Seventeen....... Trust

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The next day was the party but I honestly didn't feel like going. Sadly, I had to be present, the three of us had to be there. I went to tidy up, but Ansel wasn't in the room. I guess he was angry with me.

I had to tell him I was going out so he won't have to worry about me. Once I got downstairs I served myself some breakfast. Cj was sick.

I settled on a long wine dress. The upper part was fitted but the lower part was flair. I wore a silver heel and matched it with a silver purse. I tied my hair up in a tight bun and left.

When I got down I went off and drove out. Soon, I arrived at the party. It was a small event hall that was being launched. Now looking at the place I was impressed.

The launch ceremony went well and soon we were announced as the interior designers. Parker gave a speech. We three decided that he should, Paloma was terrible at public speaking. I wasn't good at talking for long, and that made him the most suitable candidate.

The party was going well. It was nice and I got to know some people who wanted to design their places, new clients for me then.

I was talking with Parker when I caught sight of someone, Daphne. Did she know someone here? She was flirting with some man I didn't know, typical.

I walked up to her when I noticed the man was not falling for whatever she was telling him.

She saw me but she didn't look surprised.
"Daphne nice to see you.", I said and the man left immediately as she wanted to introduce him.

"Riley, how lovely it is for me to see you.", she said sarcasm dripping off every word.
"Did you know I was here?", I asked.
"What, did you think you were the only one who knew rich people.", she said and I sighed.

"You know that's not what I meant.", I said.
She hesitated, "Why should I even tell you, I'm sure you were gonna reprimand me for flirting with that man.".

How did she know that?
"I know you Riley.", she said.
"Okay did I just say that out loud?", I asked.

"I have known you for a long time, I know how you react to things and how you don't. I have also known you've hated Derrick, my mum and me.", she said.

"Daphne I am sorry for all I have done and I want to make it up to you.", I said.
"You, want to make things up with the three people you've hated for like more than sixteen years now.", she said incredulously.

"Okay, how about we hang out some time at my place tomorrow, you can invite...."
"Oh no, I am not going back to your house.", she said and collected another glass of wine from the tray a waiter held.

"Daphne I know I was very mean to you and I know I have been nothing like a sister, but I'm serious now. I have realised the chance I have been missing out on and now I want to get it back while I still can.", I said.

Before she could reply, Paloma came.
"Sorry to interrupt.", she said to Daphne who nodded and sipped from her wine. "Riley we're about to go.", she said.

We all came to the office first then came to this place together. Now we all had to go back to the office first before heading to our houses.
"Fine I'm coming.", I said and she left. I looked at Daphne for her reply.
"First of all, apology accepted.", she said and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Though I can't come. I'm travelling tomorrow and Derrick's back at school.", she paused. "Riley, if you really want to make things right, meet my mum. I feel she's the person you need to make things right with the most.", she ended.

"Thank you.", I said and she nodded before I left.

I got home, very late. It was almost midnight. When we got to the office, we had a little celebration, but I guess I lost track of time. Normally, I would have stayed at Paloma's, but I had to come home.
I had forgotten to tell Ansel where I went. I just hoped he was asleep by now. I drove in silently and got into the house silently.

The TV was on and I knew Ansel was there. I hoped he was asleep.
"Where are you coming from?", he asked. God. I didn't want to explain anything. Not right now.

"I don't think it is necessary to tell you everything.", I blurted out.
"Yes!! Riley you have to tell me everything.", he yelled as he stood up.
"Well I'm sorry but you are not my dad, to keep tabs on me every...."

"I may not be your dad, but I am your husband Riley, your husband!", he shouted.
"So? Does that mean you should know every single place I am? That you should breathe down on my neck every time!"

"Yes! I am your husband that's what I'm meant to do!", he yelled and I just had to blow it.
"Well I didn't sign up for such a marriage!", I yelled back.

"Yes, I am fully aware of the type of marriage you signed up for, but if anything happens to you, I am going to be the one to take the blame.", he said.

I sighed. "I can't do this, not now.", I said tiredly and before I left, he grabbed a very tight hold of my wrist and spun me sharply to face him.

The anger was visible in his eyes. My wrist started to hurt.
"Let go of me."
"You didn't answer me.", he said and now I felt just pain and my vision blurred with signs of tears.
"Let go of me Ansel, you're hurting me!", I yelled.

It took him some moments before he let go. The anger was gone, now replaced with something else, worry.

"I went to a party okay! A launch for an event hall that I and my colleagues had designed, there!! You can call my boss if you want to!", I yelled and a tear slipped down my cheek.

I spun around and ran upstairs. I locked the door and sat on the bed, my wrist was hurting but that was just a sensation. I also felt scared, scared like I had never been. I had never seen this side of him and I didn't like it.

The next day, I hadn't stepped out until I heard a knock on the door. I decided not to answer, knowing it was Ansel. He had knocked sometime after I locked the door but I didn't answer.

"Riley, it's me, Nicola.", I heard, but I thought Ansel didn't allow anyone into his room. "I'm not coming in, just came to tell you that breakfast is ready in case you want to, but I suggest you do.", she said and left.

I didn't want to go, I didn't want to see him or forgive his sorry face so soon. But the growling from my stomach forced me to head downstairs.

Luckily, he wasn't there. I ate breakfast in silence. A part of me wanted to know where he was. Was he feeling bad, or was he still angry? I pushed the thought away.

I heard movement and looked to see him settling down on the farthest chair away from me, at least he knew well not to sit close to me.

I wanted to get up and leave, but I was too hungry to leave, plus the food was very good. We stayed there silently. I could feel him staring at me, but I didn't look up.

I stood and went to wash my plates. When I was done, I turned around to see Ansel standing there and I jerked. I calmed myself with a hand on my chest from the little scare.

I was about to leave when he held me back and I pulled away from his grip to look at him.

"Are you scared of me?", he asked with a pleading tone.
I just looked at him and walked away, but he called me back. I don't know why but I stopped.

"Please Riley, just talk, say something. Yell at me, hit me, shout at me, but please say something."
"I'm not gonna shout at you, I'm tired of doing that.", I said and wanted to go upstairs but he held my hand, so softly like it was something so fragile.

I looked at our hands and he immediately let go leaving my hand to fall limply to my side.
"Please Riley, I...let me explain.", he said as he slowly guided me to a chair for me to sit.

"Yes, I agree that not because I'm your husband I have to keep tabs on you every time. You are also your own person. You deserve to be free and not tied to someone you're not interested in.", he said.

Did he think I didn't have feelings for him? He should know I did.

I wanted to say something but he stopped me.
"I am truly sorry. Since I've known you, I've never thought of hurting you in any way at all, I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I was just... There's no justification for how I overreacted yesterday.", he ended and he was already on his knees.

Since he was tall and I was sitting he was some inches lower than me. Before my brain could think of what to say, I pressed my lips to his.

He was shocked for a moment and then returned the kiss making me melt into it, forgetting the reason why I was angry with such a man.

He held me tight as I yearned for more. With one hand clutching onto his shirt and the other striking his cheek, he deepened the kiss. I moaned and realised this was going too far. He slowly pulled away.

I hugged him and he sighed into my chest. I don't think I could ever be angry at him for so long.

"I'm sorry.", he murmured.
"Fine, but never do that again, ever.", I said.

"I promise, I would never physically or emotionally hurt you, ever.", he said and I smiled. One he returned.

"But Ansel you need to trust me. Trust that I won't do anything stupid and that I'll be fine okay.", I said and he nodded.
"Yes, I should, I will.", he said and he pulled me in for yet another intoxicating kiss. One filled with passion and desire as our tongues found their rhythm.

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The Sparkling Authoress

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