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I was now at Paloma's house. It was very late. We were very busy with a client's work. Parker was also with us.

"Gosh let me.... Look at the time it's late.", Paloma said rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm.
"Um Riley weren't you saying something about picking someone up.", Parker said and immediately my eyes widen and I hurriedly started packing all my stuff.

Oh, shoot! Ansel was coming back today. How could I forget, after anticipating it since Sunday?

"Parker can you give me a ride back home, I already sent my driver home.", I said slipping on my flats.
"Sure, Paloma can I take your car?", he asked
"Yeah, hurry.", she said tossing him the key and we headed out.

We got in the car and he sped away. We had all come in Paloma's car. She was going to drop both of us at our houses. I had told Mekhi to only take care of picking up Ansel from the airport. It was when we were in the car that we decided to stay a while at her house and finish some things since we were behind schedule.

I had no problem with it cause the house has been really quiet since Ansel left.

"You seem eager to meet him.", Parker started.
"You have no idea."
"When did he leave?", Parker asked.
"Saturday.", I said.
"Well he didn't leave for long.", Parker said
"It's just the two of us and some workers so it was pretty quiet.", I said.

"You have workers. He must be really rich."
"Lucky you. And he does love you right.", he said.

"I'm sorry is just that some...Well, most people who get married to rich people just do it for the money and they end up never loving each other. I'm talking out of experience.", he said and I looked at him.

Was he already married, or were his parents in such a marriage?

"I left my parents' household when I found out, they never loved each other. I left everything, even my so-called inheritance.", he said.

"I'm...how...", I didn't know what to say. He didn't look sad or anything like that.
"Don't worry. You don't have to say anything. Just make sure yours doesn't end up like my parents."

We arrived at the house and Oscar opened the gate.
"Thank you for the ride.", I said
"Would you...uh want to see Ansel.", I suggested.
"Oh no, you're already excited enough. Now go.", he said and I thanked him before I left.

I opened the door and when I saw him. I didn't know when I squealed and ran over to hug him. He stumbled a bit but hugged me back. I took some time to inhale his muscular scent.

"I missed you so much.", I said.
"Told you."
"Oh whatever like you didn't miss me.", I said pulling away but his hands were still around my waist and mine on his neck.
"Well the house was kinda quiet soo...", I trailed off.

"I thought Nicola and the others kept you company."
"Yeah but it was not the same when you were here.", I said. "No offence though.", I said to Nicola.
"None taken.", she said with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry I came late we were so caught up in work and lost track of time.", I said.
"You've been at the office since?"
"Oh no. We moved to Paloma's house to continue. Have you had dinner?", I asked.

"You didn't even wait for me you hungry motherf**ker.", I said.
"I was starving and I had no guarantee of when you were coming back. But don't worry to make it up to you, we'll have dinner together tomorrow.", he said and I sighed.

"Well I should head upstairs.", I said.
"Yeah, you should have a shower, you wreak of sweat.", he laughed and I shoved him a bit.

"I do not, but I'll go, not because you think I stink, but because I want to.", I huffed and headed up.
"I didn't mean it though you know you always scent amazing.", he shouted back causing me to smile.

When I was done. I headed downstairs for dinner. I didn't see Ansel so I assumed he was in his study. I ate dinner and once I was done, I headed up to the room.

I entered and saw him laying on the bed. I changed into my nightwear and lay on the bed. He was facing me and all I could look at were his lips.
"Do you wanna tell me something?", he asked and his eyes flickered open.
"Oh um..how'd you know I was here."

"Simple, I have magic.", he said and I chuckled.
"Yeah right.", I said sarcastically and he closed his eyes.
"I'm kidding, just felt the bed dip and I knew it was you.", he said with his eyes closed.

"So how was the trip, did you get to spend enough time with your friend...what's his name."
"Parker... Parker Jhames."

"I know a Parker, but it's not the one you know.", I said.
"So how were things at home for you?", he asked looking into my eyes. His gaze made me adjust so I would be looking at the ceiling.

"It was quiet. Though May came on Saturday. Then on Sunday, it seemed like everyone had a day off."
"Did you give them?", he asked.
"No, but they all had important things to do and I couldn't say no. Then Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were just work.", I said.
"Hmm.", he said sounding sleepy.

"Riley.", he called but I was still looking at the ceiling. "Did you miss me that much, or you just missed the fact that I wasn't in the house with you."

"I can't miss you for such a fact 'cause I had Nicola and the others with me.", I said and turned to face him. "I did miss you.", I said and once again my gaze drifted to his lips.

"I also missed you.", he said and I looked up at him to find him looking at me. Then he closed his eyes. "We should sleep.", he said.
"Yeah.", I said and let myself drift into sleep.

I woke up and Ansel was there. I was shocked 'cause this was the first time since we got married that I woke up with him on the bed. Every time I would wake up he won't be on the bed, up until today. I lay for some time just staring at him. He looked so calm and peaceful as he was asleep.

Something made me wonder if he would have ever stared at me while I slept each morning he had woken up before me. The way he slept made me quiet so I won't wake him.

Silently, I got up and got ready for work. When I was done, I dressed and applied some makeup. I was wearing a blue palazzo with green stripes. I wore a green inner top and a blue jacket. My hair was in a simple ponytail. I finished it with black ankle boots.

Satisfied with myself, I took my handbag and was about to go when Ansel called me back.
"Leaving already.", he said rubbing his eyes as he sat up. "How early is it?", he asked. The curtains were down so am sure he couldn't tell.
"Looking at my watch, It's eight-thirty.", I said and groaning he laid back on the bed.

I walked over to the bed and sat beside him. "You should get some rest.", I said.
"You too, you worked overtime yesterday.", he said.
"But on my own accord, plus I've taken many days offs. So I'm going now. You get some rest.", I said and stood up and he groaned.

"Riley.", he called back again and I turned around on my heel.
"Missing me already.", I said.
"Just wanna tell you, you look beautiful.", he said and I looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I guess I did look good.

"Thanks. See you later then.", I said.
"Sure.", he said and I left.

I got to work and imagine the shock on my face when I saw Parker and Paloma very, I mean very very close. The office was quite scanty.

"Hello.", I said and they moved apart quickly and pretended like nothing was happening. I kinda felt bad for ruining their moment.

"Oh hi Riley, hope you got enough rest?", Parker asked.
"Oh I got enough thanks for asking.", I said. "Oh um Parker can you get me a cup of coffee?", I asked with inner intentions.
"But....fine.", he grumbled and left.

"So mind telling me.", I said to Paloma and she looked at me.
"What?", she asked.
"Oh don't what me, you know what I mean. You and Parker?", I asked.
"There's nothing to it.", she said and continued looking at the papers on her desk.

I stretched out and closed them.
"You can't just say there's nothing to it.", I said.
"Okay, we might have just kissed some times."

"What?", I said and despite the shock on my face she continued.
"But I'm serious there's nothing more to it. I like him, he likes me but we're not going more than that.", she said. "I'm not at least.", she added.

"What do you mean, you like him, he likes you, you should go more than that.", I said.
"Yeah, but no.", she said.
"So you're taking this as some fling?", I asked.

"You can't just have some fling with your work partner.", I said with air quotes at the word fling. "What if something goes wrong, it'll most definitely affect your work relationship."

"Oh that's not a problem, we're gonna keep this strictly personal.", she said and just then Parker came. I don't know if it was me, but I felt he took longer than usual to get the coffee, but I said nothing about it.

I was on my way back home. This time I decided to drive myself back home. I was kinda pissed with Paloma, she was toying with Parker's feelings. If he got hurt, it won't be good for any of us. Parker had noticed my behaviour and had asked me about it, but I just told him I wasn't in the mood.

The ride was silent and the radio volume was turned down. I heard my phone ringing so I checked it. It was Jessie, Caleb's wife. It'd been a long since we spoke. She was so nice and fun like her children.

She had been married to Caleb for six years now and had given birth to two kids, twins, Leah and Lincoln.
"Hello Jessie, how are you?", I asked.
"Riley.", she said sounding like she had been crying.
"Jessie what's wrong."
"It's Caleb, he was just in an accident."

My leg abruptly hit the brake and the car behind me bumped heavily into mine causing my car to jerk forward.
"W..where are you guys.", I said as the car behind me passed mine, the driver hurling some curses.
"Lakeview Hospital.", she said.

"Okay, I'll be there now."
"Riley, please hurry, I don't know what to do.", she said and I immediately did a sharp U-turn causing some loud honks from other cars but I didn't care as I sped of. I had lost my mum. I couldn't lose Caleb, not now.

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The Sparkling Authoress

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