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A/N: this is a whopping 2.7k+ words and this is their first time doing it so,,, you're in for a treat, i think :D i hope i did well

After the project at Paris, the couple went back to Korea and lived together in an apartment they moved into, that was just near the company. Taeyong had to leave his past company but he was still open to get a project from them. For now, Jaehyun and Taeyong agreed on living in Korea. They quite enjoyed the atmosphere at Paris. Jaehyun's considering making it as their vacation place too.

They've settled in for another year in their relationship. Jaehyun has already spilled the news to the media about him and Taeyong. People went crazy and they immediately became a huge deal for a week. The news was spread through the internet which caught a lot of attention.

It didn't bother them honestly. They still went on to do their works and projects. Their relationship got sweeter as well with their family's support. They were such a wholesome couple.

Although, Taeyong has his needs.

He wanted to stay wholesome relationship for his boyfriend but he just couldn't help but drool for Jaehyun. He just makes people drool, generally. He makes them thirsty. He's a very attractive man and Taeyong did admit that long time ago. He also admitted to himself that he likes Jaehyun's body form the most. Well, that's what you when you have a boyfriend addicted to gyms.

He wasn't really innocent to begin with. He just acts good. He wants to have a little fun too. A little more thrill in their lives. But he wouldn't force Jaehyun into it. Besides, he's too shy to even ask.

In the weekends, it would always be their time to watch some movies. They would either buy the movie or watch it via Netflux that are interesting to them. Then they would sleep late for it until Taeyong falls asleep and Jaehyun must carry him to the bedroom sometimes.

"You want anything while we watch?" Jaehyun asked.

Taeyong hummed while he prepares the movie, "I bought a bottle of soju for this. Could you get it?"

The man grabbed it with a glass in his hand. He did bother to cook spicy ramen for himself and Taeyong. It's his cheat day anyway. He went towards their living room to place the bottle and glass on the coffee table then goes back for his noodles. Jaehyun then sat on the couch beside Taeyong after he turned the lights off. The boy finally played the movie.

Both of them sat comfortably. Jaehyun was confused why Taeyong decided to drink soju tonight. It's not a problem, just surprised. He learned that the designer loves his alcohols. He likes everything that's expensive like wine, with an exception for soju. In fact, Taeyong didn't need a glass. He just drank straight from the bottle.

"Soju?" the boy offered, already half empty even if they were just watching the movie for less than half an hour.

The man looked at it for a second before he nodded. He could already see Taeyong's flushed cheeks. He grabbed the bottle and took a quick sip before he gave it back.

"That tastes weird. I blame it on the ramen," Jaehyun commented.

Taeyong chuckled, "It can taste better."

"What?" the model smiled, "It can?"

The designer nodded. He gets the bottle, sips a little before he moved closer to the model. Jaehyun doesn't know what he was going to do but he didn't do anything to stop Taeyong. But he was surprised when Taeyong kisses him, letting him drink the soju that was inside his mouth. Somehow, it was sweeter.

Jaehyun didn't let the chance go and kisses back. He tried to suck on the last drops of the alcohol, letting his tongue clash with Taeyong's. The movie became muffled in the background, they were just too focused on each other. The model held the designer's jaw and leaned closer. But someone's phone suddenly rang.

"Oops, sorry about that..." Taeyong uttered, looking at his phone to see who messaged.

Jaehyun sat back and sighed. He continued watching the gay movie that Taeyong chose. The boy just messaged back before he puts his attention to the movie again. Well, that was wild of him. He never initiated a kiss like that but it could've been worse. It also just made him excited, or it's because of the soju. This alcohol just made him confident.

A little more minutes into the movie, the scene slowly becomes more intimate and the tension between the characters were obvious until the actors started to have sex. Taeyong tried to look over at Jaehyun if he has any reaction to it but he just has his straight face. This is why he decides to watch this movie. It's for this specific reason.

He doesn't know if Jaehyun likes the idea of lust between men. He's a very innocent and soft man.

"If we're to have sex right now, who would top?" Taeyong suddenly asked. He'll blame the alcohol for his attitude.

Jaehyun was taken aback and just chuckled, "I don't know. Who do you think?"

"It would obviously be you. I'd rather be banged."

The man laughed, "I know when you're drunk if you speak explicitly like this."

"I would be too drunk if I'll tell you I've been waiting for you to hold me."

"Yeah, you are too drunk so you can't finish that bottle."

Jaehyun grabbed the bottle of soju that only have a little liquid left. He drank the last bit before he stood, placing the empty bottle down on the table, and turned the TV off.

"Let's get you to bed. Movie's finished," the man announced.

The boy crossed his arms and pouted like a kid, "I'm serious though. We haven't had our first."

The man kissed his forehead, "We can do it next time. You still have work tomorrow. Aren't you in a hurry with your collection?"

Taeyong slowly nodded, reminding himself not to push Jaehyun into the idea, "Yeah...I forgot," he said with an upset tone but smiled at his boyfriend anyway, "You go ahead. I'll just sober up a bit..."

Jaehyun just stayed there, looking at his boyfriend who turned the TV on again to "sober up." Taeyong sighed. They weren't in a fight but the man felt the tension between him and his partner. The boy repeatedly said to himself, 'do something', to tell the man telepathically. He was waiting but just as expected, Jaehyun walked away.

Taeyong thought to himself he just ruined things in their relationship. He reminds himself not to open up like that. Of course, he doesn't want Jaehyun to be distant to him. That would be the death of him. And what if Jaehyun already looks different at him differently?

"You can't sober up if you're just going to watch another movie."

The boy looked up beside him, seeing the man standing and holding a small bottle that was for sobering. He smiled at Jaehyun, "I can handle myself. Go ahead and sleep. Thank you--"

"I won't hold you if you're drunk. Got that?"

Taeyong took a second before he realized what Jaehyun said. But he just watched the man took a sip on the bottle, and just like what he did a while ago, Jaehyun leaned closer to him and kissed him, forcing him to drink. The man knew Taeyong doesn't like the taste of it, so he'll have to do it in a way for the boy to drink it.

Taeyong tightly gripped onto Jaehyun's shirt with the other hand on the man's nape, not wanting him to let go. Jaehyun doesn't have any plan to anyway. Just like the boy, he has his needs. Just hearing Taeyong wanting to give himself to him was enough for him to take a move.

Their tongues savoring the taste in each other's mouths with their eyes closed. The medicine tasted better, or was it just because Jaehyun did it like what he did?

Jaehyun held him by the waist. He slowly adjusted to lay Taeyong on the couch with their lips and hands still on each other. When making out, they would just sit on each other's sides but now that the man's on top of the boy, it felt better. He has better control. It was also more intimate.

The boy hummed against the kiss, sucking on his boyfriend's tongue. The man's hands started caressing the boy's skin under the shirt. Their kisses and make outs weren't this great. But to his dismay, the man pulled away. He opened his eyes slowly when he felt the couch shifted. He saw Jaehyun stood and walked into their bedroom without any word.

Taeyong felt dizzy. He needed to take some air so he panted heavily. He stayed down on the couch, light sweat on his forehead. He felt so hot. He was confused to why Jaehyun suddenly walked away.

Just as he was about to call out for him, Jaehyun comes out of their room with his shirt off. The boy swallowed the saliva stuck in his throat and felt himself get flushed from the sight of his half-naked boyfriend. He didn't even realize Jaehyun has a bottle of lube and some packets of condom.

"Aren't you teasing now?" Taeyong commented.

Jaehyun chuckled, smirking, and combs his hair back, "Do you feel being teased?"

The boy blushed, "Yeah..."

"Just setting up the mood," the model uttered and sat on the space between the designer's legs, "Both of us are new to this so you need to tell me if it hurts. Do you promise?"

"Oh, god, now that this is happening, I suddenly felt overwhelmed..."

"Do you want to continue?"

Taeyong sat up to remove his shirt as well, "Of course!"

Jaehyun watched him strip and it made him feel sort of things, "Now, you're the one teasing," he said, "Come here."

"How come I'm the one teasing?!" the boy then went to sit on the man's lap and wrapped his arms around the other's neck as he whined.

He heard a chuckle from the man. He just watched his boyfriend grabbed the lube and putting some on his hand. Jaehyun spreads it around his fingers and while he does, he went to start placing kisses on Taeyong's neck and collarbones. He licks and sucks on the skin softly. The boy felt his heart flutter at the sweet gesture. He's a sucker for pecks.

Taeyong tensed a bit when he felt Jaehyun sliding his hand with lubed fingers inside his shorts from behind.

"Relax, I'll prepare you well. Tell me if it hurts," Jaehyun whispered, his hot breath ghosting against Taeyong's skin.

The boy nodded, hugging the man and made himself expect pain. He flinched when he felt something cold pressed against his supposed entrance. He tried so hard to relax, not wanting to give the man a hard time. He sighed and when the model felt it was good to go, he slowly inserted his lubed finger.

Taeyong's breathing hitched, squealing a bit. Jaehyun continues to place soft kisses on his boyfriend's skin, trying to distract him. He inserts his finger deeper very slowly and patiently. The boy's thighs tensed.

"Does it hurt?"

The boy just shook his head, "I-It feels weird..."

"Tell me if you want to stop."

He received a nod. He just continued and thrusted to start loosening him up. He was patient enough to do this. He didn't want to hurt him and look like it was only for his own pleasure. Although, he won't last long. His sweatpants start to feel tight.

"I'll insert another one."

Taeyong nodded. Jaehyun added another one slowly and thrusted both of his fingers. It stings, the boy thought. Their position feels weird too. He doesn't like it.

"C-Can I just lay down?" the boy asked.

"Ah, of course."

Jaehyun pulled his fingers out before he laid Taeyong down on the couch. The boy even removed his shorts, leaving him bare. The man didn't even expect it but he didn't take his time. He immediately went to continue. He gets the lube and adds more before he inserted both of his fingers again.

Taeyong exhaled and Jaehyun saw how flushed his cheeks are right now. The boy's eyes were hazy, half-opened, with his mouth agape a bit. His breathing became heavy. His body even looked ethereal, pale and smooth. The man couldn't help but to feel eager.

He thrusted his fingers faster and was able to go deeper. He saw the boy jolting and letting out soft whines. Taeyong's hand held the man's shoulder for support while the other covered his mouth. Jaehyun's free hand held a thigh down, to keep the boy's legs from closing. This was torture to him.

Jaehyun added one more finger for good measures. He felt Taeyong's grip tightened on his shoulder. He slowly loosens him with three fingers, trying to be patient. He could see the boy's erection was already leaking and he was sure that his is too.

He continued thrusting, deeper until his knuckles were left. He pressed places, trying to look for Taeyong's spot. It didn't even take him a minute before he found it. Taeyong lets out a loud moan. Jaehyun pressed it again and heard another moan that made his cock twitch inside his pants.

"That feels good..." the boy commented weakly with teary eyes.

The man smiled and went to kiss the boy, "You want to take more time preparing or do you want the real thing?"

Taeyong chuckled, "Fucking give it to me."

Jaehyun pulled the fingers out and grabbed a condom. He pushed his pants down then wore the protection. Taeyong didn't dare to peek and just waited, quite anxious. The boy finally felt large hands hold his hips and pulled him closer. He then felt something poking and softly whined in anticipation.

"I'm pushing in."

The man did and the boy held his breath as his boyfriend slowly entered. Taeyong's head started to get fuzzy. Jaehyun seemed to slide in just nicely, a little tight, but the boy was able to stay relaxed. The man sighed, feeling the warmth surrounding his length. He was able to be inside until the base. Taeyong twitched when his spot got brushed.

Jaehyun didn't move. He leaned in and placed soft kisses on Taeyong's chest. He felt hands caressing his head and nape, as well as legs wrapping around his waist.

"Start moving," the boy demanded.

The man hummed, "You sure?"


The model started thrusting his hips shallowly and slowly. The designer panted heavily, toes curling and tightly gripping on the man's hair. Jaehyun unconsciously started to thrust a little faster. He starts to get an angle to find the spot again. When he heard Taeyong moan again, the man pulled away to get better control, still keeping the angle.

He held the boy's hips again and thrusted faster, pulling out halfway and slamming back in. Taeyong arched his back with his hands on the man's shoulders, moaning repeatedly for every thrust.

"I want to take things slow but I'm sorry," Jaehyun kissed Taeyong's neck before he thrusted faster that was a little too much for their first time.

Although, Taeyong likes it.

The boy moaned like a whore. He didn't know he could let out such noises. His eyes started to let out tears from pleasure. He could feel Jaehyun deep inside him and it was purely ecstasy. His mind got clouded even worse when his boyfriend started placing hickeys and bites around his neck, collarbones and chest. Taeyong couldn't help but dig his blunt nails and scratching Jaehyun's back and arms.

Jaehyun was just as pleasured as Taeyong. He was weak but kept on pounding into the boy anyway. Their breathing was ragged and hot. Skin on skin, it felt like a dream. Their stomachs started to feel like churning. Taeyong's knew he was getting close.

"Oh, god...Don't stop," Taeyong begged as he threw his head back.

Jaehyun nodded, "Sure, baby. I won't...I'll let you come."

The man continued for a few minutes before the boy finally came. Taeyong moaned loudly as he lets out all of his cum, painting his own stomach with it. Jaehyun kept thrusting, letting the boy ride his high, while he chases his own climax. A little over a minute, the man finally came.

Both of them panted heavily, catching their breaths. Jaehyun and Taeyong then shared an intimate kiss. The man slowly pulls out, hearing his boyfriend whined. He threw the filled condom before he went to clean Taeyong.

"A-Ah! Jaehyun!"

The man sighed, "I knew your back would ache."

Taeyong faked a cry while Jaehyun massages his back early in the morning. He had to leave a day for work to get some rest with his boyfriend and take care of him. The model mentally noted he should place a pillow under the designer's back next time.

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