeyong stood, looking at the tower, and has his fingers showing peace sign. Jaehyun took the picture behind him as well before he lets the boy take a look of it.

"I'll post this on Instagram," the man smiled, happy to finally post a picture of Taeyong on his feed. Even though, it wasn't exactly obvious that it was the designer.

"It would be obvious if I'll post it too, huh?"

"Well, we aren't hiding our relationship, are we?"

Taeyong shrugged, "I don't mind, honestly. But it's up to you...I'll just post it. Who the fuck cares."

Jaehyun chuckled, "Okay, go ahead."

The man went ahead to post the pictures he got on his social media. He posted it without any caption. He likes it that way. He doesn't want to waste some time to think of a caption.

"Jaehyun," the designer called.

The model hummed, looking ahead after he posts the photos, "Yeah?"

"Did you have any other relationships? Before me?"

Jaehyun smiled as he shook his head, "I didn't. I was too focused on you, even before you met me."

"No, like, before you found me?" Taeyong asked again.

"Nah, I wasn't interested. I was in the peak of my career so I was busy building my name in the modeling industry. Well, good thing I waited for you. Now, we're each other's firsts."

The boy smiled, "I hope to have great memories with you then. Know that I can be a handful sometimes but I promise to be good for you."

The man nodded, "We'll be good for each other, of course."

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